Saskatchewan Breaking: Multiple Stabbing Fatalities (Bumped)

Update3: Finally “Saskatoon police confirm that they’ve been searching for James Smith Cree Nation suspect Myles Sanderson since May.”


Update1: The latest from the worst news-talk station in the country.

Suspects are still at large. Police will release an update at 10:30am.

At yesterday’s press conference a question was asked about the criminal backgrounds of the suspects. Incredulously, they responded “At this point we’re still in the initial stages of the investigation and determining that information.”, as though that isn’t at their fingertips. Not a single reporter pushed back.

Well, here’s Crime Stoppers from May 27th.

Original post below.
10 dead, 15 injured at 13 different locations at James Smith Cree Nation, Weldon, SK… some apparently targeted, others random.

Live police news conference now

Suspects are still at large.

Damien Sanderson, left, and Myles Sanderson. Thought to be in a black Nissan Rogue with Sask. licence 119 MPI.


BTW, if you’ve been listening to the live coverage as Rawlco’s CKOM news reporters focus on the safety of tens of thousands of fans at Mosaic stadium attending the Rider game, as if the two wanted men are likely to burst through the gates and begin attacking spectators at random — no, your ears are not deceiving you. This is their norm. The CKOM newsroom is unwavering in their commitment to stupidity.

Update: According to Yakowennahskats Media, these are better photos.

134 Replies to “Saskatchewan Breaking: Multiple Stabbing Fatalities (Bumped)”

  1. I’m very interested to see what narrative the press builds around this. If the suspects were white, their task would be obvious. The fact that they’re indigenous complicates things. You could position this as a reaction to oppression and cultural genocide, except most of their victims were indigenous, so that makes no sense.

    It’s also difficult to explain a mass killing as the result of mental illness when two persons take part. This was intentional and pre-meditated.

    I think that this is going to give Canada’s state-run press a very difficult time. They can’t ignore it because of the severity of the crime, and they can’t explain it away with a simple narrative that blames it on racism, or Christianity, or reactionary white nationalists. They will try to do this, but it won’t really work. Our press might be reduced to merely reporting on the facts of the case, which will break their self-righteous, moralizing little hearts.

  2. I was in Saskatchewan back in May, having just left La Ronge, when a small group of drug dealers started shooting the place up. The theory was that they had been good suppliers but their users were letting them down. It made the local paper including a photo of a guy walking down the main street holding a gun. Allegedly they shot up the RCMP cruiser(s), locked themselves in a house and then mysteriously disappeared. About a week later the article seemed to disappear from the newspaper. I had just summed it up to “today in North Saskatchewan” or “things not to tell the tourists”. But if you keep letting these guys go … it will never stop.

  3. If the RCMP is convinced that they are still in Regina, I think that means it’s pretty clear that these two guys are no longer even in Canada.

    They could certainly have gotten to the border yesterday. How easy is it to sneak across the border through a field? Would a reserve in the US shelter them?

  4. I am thinking by now there could well be more bodies and they are either holed up in some victims home or driving a different vehicle. The really have nothing to lose.

  5. Never let a tragedy go to waste. At 4pm our Dear Leader will address his media regarding the knife attack. No word on whether he will be tearfully holding his teddy bear.

    1. I’d be surprised if “understanding root causes” isn’t mentioned.

      Aboriginal communities bear the brunt of progressive justice because the criminals often return to the reserve and victimize more aboriginal people.

  6. It’s quite certain the Sandersons never donated to the Freedom Convoy. Otherwise the RCMP would have tracked them down and the CBC would be calling them incessantly.

  7. L – “The police are guardians of society, not guarantors of individual safety.” -B.C. Court of Appeal, Justice Ross Colver.

    The smallest, most persecuted minority, in Canada is the individual, no longer regarded as sacred, nor sovereign by the government, whose only legitimacy is derived from the consent of the governed.

    Shelter in place? Is that because victims lying in the street would be…awkward politically so?
    Lying bleeding out or bled out inside one’s castle, not so much. Back in the last century, it was
    commonly said that a man’s home is his castle, within which he was sovereign, not a prisoner
    as the Covid-19 Lockdowns(shelter in place), and all such orders, are now premised on.

    The true victim in the S.C.C. decision Gladue, was the husband who had been murdered.
    Being of the same ethnic group as the murderer, the S.C.C. had no sober second thought,
    of who would end up being even the majority of the victims of their Identity Politics reasoning.

    As consecutive sentencing for mass murderers is no longer lawful, according to the courts.
    The volume discount of concurrent sentencing elevates the status of mass murderers to
    a podium of Olympic competition.

    As the song’s refrain says: “We’ve been dancing with the devil way too long. I know it’s hard but get ready to pay your dues. …”

    In the absence of the foundational values, reverting to building a house/nation state on sand; it never turns out well. May the deceased, Rest In Peace, the rest of us have some work to do.

  8. We lived in fear of the knife until we invented the gun.. Im sure Justin will be mandating sporks to keep us all safe..

  9. Trudeau will give a speech in a few days in which he will tell us – with a straight face – that the biggest threat in Canada are white supremacists.

    he will anounce that more of our tax dollars will distributed to native indians

    And stupid people will clap like trained seals and will hate us -white men- a little more.

  10. *

    WELDON, Sask. – RCMP say Damien Sanderson, 31, one of two suspects (APPARENTLY BROTHERS)
    in a deadly stabbing rampage in Saskatchewan, was discovered outdoors in a grassy area on
    the James Smith Cree Nation.

    Police say he had visible injuries that were not self-inflicted.


  11. Sounds like they’ve found one of the perps on the rez. Dead. The locals might have taken care of business. The rez has it’s own rules when someone is acting up and threatening. It’s always been thus.

    The rcmp is quick on the trigger with the emergency alerts. Guess they got the memo after their Nova Scotia performance.

  12. I guess they’ve found one of the perps dead on the rez.

    The locals mighta taken care of business? It’s the way of the rez when someone starts acting up and threatens the people.

    Word is the other guy is badly injured.

  13. When they find the second perp dead on the reserve,who will they say was driving the escape car?
    With the RCMP and CBC providing us coverage,we will find out what really happened on the 11th of never.

  14. Well don’t be asking me … but it would seem that the dead brother never made it out of the area, and only the one remaining brother got as far as Regina? Or they doubled back, and this all happened later. I think it more likely that the one brother, perhaps now accompanied by a new accomplice (if the dead one was ever an accomplice and not another victim) was on the run after terminating the other suspect, and with the experience of those other two fugitives who ended up discovered in northern Manitoba, they could be much further from Regina than people think. I wouldn’t even rule out northern Ontario or BC.

    The vehicle he or they are in won’t last forever (gas will run out and it’s very risky to get gas now) and they may already be in another vehicle that they acquired either through theft or fraud, so far undetected by police as far as we know.

    This could go on for a while, if it has anything to do with drug dealing, the perp would have possible assistance all over the place, some of it not known to the police.
