When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Post Millennial;

A judge has granted President Donald Trump’s request to have a special master review the documents seized during the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Trump’s motion to appoint a special master “to review the seized property for personal items and documents and potentially privileged material subject to claims of attorney client and/or executive privilege” by Judge Aileen Cannon.

The judge also “temporarily enjoins” the government from “reviewing and using the seized materials” pending the completion of the review…

More here: She also halts use of the materials for “criminal investigative purposes” pending the special master’s review.

July Kelly: So contrary to media reports and DOJs filing, Trump’s team didn’t seek a special master “too late” in the process. His lawyer asked for one the day after the raid … They stole some of Trump’s medical records

28 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Of course they have already sifted through everything they wanted, discarded or added what they wanted.

    I’m guessing that the “11K unclassified documents” that were seized was the intended target. Russia, Russia, Russia hoax criminal investigations, current Clinton lawsuit information, investigations into the FISA warrant against the 2016 Trump campaign.

    Everything BUT classified govt documents.

  2. Here’s the thing. A special master is brought in after the fact in this case. So, the DOJ is on the “honor system”. They have proven that they are not deserved of that benefit. They will use all information in some capacity. Some will be leaked to the press. Some will be held in abeyance to pressure individuals down the road. There are countless applications, and it will be applied to the fullest.

    1. I imagine having security cameras everywhere wouldn’t be a good thing for the FBI investigation team…

  3. And Biden in his hostile speech of last Thursday said that Republicans do not respect the rule of law.

    “Accuse others of what you are doing” is the Alinsky rule that Democrats follow to the letter.

  4. And now the LEAKS spring forth like a boat hull being cleaned with an AR-15 …

    Dirty cops
    Dirty Lawyers
    Dirty Bureaucrats
    Dirty Media

  5. As I have said before….I would have three questions for the Gestapo….sorry….FBI…..

    What did you steal?
    What did you plant?
    What did you destroy?

  6. The next national election will be the iron test of whether there is still rule of law in the USA. If the Clinton Archepelago insists that only their people can count ballots and only without invigilation (and without cameras, this time) then either a national divorce or a civil war will be coming soon.

  7. It’s a questionable ruling at best where the judge basically did the work of Trump’s lawyers for them ie turned their inept clownish filing into something semi-sensible. In any event, the investigation is not halted. It started before obtaining the stolen documents and will continue through a pause in reviewing them.

  8. Good luck trying to find a special master that isn’t compromised. If the FBI/DOJ agree to a certain special master, be aware.

  9. I am wondering if anyone can name a more investigated individual than Trump. There was calls for impeachment before he took office. Even with a 30 or 40 million dollar investigation when Muller turned it over to congress they had to create something to have a basis to even start impeachment and pursue their stated goal. And yet the TDS crowd still is maintaining the only reason he is getting a special master is they got it before a Trump appointment. Meanwhile, in order to get the warrants to search they only used a JP,with limited legal understanding and a known Trump hater and Democrat supporter. No one is safe.

  10. I’m surprised they haven’t just assassinated the Donald so they could then start jailing/slaughtering MAGA people.
    All in due time, I guess.

  11. Regarding the bottom link, making a request like that during a hearing almost always gets rejected. You make a filing, the other side counters, then you have a hearing on the subject. Sometimes there’s additional replies before the hearing.

    In the 2 weeks between the search and a filing being made, it’s likely all the items were looked through so this is somewhat moot except for one thing., the government now has to wait before seeking an indictment.

    August 22 Trumps lawyers file their lawsuit. It was deficient and needed to be refined, not only that, they didn’t ask for a preliminary injunction, so the judge never gave one. That means between the search date and Sept 5 – the day of the order – status quo remained.

    There’s more. In her filing she made exceptions. Matters of national security or for classification reasons. So the DOJ can still access the seized materials. No doubt they own most of the seized materials.

    The reality is this is hardly a win, and it shows the sloppy work of Trumps lawyers.

    1. alla LASS
      You have shown your complete bias and lack of comprehension, on damn near every topic you post in, Huff post is missing an idiot, go fill the spot for them.

  12. So, what were they looking for?

    Nuclear secrets that Trump was going to sell to Putin?
    Eppstein’s guest list?
    Incriminating info on the FBI re Russiagate and the Hunter Biden laptop investigation?

    Any other guesses? Feel free to chime in UnMe and Allan.

      1. So, just any random stuff? Staples? Paper clips?

        Just like the Clinton’s who absconded with furniture?
