And The Inflation Will Deflate Itself

Money from trees;

The new measures are “sufficiently targeted that we are confident they will not contribute to inflation,” Trudeau said Tuesday in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, where his caucus is meeting. “We are retaining fiscal firepower and at the same time ensuring that those who need support don’t get left behind.”

Economists have already begun to warn Trudeau against measures that could worsen inflationary pressures. Since last week, three of the country’s largest commercial lenders — Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bank of Montreal and Bank of Nova Scotia — have released reports expressing concern over using revenue windfalls for additional spending. […]

The government’s affordability measures come as the central bank aggressively tightens policy, raising the benchmark overnight interest rate by 75 basis points to 3.25 per cent last week. That move gave Canada the highest policy rate among major advanced economies.

Everything is transitory: New Inflation Numbers Mean the U.S. Economy Is Destined for ‘Hard Landing’

8 Replies to “And The Inflation Will Deflate Itself”

  1. Really? What a pandering disconnected group of clowns, masquerading as government of most resource rich blessed nation in the world.

    Last week West Coast, this week East Coast, moving air, condescending twits, no grasp of real world, or the situation on the ordinary person.

    Throwing cash, buying votes, ticking all the boxes to buy votes from those who do not pay the bills or build the nation or its economy.

    Aaaargh, if things don’t change quick, we will be Venezuala North.

    Just saying, be prepared folks.

  2. A high school drama teacher and sexual abuser as PM; a journalist as finance minister. What do the bankers expect? My former mistress’ favorite dildo has a better grasp of mathematics that our federal cabinet.

  3. If Blackie The Gay Pirate really wants to help, he could cancel the carbon tax instead of increasing it.

    1. ‘Trudeau announces billions in cost-of-living relief, says it won’t fuel inflation.’
      Canada’s leader will tell next that the Inflationist Reduction tax program will finally bring prices below what they were 5 years ago,,
      I am so happy for Canada “We’re in the money, We’re in the money, Have fun cuz We’re in the money.”
      Depression Hit Parade 1930 Number one song.

  4. The new measures are “sufficiently targeted that we are confident they will not contribute to inflation,”

    Yeah, and if you believe that, you are probably dutifully standing 6 feet from the next sheep in line, anxiously waiting for your next booster and untested bivalent experimental uni-injection, while all the time worrying that your 3 masks may not be enough.

  5. “we are confident…”

    Clowns think they know everything, but actually know nothing at all about how things work in the real world.
