New Rules

DeSantis finds sanctuary for illegal migrants…

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday flew two planes of immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, escalating a tactic by Republican governors to draw attention to what they consider to be the Biden administration’s failed border policies.

Flights to the upscale island enclave in Massachusetts were part of an effort to “transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations,” said Taryn Fenske, DeSantis’ communications director.

And they don’t want them.

And neither does Kamala: As many as 100 illegal immigrants from Texas were let off two buses in front of Vice President Kamala Harris’ official residence early Thursday, just days after she claimed the border is secure.

24 Replies to “New Rules”

  1. The Martha’s Vineyard residents are just upset and calling the local sheriff, because they’ve found Mexicans in their neighbourhood who aren’t brandishing leaf blowers. Maybe the Dems will call the Martha’s Vineyards residents racist! Ha 🙂


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Dress them up in Biden/Harris gear, give them a switchblade, a burglary crowbar, and a large jug of rotgut whiskey.

    And whenever a big mouth Democrat or media jerk says something about the border send them to their neighborhood. Make sure their neighbors know why they were sent there.

  3. RazorFist’s calling this move by DeSantis an “optics kill shot.” He’s right.

    And the governors of Florida and Texas need to step up their transporting of illegals to every sanctuary city in the United States. ’Cause equity, y’know.

  4. Mayor Lightfoot just sent them to a neighboring conservative suburb … Martha’s Vineyard will just ferry them all to conservative Nantucket Island …

    Bottom line. The Left wants their votes, and cheap labor … but they MUST live outside the economic walls erected to isolate the desperately poor working class. They need to stay in their place.

  5. The shipping of illegals to “sanctuary cities” is brilliant strategy.

    Rasmussen polled on the topic and found the majority of potential voters to be in favour.

  6. Illegal immigrants shipped to Martha’s Vineyard and Kamala’s Frontyard… I bust a gut when I read both of those stories yesterday. Bloody well done, Florida and Texas.

    It’s about frigging time conservatives fought back. Force these tyrannical pricks to display the rank hypocrisy their arrogant power-wielding has wrought them. Proud Sanctuary City advocates whining like babies because they are now actually receiving sanctuary-seekers…. LO-freaking-L!

    1. The sanctuary cities bullshit is just standard left-wing elitist virtue signalling, plain and simple. These people need to be squashed.

  7. As posted by someone smarter than me – Dana Loesch – Biden sent over 70 flights to Jacksonville with 100s of illegals. All arrived between midnight and 630am. Not a word from the MSM

  8. This is rubbing the politician’s noses in their own hypocrisy.

    Is that informal US-Canadian Refugee Border Crossing still open? I am sure Texas or Arizona could find some poor downtrodden illegal aliens that want to experience the Great White North. Canada needs more Venezuelan, Guatemalan, and Salvadoran Pavilions. Maybe some Francophone Haitians to enrich Quebec?

  9. They should arm the illegals to the teeth after dropping them off so they can take and defend their new homes.

  10. Also – someone went to air bnb and found over 263 places available. At a conservative 4 people per luxury home that’s 5 or 6 more filghts.

    1. LOL.

      Also – the Dems are acting like Demi-gods, so it will be interesting to see how far beyond just whining and mewling their reaction goes…

      Will their lap-dog FBI be as bold as to follow orders and raid DeSantis, next?

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  12. Progressive Sanctuary City status is wonderful, until they actually have to provide sanctuary. They’re already at the limits of their saintly liberality, having to tolerate the fellow Biden referred to as,
    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy…”

    Can we call them racist now?

  13. Remind me again who wanted unchecked immigration for cheap labour and had no problem with smaller communities with fewer resources to house them?

    Who was that again exploiting them?

  14. JFK once said (about communism): “Let them come to Berlin”.

    I say if Martha’s Vinyard is too economically depressed to take them in
    “Let them come to Roxham Road”.

    Why not another 65,000,000 while we are at it? That will help in reducing Canada’s ‘carbon footbprint’.
