40 Replies to “Pierre Poilievre Gets Results”

    1. PP voted along Liberals for a vax mandate.
      PP took three pay raises
      PP loved the lockdowns and curfews
      PP only supported the truckers at the 11th hour

      Same folks voting for PP next time will vote him out after

      PPC is conservative, not so much the CPC

      People forget too soon

  1. Those who are becoming hysterical over this, pointing out that “unvaccinated foreigners “ will be able to enter the country and spread disease clearly do not understand that the vaccine does not prevent spread of the disease but only reduces the severity of it. If they are truly terrified of getting it then get vaccinated and lessen the impact. But doubtless the Star will continue to fan the fear if it means supporting the Liberals. And continue to ignore the changing circumstance where the vast majority of the population now have either some natural immunity from having the illness or lessened severity as a result of vaccines. We are not still in 2020, only Justin Trudeau is. Try and keep up Justin.

    1. There are serious questions if the vaccine, in fact, reduces severity. There are real questions if it does anything positive at all.

      1. Does it reduce severity or does it increase it, acting as a conduit of viral transmission and a host of other medical ailments?

        No standard testing has been performed because this so called novel MRNA vaccine was approved for Emergency Use only, that is without the rigorous testing and studies normally applied to medicines and vaccines.

        No one knows the long term health effects nor its efficacy in preventing disease and illness.

    2. It at best does nothing and likely increases your chances of getting covid with every shot. It’s a 100% failure.

    3. How does one KNOW it lessens the severity? How COULD you know? You’d need a sufficient number of people that got Covid unvaxed and then got Covid again (the exact same variant) after receiving the vaccine and compare results. No? Does anybody know how they came to that conclusion?

    4. Katie,

      I agree with the sentiment of your post, except ” do not understand that the vaccine does not prevent spread of the disease but only reduces the severity of it.”. There is no evidence of this, and indeed no evidence is possible, a negative can’t be proved. The vaccines have been proven only to make some people sick or dead, nothing else.

    5. Steve Kirsch got hold of a report that was prepared for the Liberals. It concludes –

      “Given the statistical evidence provided in this report, the public health policy tools such as, mass vaccination campaigns, mandates, passports and travel restrictions need to be reevaluated for relevance in this phase of SARS-CoV-2. The abundance of evidence documented by Public Health Ontario (PHO), Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and toptier scientific journals demonstrates that the vaccines do not prevent infection or hospitalization. The Ontario data show that vaccination currently makes little difference in terms of hospitalization and death rates for those below age 60. Additionally, since there are known risks of adverse events and unknown longterm effects, these must be considered in developing vaccine policies.”

      The report can be found at https://www.skirsch.com/covid/LiberalPartyReport.pdf
      His comments on the report are at https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/a-new-report-prepared-for-liberal

  2. Still voting PPC. You can’t erase the Conservative’s past. They betrayed us… tried to be libtard lite…

    I like Pollievre’s stance on CBDC, but for the rest… he historically votes against me on most issues. He’s got a lotta woke that needs to be smacked out of him.

    I will watch closely, but the conservatives have betrayed us over the past years and even decades… career politicians make me the most nervous now. And there isn’t much time left.

    I’m willing to split the vote again and choose according to my conscience and beliefs.

    1. Pierre will be marching in a gay pride parade within weeks. That’s just the way it works in Canada.

    2. CPC is doctrinally centrist.
      PPC is the only true conservative party in Canada – heck it is widely known that the majority of Canadians are not conservative, but 15% are. Only normal for the PPC to get that vote.
      LibCons will form next governments with same results.

    3. Look! Another liberal supporter. Any vote splitting is a de facto vote for Trudeau. And that makes you an a$$hat.

      1. I disagree. Vote splitting has nothing to do with Trudeau being elected. Try unbalanced constituency populations and targeted electoral bribery.

    4. I wholeheartedly agree with you Jeb, and I wrestle with whether splitting the vote would be wrong as I do not want Trudeau re-elected. Too many conservatives I know took the jab as they wanted to travel.

    5. “I like Pollievre’s stance on CBDC, but for the rest… he historically votes against me on most issues. He’s got a lotta woke that needs to be smacked out of him. ”

      If he ever decides to stop supporting the disgusting practice of “supply management” I will consider voting for his party. Until then, I vote PPC.

  3. Yes Jeb
    Probably like you I remember the west getting all excited about Mulroney as he said all the “right” things too.
    We all know….well those of us with good memories, how that turned out.

  4. “The Toronto Star has learned…” Oh, I see. From whom have you learned this oh great peace pipe of the smoking passive voice construction? This was clearly trial ballooned by the PMO through the courageous Death Star to chum the waters and try and steal momentum from Breakfast At Polievre’s torpedo like YouTube videos that are getting under the skin of Emperor pillow biter.

    1. Yes, the Star is exactly where the Liberals would float a trial balloon. Couldn’t agree with you more.

  5. And I see Ezra Levant has picked up on my long held prediction of a Marc Carney Liberal PM as Chrystia Freebase heads to NATO so she can keep closer tabs on World War 4.

  6. This comment is in Russian and the content of which deals with the Esperio investment trading platform. Likely an advert. I was wondering too.

  7. Finally! Hopefully the stupid face muzzles too. Seriously covid was over what 6 months ago? By covid I mean the stupid government response to it.

    If we’d had an actual opposition this all would have been over much sooner. Insane that it took truck drivers to get this done in the end. We’re forever in their debt.

    1. It has zero efficacy and if you don’t get the dreaded “covid” it is because you haven’t been exposed to it. It does however hurt the immune system and people will get sick more often from things their immune system should have shut down.

  8. Since NZ’s Jacinda Ardern slowly began releasing the chains upon her populace, Turdeau has worn the title of Stupidest World Leader, and in the Era of Biden that says something…

  9. Both Biden and Trudeau will have to agree on terms and timing of a return to sanity at the border. It’s sort of like a special Olympics of health care decision making. I just hope Biden remembers signing the agreement so he doesn’t veto it the next day.

    1. It’s not just ArriveCan. Why would anyone want to play tourist when even if your jabbs are up to date, you can still be selected for random testing.

      “Upon your entry to Canada by air or at a land border crossing, you may be randomly selected for a mandatory arrival test. You must complete your arrival test with an approved test provider. Your test provider is based on where you entered the country.” / gc.ca

  10. The way I see it, more leftists suffer under turdholes mandates than not.. We do live in Canada after all..

  11. Too little, too late. We’ll never go to Canada again. My wife is Canadian, and she’s good with that.
