Transgenderism Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

Change my mind:

The Halton District School Board is “standing behind” an “accepted” transgender teacher who has gone viral in social media video posts.

In addition, HDSB Chair Margo Shuttleworth tells the Toronto Sun that staff are looking at “going through creating a safety plan” to ensure the Oakville Trafalgar High School teacher’s security as they prepare for potential protests when the school opens for classes Monday.

60 Replies to “Transgenderism Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia”

  1. This guy is a massive troll. He’s messing with the leftist groomer (BIRM) crowd.

    1. I went to school in Oakville 45 years ago and had many friends at Oakville Trafalgar High School, although I think it has since been rebuilt at a new location. If I still lived there, my kids certainly would not be attending that school. This is nothing but institutional insanity.

      1. Oh, it’s not a private school? Funny how private schools don’t have problems with cross-dressing pedophiles masquerading as teachers. Isn’t it nice that wealthy kids don’t have to worry.

        1. O.T is all wealthy kids, mostly very wealthy. I’m sure both Appleby and McLaughlin College (both private schools) around the corner are getting swamped with calls from parents wanting to know if it’s too late to enroll their kids for this this semester.

  2. Typical liberal BS. The idiot permanently belongs in a psych ward. The school board, who demands everyone kiss this idiots fanny, needs to be put on breaking wheels. Anyone voting for these sick bastards also need to go.

  3. I’d be yanking my kid from that freak’s class, first, and then from the school that stands behind it, second.

    It’s a public school, of course.

    Society isn’t just tolerating this mental illness, it’s advocating for it and celebrating it.

    That asteroid should have been here by now.


  4. Dangerously close to the mitre saw.
    At least if there is an accident there won’t be any bloodshed.

    1. A miter saw, or anything with the dust vac attached…

      What would be worse… coming to class and seeing that, or seeing that get sucked into the dust collection system?

    2. As my Freshman HS Shop Teacher taught us … “machines are NOT your friends”. I might add neither are your 77 NNNNN fake breasts.

      My shop teacher was a 6’-7” man. All man. Who was a very intimidating presence. He was an ex-NFL player from the era when they barely wore pads. He was also my HS Football coach. Intimidating … but also had everyone’s back, and would always give you the shirt off his back. And when he did give you the shirt off his back … his pectoral muscles were huge … but they were REAL. A real man’s pec’s. not some grotesque pretend woman’s pec’s.

  5. The school board and students admit it is “not normal” but the board is going ahead with it anyways, “Damn the rockets!” , I mean, torPedos..

    “As a result Shuttleworth said she articulated to those who run the board’s day-to-day operations that “we can’t just wait around and see what happens because I am quite confident it won’t be a normal return to school Monday,”

    “Some of that concern has been expressed on social media, including one student taking to Twitter to write “the kids here most definitely don’t think it’s normal… but realistically we can’t say anything. Last year, the teacher was a man. I don’t think the school can fire him.”

    1. The simple answer is to pull your kids out of that school. Transfer to another, home school, private school … whatever it takes. Send a clear message. Don’t stutter. And certainly don’t tolerate this cultural ROT.

      If the school allows this disgusting display … just imagine what they’re teaching in biology and physiology classes

    2. So what if it’s not normal? To be clear, you can’t actually come up with an objective reason for the forced outrage here. It’s all just ‘ewe icky’ ie typical conservaderp ‘intellects’.

      1. Come on, UnMe, the guy is mentally ill. Has no business being a teacher. A total sick freak, FFS!!

        1. Honestly, even if she was, she might just be better than many of the mentally unwell teachers. Been there, seen that, very wide spread in quality of teachers.

          1. @UnMe: There you go, being ‘woke’ correct referring to him as a ‘she’.
            BTW, my reaction, no doubt, was harsh in your view but the super big fake tits pushed me over the edge.
            Enough is enough.

  6. So can I do anything there? Show up in a clownsuit or dress as a hooker? Totally inappropriate. There is such a thing as professional conduct. His behaviour is unprofessional and the board should reprimand/ suspend him for that. Nothing to do with transgender. He can transgender all he wants outside of the workplace where professionalism is required.

    1. I wonder if we identified as a man, would we be allowed to go to teach with a big strap on? Probably. Scary.

      1. I also think this stunt us very demeaning to women. But I guess inn The school board’s view, trans rights trump respect for women.

  7. Morganna the Kissing Bandit has really let herself go…..seriously, look at the lantern jaw on that thing.

  8. I took shop class in high school, 18 of us made 45 caliber black powder muskets and blew up oil tins at 300 meters with glee. Back then you only needed the signature of your parent to make a gun in school… 🙂

    We would have taken those fake jugs, filled them up with cows milk, and blown them to smithereens using a 150 grain charge, using a soft lead slug!

    This shop class comedian obviously is shooting a lot of blanks, and the sights are completely out of alignment.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  9. Don’t know why, but some old High School Shop Class safety poetry just popped into my head after all these years.

    Trim your pecker
    With a Black & Decker
    Shave your balls
    With a new Sawzall

  10. That’s not acceptable to me as a taxpayer that school boards feel it is OK to expose our young children to such a sick moral standard, IMO, in the classroom. Be gay or whatever gender you feel like being but don’t traumatize the kids with that sort of stunt. Keep your personal advocacy to the streets or bars on your own time not in the classrooms.


  11. We never knew anything about our teachers, Ms. or Mrs. would be a clue, but beyond the obvious alcoholics we knew nothing of their personal lives.

  12. Wait until this creature shows up as a drag queen, at school, probably one day soon. Those fake boobs must be filled with air because the creature wouldn’t be able to stand the weight and discomfort otherwise.

    1. @ Goog Finn:
      Somebody should fill them with helium and then it(he) will float away. Problem solved.

  13. Tiresome these days.
    Back on my shop class in the early 80s, we learned how to make hash pipes out of steel on a lathe, and also learned how to wire a house, frame a house, make sheet metal ductwork, and sundry other skills. Hell, we even learned drafting with a T rule and all that jazz. All of that tech track learning served me well
    Meanwhile, we had an English teacher with nice sweater if you know what I mean. Jane Russell

    1. Secondary school really needs to start the career track in earnest. Too much dabbling in the spirit of giving ‘diverse experiences’. There should be serious multi-year compsci, coding, and multiple shop tracks such as welding and electronics. And if some kid decides ‘oops I spent a couple years in something I don’t actually like that much’, it’s really no biggie. Still get the grades and you’ll now just do something else with your teen years with an alternate backup field of knowledge in your head.

  14. Whether he’s trolling or his cheese has slipped off the cracker – low testosterone? – I don’t know, but either way it’s not acceptable.
    Anyone who thinks it’s acceptable is a giant tit in their own right and needs to be expelled.

  15. Dang…those things need their own pants.
    If professor” I Gotta Be Me” tried that shit in nearby Brampton he’d be lucky to make it home on opening day.

    And no disrespect to Dog the Bounty Hunter’s wife but he kind of reminds me of Dog the Bounty Hunter’s wife.

  16. Nice to see the Bolshevik admin rally around their brave, so brave, vanguard cadre. Instead of throwing the guy under the bus, they are putting their necks on the block. Depending on the response of the peasants, of course. This is a good way to measure the ‘Rotherham effect’ in Oakville.

    The pattern is known, now. If this atrocity is not put in check, the next one will be worse. There is a downward spiral to these things. ‘Give them an inch’, sort of thing.

    I predict some stealth human resources moves. Hopefully, enough parents are polarized into political action and the Bolshevik monopoly of school boards is smashed.

  17. I’m trying to work out what is troubling about this situation to properly articulate it. It is possible this is a job security effort to make him untouchable from an HR perspective (which also begs the question, why?) but it seems that he is mocking what it means to be a woman and suggesting that a woman’s value lies in the size of her breasts and by extension, her ability to be sexually appealing to men. It is the dehumanizing of women that is wrong about supporting this as a lifestyle choice. This is uncomfortable for the boys in the class but we are not hearing the impact on the girls. The “OK Groomer” response is an attempt to identify the problem but there may be more to the issue and we need to get to the root of it if we will effectively stand against it. Any thoughts?

    1. It’s as simple as everyone gets a participation medal. When we reward human beings with a government badge that haven’t struggled to be who they are , and they have an ideologies blessing. Well this is what you get.
      And after inclusion, blind tolerance and other gobbledygook massaged into kids heads, while a small square device becomes their friend and mentor, right under their loving parents noses, who think they can’t say what they want to teachers.
      Insanity becomes set in stone.
      It’s sad to witness really. I know lots of gay people and my oldest daughter is gay she struggled to figure out who she was and it wasn’t easy on her, she came out when she was 24 (before the insanity). No crutches, medals, or virtue signaling she just was. And it didn’t come easy
      But what’s happening now scares people with kids and it should.
      And it pisses me off to no end.
      Modern Liberalism is a scourge on what keeps life simple , meaningful, and ultimately so worthwhile to look back upon.
      Politics isn’t going to fix what’s coming any longer.

    2. There’s nothing to articulate. Ridiculous safety-hazard hoo-has aside, there’s not really a problem here at least not for teaching. ‘OK groomer’ is just a pretext to justify violence against trans people.

      1. No problem here, UnMe says. Just a wildly massive fake bust with prominent nipples in a classroom setting where attention should be focused on learning and safety, not some teachers grotesque political statement. Any sane transgendered person would cringe at this clowns behaviour.

  18. Another example of why all education should be private and parents should get school vouchers for their kids. In a free market for education that school would probably be broke within the year and the schools getting the best results would be getting the most funding.

    1. So amusing how you people always assume that some forever-hidden ‘silent majority’ is on your side when in fact there’s been plenty of profitable woke-pandering by capitalists. There’s plenty of parents who’d be fine with a competent teacher who is also trans.

      1. UnMe,
        Did you see the way he/she/they operated the mitre saw? Competence runs a distant second to political correctness in today’s woke world. So as a parent, does one have any confidence that education system selects for the competent? That trans clown could have dressed conservatively in female attire appropriate for the shop class and it would not have been news.

        1. So now this is a dress code issue?

          Look, the ongoing fail that is state education is a big issue in itself with lots of dire consequences and one solution that people like me have been working towards for many decades: total privatization. Our efforts are hindered not helped by over-stimulated reactionary droogs who seriously believe against all evidence that trans people are out to predate on children and that we should also force kids to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Your best move is as always to remain silent and let the real adults like me take care of things.

          1. Just own it UnMe, it’s on the progressives not the bible thumpers.
            Period, and sadly people that are who they are and want kids left alone, are going to get lumped in with those using, being different as a social crutch, and being “special”, and that still won’t be enough, and I’m guessing their attitudes would probably mesh with yours quite well.
            Because like usual progs can’t see very far ahead, and have trouble saying, opps that wasn’t very bright, but it sure was “nice” at the time.
            And if you have been trying to fix education for decades you’re doing a bang up job.

  19. Kate,

    The only institutional child abuse going on in North America is in religious institutes like the Southern Baptist Convention:

    If you or anyone here gave a single crap about victims of pedophilia, you’d be all over that. As is, you don’t, and need an excuse to crab about trans people over nothing. There is no rational reason this individual can’t teach, this is just more ‘conservatives not like thing so they want to ban thing’.

    1. What is it with you leftoids wanting this kind of abnormality around kids in schools?
      You have a seriously unhealthy obsession.

        1. What you are trying to do is deflect from your seriously unhealthy obsession. Nothing more, nothing less.
