29 Replies to “Larry Brock vs. Chrystia Freeland”

    1. I get paid over $85 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.
      Here’s what I’ve been doing… https://earnincome00.blogspot.com/

  1. More:
    “Conservative Glen Motz chews up world economic forum member slash Canada’s deputy prime Minister Crystia Freeland, on the emergencies act invocation, as well as the impact on the trade in Ottawa that led to the invocation, which there wasn’t any, in fact stats Canada indicates a 16% increase. was there an impact on trade in Ottawa? you decide.”


    Is anyone surprised that the corrupt Canadian MSM isn’t covering this?
    It’s not a glass of orange juice, so….

  2. This was awhile ago, but it does need a repeat viewing. Freeland is not showing any respect for the seriousness of the topic, not of the setting, she just sits there laughing and providing non-answers.
    And Canada MSM is largely silent, i.e. accepts this behavior.
    On the other hand, her boss is having fun singing and drinking at the Queen’s funeral, so I guess it’s a wash…

    1. She’s only reacting exactly how you and your butt buddy Colon do whenever presented with the facts about the Ukraine. Despite the obvious fact that it’s all been orchestrated by WEF Globohomo and the DC Neocons instead you just parrot slogans direct from Davos. “But we must destroy Trump Putin to save democracy!” you snicker and sneer.

      And you call yourselves “conservatives” while you’re nothing more than toothless anklebiting lapdogs for Klaus Schwab.


    1. Her arrogance DEMANDS a response. Her total persona is as anti-Canadian as it gets. The Canadian people are friendly, open, and honest. She is NONE of that. She is a wretched human being. She is the very definition of a Domestic Terrorist.

  3. I funded the Freedom Convoy. I gave a one time, $100.00 (US) donation, because I supported the goals and the methods of The Truckers Protests. I live in the USA. I care deeply about The Canadian people and culture. My son in Law is Métis Canadian. My grandsons are Métis Canadian.

    I am not now, nor have I ever been a “terrorist”. How is it that a supposition was formed by The Canadian government that ANY and ALL “foreign support” of the Trucker Convoy constituted “Terrorist” donations? That leap of illogic is Fascist and Totalitarian at its core. It is a LIE. It is a narrative created out of whole cloth. Screw the “percentages” of foreign donations … those are DEAD statistics, because they cannot possibly divulge the motivation or the full context of the donations.

    What that vile Freeland did get right … is that I am a MAGA supporter. A Trump supporter. Yes, I’d dare say that MOST of the Trucker Convoy donations came from CONSERVATIVE Canadians and outsiders. And yes, we are being FALSELY labeled “Domestic Terrorists” by a Fascist Canadian, and US Government. We are simply political opponents of the current governments (and their Deep State apparatchiks) … not “terrorists”. Only a FASCIST, TOTALITARIAN, government would claim we are “terrorists”. These people are sick in the head, and they truly HATE Democracy. Loathe it. Loathe dissenting opinion and want to reframe it as … “terrorism”.

    1. Kenji

      The Trudeau Liberals lie. They lie a lot. In fact I don’t know if they ever tell the truth.

      Same for the Democrats in the US.

      1. Working OK now
        IIRC there is that comment that “If ??? realised that the truth had been told they would have to immediately tell another lie to compensate”

  4. What a condescending wench.

    We are governed by infantile fools and criminals.

    They should all be in jail but I’m sure they will “win” another majority at the karaoke king’s pleasure.

  5. Freeland is a smug, asshole who always thinks she’s the smartest person in the room, unless lord Butts is around.
    (Even Juthtin knows he’s a half-wit and that’s why he uses the cover of thilly thocks and costumes and acting like a goof.)

    That’s why she was so hated by Americans when the US and Canada were negotiating the latest Free Trade agreement: her arrogance/superiority is infuriating.

    This Hag, like every evil Liberal and wicked Democrat, will never suffer any type of retribution for their words and deeds.
    She’s a big reason why individual rights and freedoms in Canada are being trampled.

    There is a very good chance she’ll be our next Prime Minister.

    1. “There is a very good chance she’ll be our next Prime Minister.”

      Unfortunately, thinking here you’re about 75% right.

      It is that majority of the population loves the iron fists of the dicktators.
      They know the devils, they are afraid of uncertainties of freedom.

    2. Being deputy PM does not necessarily put one in line for the job other than as “interim”. She would have to be elected Lieberal Party leader first to be PM.

      Then, she would have to run in riding where they would elect Hitler if he ran as a Lieberal. Lastly, the Lieberals would have to win the most seats. In this country a string possibility.

    3. “There is a very good chance she’ll be our next Prime Minister.”

      I don’t think so, she is unelectable as a PM. One think the Liberal Party looks for is electability.
      She is a vapid, smug unlikable bitch. She refuses to answer questions in a straight forward manner and has that condescending look when doing so. “Ok peasant what do you want now” look.

  6. Lemme say this about that.
    The convoy was not illegal. The dicktators that run the government of Canada made it be so illegally.
    As is the want of the socialists, fascists and other assorted ‘ists, they project on other people that, they do patently themselves.
    I know that the communists never froze the little money the people had, just because they did not like them. I don’t know if the National Socialist have done that.
    What the cabal of dicktators in this country have done must be the first instance where a government of country blocked people from using their own money because they did not agree with them. They made it legal just like that, no problem.

    Other then possible illegal parking there was nothing illegal about the protest. It is the cabal of dicktators that simply made illegal whatever it is that bothered them.

    There is this meme that the country is governed by laws. Heh, the laws are made by the bottom feeders to establish permanent employment for themselves, if the laws are unjust and against any natural law, that is of no consequence. The dicktatorial clique is in charge and they decide.

    It is interesting that Canadian constitution is a convoluted, twisted, unjust writeup that favors selected identities depending on where they live, that language they speak, how they do sex and other such bizarre and longwinded screeds. It is as clear a mud and can be interpreted by those that want to control the population, anyway the want.

    The minister person operates on those principles. She won’t answer questions because the truth sucks in their world. As it is. she is part of the clique that is dicktating Canadians to submit. It is apparent that even the opposition questioning the conduct of the dicktators have no power to make them answer simple questions., in fact the opposition is made sterile, it’s the way it is set up.

    Heh, simple questions are way too much to the point, hence the longwinded nothingness that comes from the rulers.
    Apparently, the population agrees, they will vote for the same damn ruling class.

    1. And let me add that the Trucker protest did NOT “shut down” Ottawa. The government shut down Ottawa … for no reason whatsoever. The entire protest was 100% peaceful, and everyone in the city could go about their business … except … the government wouldn’t let them.

  7. Her voice is redolent of entitlement and condescension and she is a monster. I actually said just that to Freeland’s face once as she and her Blackberry-checking (as it was then), clipboard-toting coterie of Liberal party apparatchiks attempted to buttonhole me and block my entrance to the TTC’s Dupont subway station (they were attempting to solicit my vote; I haven’t seen her deign to visit our riding since). She and her courtiers were taken a bit aback and patronizingly rolled their eyes at my comments as if they’d never heard such heresy before; this being the Annex – the home of countless champagne socialists, lavishly-tenured radicals and bearded, soft-spoken (except when you cut them off as they glide through an intersection) bicycling beta males – they probably hadn’t.

    Freeland is a personage of intense and unrelenting awfulness. She is “Election”‘s power-mad Tracy Flick without the obvious visual appeal of Reese Witherspoon.

  8. Freeland is unelectable as prime minister.

    On her best behavior she is dismissive of the unwashed. She hates us and it shows. She has zero charisma.

    1. Mark Carney will be the next Liberal Leader of the Net Zero Great Unwashed Extermination Brigade. Perogie Thighs will get her inner bomb on over at NATO.

    2. (Not to be a dick, but I didn’t say she would be elected – if you were referencing my line. If PM Thilly Thocks is finally told to fckoff then she’d be his logical replacement. no election required.)
      In terms of an election, The Mewling Quim Quotient can’t be discounted, even though many a normal chick can’t stand to hear her speak.

  9. The Ottawa media is responsible for allowing these non-answers. They will rue the day they gave up on their most important duty. When truth is no longer the highest goal of journalism society suffers.

    What makes me most ashamed about the product that is Queen Chrystia is that she is a product of Rural Alberta whom, I believe, professes to a Ukranian Catholic — perhaps Uk. Orthodox? Like Beverly McLachlin she was ground into commie crap through our elitist lefty You of Eh and the oil tax money that fuels it. How did she ever become so evil?

  10. The donation percentages FROM the USA seem about right. There’s many Canadians who do, and always have, cross-border contracts under NAFTA’s TN visa requirements. The TN visa is only for a year – just count how many there are for the real-time percentage.

  11. In case you forgot my comment, in summary, Nazi Freeland is a FILTHY LIBERAL Rhodes Scholar, majored in Dickhead studies. Got an A.
    Peter Griffin- ” if you were a woman I would slug you. ”
    Hopefully thunder thighs falls down 18 flights of stairs and lands on Sparkle Sox beta trudoh. FJB

  12. “There is a very good chance she’ll be our next Prime Minister.”

    I don’t think so, she is unelectable as a PM. One thing the Liberal Party looks for is electability.
    She is a vapid, smug unlikable bitch. She refuses to answer questions in a straight forward manner and has that condescending look when doing so. “Ok peasant what do you want now” look.
