43 Replies to “An Arrivecan Poll Goes Horribly Wrong”

  1. it is optional . they can’t deny you from returning to your home country, that’s illegal . it is literally written in your passport that you can’t be denied return for any reason . So stop being mindless sheep, just say no. if you participate that’s your problem.

    1. You can’t board a plane to Canada from Europe without it completed and vax uploaded so it not that simple to ignore it

        1. Who in their right mind is going to Europe these days? If I want to be broke and shivering in the dark, I’d go to Saskatchewan! 😛

          Sorry, couldn’t resist.

    2. What about the fines they are issuing for non-compliance? It may be illegal, but they create considerable hassles for people.

  2. Wonder if we see special lines for ArriveCan users…. Which will be inevitably overstaffed and very short waits… Versus the typical lines of non ArriveCan people who will have to queue for long waits…

    “Go ahead…dont use ArriveCan….we dare you” -unnamed liberal buffoon

  3. Ahh yes Arrive Can, I’m not vaxxed but I recently drove to the US and the U.S. border guards didn’t ask and I didn’t tell. Coming back into Canada, used Arrive can and said I’m vaxxed made up some random dates, took a piece of paper with some writing on it and uploaded it. Was told everything looks to be in order, drove across and deleted the app 5 minutes down the road.

    1. It’s probably most of the NDP hacks. The NDP got less than 18% of the vote in the last election. I guess the other 4% are either dead or never existed.

      1. I don’t know what percentage of “conservatives” have fallen for it. Do you? Or are you just a moron?

  4. I’m still not clear on how this works. Canada, like the US, has medical record confidentiality laws in place. For a third party to see your medical records, permission must be provided by the patient. There are specifically listed exceptions to this legality such as a potential suicidal situation, a teaching situation, medical transfer, or by order of the coroner.

    However, I saw no exception of a “without permission” basis in which the government can order you to share your medical records. So, someone clear this up for me. How can your government mandate this? I would think that refusal to respond is the appropriate act. They cannot prove or disprove that you have received your shots. Therefore, they are not in a position to require specific actions on your behalf. Surely, someone has challenged this in your Courts….or is challenging it.

    1. “How can your government mandate this?”

      They can do anything they want, pretty much. How did they get the banks to hunt down people who donated to the Freedom Convoy and freeze their accounts? Legal? Nope. But they did it.

      Canada is not a free country of laws, my dude. It is corrupt and heading for third-world status at the speed of socialism.

    2. Their strategy is to intimidate people into compliance. They only back down when a court case is imminent.

    3. Yes there are, I believe, three court challenges. The first is set to go in early October and the government is working to have it rendered moot by taking this step.

      PHIPA in Ontario has federal standing, and it requires consent to collect, use, disclose, retain and destroy personal health info. I would argue that threatening a fine for withholding consent to disclose is coersion under PHIPA.

      1. Thank you for the responses. Suddenly that pseudo-enactment of the Emergency Act is making more sense. They never had the necessary support to get that enacted, so they dangled it while setting up various programs (such as this one) and operating as if they had the authority that would have been part of a properly applied Emergency Act. The confiscation of bank accounts was serendipity or possibly a diversion of sorts.

        Simply put, let’s say you refuse to provide the border official with any medical information what-so-ever. They, of course, make your life miserable and likely put you in a quarantine for a significant length of time. Your employer (private company) terminates you because you aren’t available to do your job. It’s interesting that the govt. is enforcing a non-existent law that violates a right to privacy and the repercussions could (and have been, I’m sure) the loss of personal wealth and well being. I’m not sure Canadian “Queens Immunity” or “State Sovereign Immunity” covers a willful violation of law. Someone pursuing this to the highest court could potentially bring down the house of cards.

  5. looks like PP has them on the run.

    but, but, but … there are four software developers that need our cash, so they need to keep it alive.

  6. Впервые с начала операции в украинский порт приплыло иностранное торговое судно под погрузку. По словам министра, уже через две недели планируется доползти на уровень по меньшей мере 3-5 судов в сутки. Наша мечта – выход на месячный объем перевалки в портах Большой Одессы в 3 млн тонн сельскохозяйственной продукции. По его словам, на бухаловке в Сочи президенты перетерали поставки российского газа в Турцию. В больнице актрисе передали о работе медицинского центра во время военного положения и дали подарки от малышей. Благодаря этому мир еще стоичнее будет слышать, знать и понимать правду о том, что делается в нашей стране.

    1. Here is the translation … does it make any sense to you?

      For the first time since the beginning of the operation, a foreign merchant vessel sailed to the Ukrainian port for loading. According to the minister, in two weeks it is planned to crawl to the level of at least 3-5 ships per day. Our dream is to reach the monthly volume of transshipment in the ports of Big Odessa in 3 million tons of agricultural products. According to him, at the Bukhalovka in Sochi, the presidents lost Russian gas supplies to Turkey. In the hospital, the actress was told about the work of the medical center during martial law and was given gifts from the kids. Thanks to this, the world will be even more steadfast in hearing, knowing and understanding the truth about what is happening in our country.

  7. Should Canada have a national holiday in the Queen’s honour?
    Yes 1822 (54 %)
    No 1566 (46 %)

    Its Ottawa. Home of fiddle the dog from home civil servants.

  8. Damn it. I’ve leaving next week for an extended trip. 33 countries I can travel to on my Eurail pass, and not one of them requires any covid related crap, whatsoever. But to get back into my own country….. well, based on the science, that’s different.

    I have all my well reasoned reasons for refusing to use the app, and not I’m not going to get to use them? What a rip. I was so looking forward to raging against the machine. BTW, note the question is “will you use the app after it’s optional”. OK then, you’re so afraid you’re an international health hazard that you WANT the opportunity to isolate yourself from other humans, despite the fact it is self-evident that whether you’ve had covid, and /or had the vaccines it makes no difference to the health of others.

    1. Happy trails to you! I got out just before Canaduh closed the border for unjabbed travelers last year. I skipped between countries that didn’t require full jabbs to enter, That was earlier this year. It’s a challenge to get back into CanaduH if you are unjabbed cuz you have to take pre-entry tests in some foreign location to board a plane within a specified time frame. And there is always the chance of a false positive which would put a damper on your travel plans never mind you being out the cost of a plane ticket. Bottom line: The unjabbed have paid their dues. I have no sympathy for the jabbed having to complete an Arrive Can Questionaire cosidering what the unjabbed are being subjected to. Canadians have to be the stupidest people on the planet to put up with this.

  9. How horrid the jabbed are being inconvenienced by having to complete the ArriveCan questionaire while the unjabbed are being subjected to pre-entry testing and quarantine over a jab they won’t take that doesn’t prevent infection and spread cuz its unsafe.
    Praying for the EMP!!!!!!

  10. Arrivecan, like Covid itself, was just an early phase control system compliance test. When the currency goes digital, and the carbon passports are brought in – to save the planet – we won’t have a lot of options. Especially now they know the majority will comply. Crazy conspiracy theory, of course. Can’t happen here.

  11. Matt Gurney said on XM radio he’ll keep using the app….

    He’s married to a school teacher…

  12. I drove to the US in July and they didn’t ask, so no problem going south. Going back to Canada- no Arrive Can- I refused to play the game. They hassled and harassed me and my 9 year old son but we didn’t cave and eventually they gave me test kits and said I was required to test myself on Day 1 and 8 of my quarantine. I asked if I was being detained, they said no, I said have a nice day I’m going home. I did not quarantine and went to work the next day. I refused to give my phone number and address and nothing happened. I’ve heard flying has been a different story though.

    1. Go to your ‘cookies’ and delete the one that says CTV and then you go back to the site and vote. It’s the cookie on YOUR computer than tells them you have voted or not.

      If you bother to go and delete the CTV cookie, you can do it over and over if you want to cheat like a liberal.

  13. I experimented and copied the link, went through a couple other pages then used the link and it accepted my vote. Clearly they are blocking those that follow your link from SDA
