35 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. Its not even funny.. Its little wonder the democrats are out of bounds when Joe will be left holding the bag..

  2. Not a Flipping Clue as to where he is or what hes supposed to do…a marionette with more than a few strings attached.

    Obama, Klaus, Soros et all.

    Just unreal….

  3. C’mon now. It’s quite obvious that he walked away from the podium because there was a noxious stink over there. And then it followed him, so he turned around to stare down … l mean, to stare it down. Yeah, that’s it …like he did to Corn Poop … I mean Corn Pop. Remember?

  4. I’ve spent the last several months in daily contact with a family member who has dementia … Sorry, but there’s no mistaking what’s going on here.

    1. I sympathise with that. Though clearly your family member isn’t in charge of the world’s largest economy, the world’s greatest military…

      Biden is in over his head in deciding what to have for lunch.

  5. My God! Everyone around him is a disloyal American. They need to get rid of Kamala Harris a la Spiro Agnew and get Jo Biden in an old folks home. We need a sound President not an addled puppet.

  6. Did the englishman MC give Big Joey some head in the Green Room after? Sure sounded like he was grooming Joe…

  7. This is a crime. Jill Biden knows that Joe has dementia and still uses him like a puppet. So sad, I hope she goes to H*LL for she has done along with the others!! This is nothing but abuse of an Adult! Joe Biden the President of USA is SICK he has dementia and they are using him to further their cause!

    1. I think Jill knows exactly what kind of creature Joe is, and has lost any sympathy for him. She is exploiting the traitor as he has exploited others. Joe deserves far worse.

  8. Of course we won’t see that in any of the government funded media sites.
    They are not in the news business.
