25 Replies to “A City Of Regina Survey Goes Horribly Wrong”

  1. 1. Saw a road kill badger in the city limits this year. That is a little scary. Squirrels, ground squirrels, and rabbits are ridiculous in numbers and if the city doesn’t control them. Mother nature will.
    2. Tic born diseases are nasty, and without proper treatments will expand into the city.
    3. Mosquito born diseases are a serious threat to health of individuals in the city. Much higher risk from those to a larger spread of the population.

    City properties are starting to become unusable already with their current programs of weed control Thistles and other hostile plants in play area’s and such. Foxtail being another easily controlled plant in the city that is out of control.

    Might as well call us the city that got pee’d on with all the yellow in the city properties now.

  2. L – No, City Councillors, it is not for “aesthetic” purposes mainly that I kill: certain invading pests:

    1.There is a wasp trap that worked well after they made a nest, and yes they do get
    inside on occasion. Those usually get sprayed. Ants inside or outside e.i. in one’s lawn inside it’s open season on them.

    2.Fungus in unwanted places can be killed by dehumidier and chlorine bleach. But if you want to grow mushrooms in your garden, bedroom or basement, go for it.

    3. If crows/magpies are killing the robins in your garden et al, choose who you want for neighbours. There is a reason there is an open season on them. The dead crow hanging from
    the fence is an old farm trick. They gather, crow amongst themselves and vacate the area for
    the rest of the summer. If you know someone in the country, they can provide you with one. One gardener, I know, threw a stick and hit a crow. The crows left the area. Pigeons roosting
    on houses carry insect parasites; ones that can get in through screens.

    4. Rodenticide, city council wants to ban that, disgruntled citizens wanting to take back their
    city from municipal totalitarians on council. They view the ballot box as a kind of rodenticide.

    If city councillors want to treat mice/rats as pets. They should have to pay a city pet licence fee for all that inhabit their yard or home.

    5. If people want to grow dandelions for salads, okay; but any that they allow to go to seed and blow into other people’s yards should result in a pest control visit and a bill to said homeowner and a revocation of their pet dandelion licence.
    Am I the only one who thinks that Regina and Saskatoon’s city councils are totalitarian minded, mini versions of Justin Trudeau’s regime?

    The Trudeau regime gave $26.8 million of taxpayer’s money to Aspire. The company that is now raising and processing crickets for human consumption. Yes, I do find both the cricket
    insect “flour” and the subsidy to be unaesthetic. Actually, it’s downright, upchuck ugly.
    “What is a pesticide?
    A pesticide is any product that is intended to kill something unwanted, whether it’s an insect, weed or rodent. Pesticides can include:

    Herbicide – Intended to kill a plant
    Insecticide – Intended to kill an insect
    Fungicide – intended to kill a fungus
    Avicide – intended to kill a bird
    Rodenticide – intended to kill a rodent …”
    Cosmetic pesticides are defined as non-essential and used for aesthetic purposes.

    Cosmetic pesticides are defined as non-essential and used for aesthetic purposes.

  3. I propose flying crop dusters full of insecticide over the city once a week.
    This should be done to all cities over 100 000.

  4. Why is this a function of municipal government? have they fixed every other problem in the city, that they are looking at new ones? will they model it on Toronto’s bylaw that reduced QoL for anyone with allergies, while leaving exceptions for golf courses, especially the city run ones that lose millions each year?

  5. I have found with the C of R that public consultations mean the decision has already been made and they are simply going through the motions. Still, over last several years anytime anyone has even made the suggestion of banning lawn chemicals I would go a buy a litre of Roundup and 2 litres of Killex. I should be good for at least 20 years.

  6. Sidebar-tried to buy bird spikes fir the yard fence hoping to keep birds, squirrels etc out. No big bix store has them, yet the city of calgary has them all over municipal infrastructure.

  7. “You are likely very misguided in identifying “cosmetic pesticides”. Many weeds that you will see only as an eyesore are in fact the trigger for severe allergies and life threatening asthma attacks. You need to be more concerned about protecting citizens and stay away from this virtue signalling woke nonsense.”

  8. Meh, they are just pretending the green psychopaths haven’t already made up their minds.. No soup for you!.. People treat their backyard like its crown land these days.. Its easy to spot them because they all hang out on their front lawn.. That they can manage apparently..

    Its near impossible to keep a half decent lawn when your neighbor’s have 3 foot tall flowering weeds.. Its also a major pain in the azz owning a dog next to the crown land.. Its brings in all the critters.. Skunks and possums and other assorted rodents for a after dark battle royal.. Fun stuff, I call it country living in the city.. Yeee Haww..

  9. We are returning this field to its natural habitat.. That means they put up a sign and ignore the land they used to manage $$$.. Raises and promotions all around.. Then when its full of rodents and the animals that prey on them all we are left with is a dumb sign and the problems it brings.. Green is great when somebody else is getting the shaft..

    DDT was court-proven to be completely safe for humans (NO deaths and sickness) and did it’s job against mosquitoes, and other itchy things. However the (USA) FDA tyrant of the time ruled against its use – only him. Not using DDT is still allowing millions of humans to to die from malaria, etc.

  11. I met Mayor Larry Schneider a few times when I was a teenager. Heck of a good common sense Mayor that wouldn’t put up with such woke nonsense policy. Thanks for posting!

  12. How about spraying the toxic weeds and insects within the city of Regina to avoid having them spread onto nearby agricultural fields?? Isn’t that the common sense thing to do?? Isn’t that why we developed herbicides and insecticides??

  13. Completed it and gave them a blast in the comments that this is NOT a priority and they need to refocus. Check out their Renewable Energy plan for Regina to go net zero by 2030 (I think that is the date). Complete fantasy and in light of the problems facing Europe I wonder if anyone is rethinking the plan – probably not.
