9 Replies to “The Left Hates Italy’s First Female Prime Minister”

  1. Leftists are vile cockroaches who could benefit from the generous application of Zyklon B.

    That is all.

    1. A clip from Giorgia Meloni’s 2019 Courageous Common Sense Speech (with English subtitles) was shown briefly in Robert’s posted clip. Here is the whole speach.

      Youtube already took one version of this down. It had the word Conservative in the title I guess.


    2. L – I’m looking forward to hearing her opinion of Canada’s petulant tyrant. Given her gift for
      excoriating the globalist Macron. If she lists the corruption by Trudeau’s regime, that the
      Canadian MSM have been well paid(bribed) to ignore. Trudeau’s hide out at the cottage, with a timely new Omicron malaise, is most likely.

      1. She is smart, and has lots of work to do, so will have no opinion, unless they meet. Trudeau would be too terrified to meet her. He prefers venues with naïve students.

  2. The simple fact that she’s shaking up the euroweenie establishment, is enough to make me like her, the fact that she appears smart, driven, dedicated, and a full blown proud conservative, just adds a bonus. I wish her well, and hope that next, Marine LePen takes France by a storm as well.
