Friday On Turtle Island

News From The Island Prison:  Justin’s buddy condemned.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Black civil servants complain to the UN.  Twenty Liberals vote to reduce voting age to 16.  A home equity tax is patriotic.  Today Big Chief Gay Eagle burns jet fuel to the Niagara region for a ceremony.  Then he burns jet fuel back to Ottawa for more ceremonies.  And renaming everything.

Biden’s America:  30 ex-FBI agents support whistleblower.  James Madison’s home to become site of white guilt monument.  Trans army doctor indicted for trying to give information to Russia.  The dolts in the White House.  Biden has an ambassador for plants and animals.  This week in whoppers.  Your morning meme.

Today In Islam:  Teach children to hate Britain.  Girl who was almost murdered by Muslims, wants more Muslims in Hollywood.

Woke Britain:  A library’s gender neutral alien.

27 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

      1. Maybe the new King will slap a sedition or mutiny charge against Trudeau for his ‘anti-colonial’ ways…

        What you mean ‘Crown Land’?

    1. Well, maybe Joe has a certain affinity for plants. Kindred spirits, like minds…you know the thing.
      Similar levels of sentiency. (Trying to avoid the V-word, but then you already knew that.)

  1. Anyone who thinks 16 year olds should be able to vote should lose their right to vote.
    And yes, lots of adults are too stupid as well, but adding more ignorant voters is the opposite of what we need.

    Obviously black civil servants have no allegiance to Canada.

    Anyone advocating for a home equity tax should be crucified.

    Ardern is a foul, commie Hag from Hell and the sooner she’s returned to the fire, the better.
    Anyone on her side should lose their right to vote and be crucified.

    Happy Friday !

      1. ac
        Yup, you may fry Bluddy’s TWO brain cells, and then my dead pet rock will have no competition left for stupidest of the day!

    1. Of course you can let teen-agers vote.

      After they file federal income tax returns, live independently, pay for their own car insurance, work sixteen hour days …

      1. I’d be happy if they simply applied those criteria to people 18+ now. It would take a lot of freeloaders out of the election equation.

        1. I say an intelligence quotient test.

          If you fail a test a Grade Five student can pass, you can’t vote or drive a car.

  2. If Ardern and her ilk had their way in the ’70s, Watergate would never have come to light. Woodward and Bernstein would have been de-platformed. Of course, the 2020 election was the Democrats’ equivalent.

  3. Buddy – Great comment & 100% correct on all accounts…never mind the sloths

    Anyone voting to allow 16 yr olds to vote is an abject Imbecile That pegs them as an under 30 something vacuous dipstick working as a simple servant.

    Your comment about Black Canadians is bang on – there is ZERO anti Black racism in this country…anyone differing with that opinion is f’ing MORON. The black Mouthpiece featured is just another agitating Leftist Piece of NDP/BLM Trash – mush like the Democrats in Chicago/NYC/LA/SF and our very own GTA – YVR + of course every other leftist SHITSTAIN city in North America

    As for a home equity TAX…Anyone supporting that is completely bereft of ANY intelligence. PERIOD. Owning a home is NOT a f’ing Luxury.

    And now we come to Ms Arden. A Cunning STUNT on a Galactic Scale. The only thing missing from this Filthy BITCH, is her wearing a Gauletier Uniform replete with NSDAP regalia.

  4. Maybe burning some hemp with higher concentrations of THC may help your depression today on Trudeau’s new holiday?
    Has your colonial occupation of Indigenous Lands gotten to you on this Reconciliation Day?
    Formally marked from the physical and sexual abuse to native children to dead babies is what Trudeau and our mainstream media wants your payments of cash for the cause you squatting bastards…

    Gone is actual evidence that back in the day ‘corporal punishment’ was given out to everyone and not just specifically to the native communities. Schools and churches, you got whacked if you didn’t behave properly.

    Our politicians certainly are idiotic to think making their own history doesn’t cover the mistakes they’ve made not looking into what the mainstream media’s propaganda of the day. Getting more money is the game and it’s getting totally out of control as they keep wanting more.

    Like the Gay Flag that our politicians promote, this too is getting out of hand for what it actually was and is.

    1. On my drive home from work over the lunch hour the two major road arteries were clogged…with federal public servants driving here and there…shopping.

      1. The Lieberal government was mostly in charge when these alleged abuses happened to the Indians, so the Liberals make it a holiday to remember said events and only civil servants (liberal scum,every last one) get to take the day off, paid of course. Canada is a world class joke, tax me harder daddy.

      2. “On my drive home from work over the lunch hour the two major road arteries were clogged…with federal public servants driving here and there…shopping.”

        On my drive today I ended up swearing at my radio and rapidly punching the buttons, trying to find a station that was playing music and not whining about “reconciliation” and “genocide” (!). I finally gave up and just turned it off.

        It’s time for a REAL inquiry on this stuff. One that reveals the other side of the story, where residential schools not only saved lives but were wanted (and even *demanded*, sometimes) by the natives of the time. Where natives on reserves were dying at an alarming rate, and the governments of the day were inundated with demands to “do something!” about that.

        ‘Genocide’, my ass. All that needed to be done, at that time, to wipe out the indigenous population was to DO NOTHING. Problem solved. But no…we had to be all Christian and stuff.

        (seriously, though…enough is enough…)

  5. Blackie’s girlfriend at Global Affairs, just gave a press conference with Blinken in Washington. She praised Biden’s Nuremberg rally speech, and explained Canada has the same right wing problem.

  6. A home equity tax……I’ve lived in a mobile home most of my adult life. So should that mean that I should feel guilt about living better then most or can I say that I’m one of the oppressed….my guess is that its the former. This idea is just a new tax grab by a pm who would like us all living in Communist style cement apartment blocks with two rooms and a shared bathroom.

    1. People wouldn’t drink so much if their puppet head of state wasn’t such a useless f@g.

      Also, when am I getting my money back for the bar tabs the cabinet piled up?
