21 Replies to “Doug Ford’s Ontario”

  1. So the only thing that Grade 12 students are capable of reading with any amount of understanding is Curious George? I was reading philosophy at that age. Enough with the woke nonsense – give the kids some skills and they will ask the hard, and very necessary questions on their own.

    1. In order to push BS, the populace must believe it without question. To do that, the populace must be dumbed down to the furthest extent possible. Then, euthanise those too intelligent to fall for it.

      1. They can try to euthanize the intelligent but a quote from Charlton Heston comes to mind ” from my cold dead hands “.

    2. I was thinking similar thoughts, wondering whether the greater outrage is the CRT crap that the students are being fed, or that the reading level of Grade 12 students is now Curious George.
      The man in the yellow hat is rolling in his grave.

    3. It is not only the matter that is read but its effect on society.

      Destroying beloved childhood fables and stories is one way to erase the past and make ignorant puritans of us all.

      Why do you think they are re-making children’s movies/cartoons?

      Now, “Curious George” – that harmless fellow – is on the chopping block.

      No more innocent diversions for children!

  2. I recall my attitude in Grade 12 (back in the era of disco) and those of my fellow classmates. We’ve have made mincemeat of the assignment just to piss on the idiot teacher who assigned it.

  3. Is that the Tommy Douglas who pushed eugenics and forced sterilizations of the undesirables?

    1. Totally appropriate that this should come from Tommy Douglas Secondary in Woodbridge ON, a mere 2400 km from the home base of that not-dead-enough socialist. Now it’s clear why an Ontario school be named after such a loser.

  4. Home schooled three kids. Now they know that CRT actually means “Cathode Ray Tube” also how it works and what it does.

  5. “Captured in jungle —–> ‘Chimp on a Bun’ would be my fate at Nairobi Farmer’s Market from Hell ——>Bought by dude with zero fashion sense and obviously colour blind—->brought to America ——three hots and a cot ——->Life’s good and am grateful.”

    Graded F and sent to Ontario’s re-education camp for Kids that Don’t Learn Good.

    1. But, but, but … they’ve been FORCED to learn the white man’s language … and racist math … and racist science? Ohhhhhhhh Mommaaaaaaaa …

      You ask me what I think about the starvin chil’ren in Africa … and I say … Ohhhhhhhh Mommaaaaa

  6. Oh I probably would have worked the evils of sodomy and its resulting Monkeypox into my submission. Maybe a little Ebola for good measure.

  7. Colonialism = immigration.
    So they are asking students to explain the evils of immigration.

    1. I laugh because it seems that only lefties think of blacks when monkeys are mentioned.

  8. Talking about the Ford Govt…????

    As I noted in the article above this one , seems the Ford Govt was being Coached/Tutored…DAMNED WELL TOLD what to do from likely pre 2020 up to a few months ago on how to “MANAGE” their Covid response.

    Said company also “advises” the WHO, Pfizer and the Bill n Melinda Gates Foundation.

    The entire f’ing Canadian Political CLASS is 100% Guilty of Crimes AGAINST HUMANITY at the behest of Global GARBAGE. I seem to recall mentioning that more than a few times the past 2 years…

    A question Danielle Smith might wish to ask of those who were in charge right here in Alberta. Kenney, Hinshaw, Shandro and the FASCIST Bastards at the college of Physicians & Doctors et all…hmm.?
