51 Replies to “On Second Thought…”

  1. Abby and Brittany Hensel are conjoined twins that cannot be separated. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this clown show doctor would consider their situation at birth as a “severe deformation” and candidates for “involuntary manslaughter” (because that’s what it effing is).

    Here’s the thing. Abby and Brittany dealt with it. Got a college degree. And, both serve as the Fifth grade teacher(s) in New Brighton, Minnesota.

  2. Kind of makes sense actually. This recommendation is coming from someone who probably deals with these poor kids day to day, who in more natural circumstances likely wouldn’t survive. It’s very sad, but if quality of life is absent it makes sense.

    1. No, it doesn’t. That attitude is appalling. It’s infanticide. Period. And eugenics. We are not God.

        1. So who gets to decide who lives and who dies? That is not something I would put in the hands of bureaucrats, so-called “health care providers,” or any government policy makers, Trudeau or otherwise.
          I get your very valid point – not all will accept a reason from a religious standpoint. But simply from a human standpoint, opening that Pandora’s box and giving that life or death power to anyone – it opens the door to a callous evaluation of whether or not another person’s life is worth living – strictly based on the power holder’s values, of course.
          My concern is not what we humans are not – God, or whatever.
          It is what we are.
          Any student of history who thinks that “Oh, people are basically good,” should have flunked the course.

        2. Well, not a God that thinks possession of child porn should be legal. You didn’t honestly think that remark wouldn’t come back did you?

        3. Don’t be a f@g, Unme.

          This begs the question: why keep Quebec alive if it won’t keep its infants alive?

      1. Yes, let’s leave these decisions to internet armchair warriors spending time on blogs instead.

    2. Who gets to define “severe abnormalities?” This doctor?
      A lot of babies get aborted because of gender preference or mild handicaps. The “severe abnormalities” line was used to open the abortion door years ago. Look where that ended up.
      Also, the argument “when the health of the mother is endangered” quickly morphed into “when her psychological well-being may be stressed.” So abort because you don’t feel like having a kid, or because you have a holiday planned.
      What sounds caring and nuanced today very quickly changes into callous convenience tomorrow.
      I do not think this would end very differently.

      1. “Who gets to define “severe abnormalities?” This doctor?”


        “The “severe abnormalities” line was used to open the abortion door years ago. Look where that ended up.”

        It ended up at freedom.

        1. Well your shining a pretty positive light on something that should be viewed with a healthy dose of personal responsibility.
          I get it but your missing something, that isn’t instilled anymore.
          Hearing a thirteen year old girl more or less shrug her shoulders and “say I’ll just get an abortion”, after a talk with her mother.
          Says, something about the depth of “sex ed” and social media geared towards young women it HAS NONE.
          Freedom without depth isn’t freedom at all it’s what we have now.
          A friggin mess, politics can’t fix any longer.

        2. Being homosexual or transgender is a severe deformity, right?

          Why stop with killing them at the age of one?

          Why can’t we just kill them at ANY age?

    3. My oldest works with very sick youngsters, the technology has surpassed the ethics and can keep an unviable human being alive. Yes there are success stories, but they’re are others only those in the thick of it know.
      I understand the slippery slope which in many cases is right, especially when it comes to absolute useless unaccountable wingnuts making policy, I really do.
      But Jeff is making a very viable point, which unfortunately caring parents don’t have it in them to make anymore.
      If I had to pick something out from my daughters talks, some parents are the problem, and docs that pussy foot around difficult subjects another.
      As far as teenagers and the like the government can go royally fk themselves.
      Do something with school boards and useless curriculum first.
      Then again it’s up to parents …… and most complain and do nothing including clue their kid to the nonsence.

    4. Currently, depending on the country, 60%-90% of babies with Down syndrome are aborted after a prenatal diagnosis.

      Children and adults with Down syndrome are NOT “severely deformed or having a severe syndrome”, yet we can all agree that this evil wants to take them out.

      In a year or so this same panel of evil doctors will get the idea that they can use these same children for “medical experiments “ much like their forebears did in 1930s-40s Germany. And people will make comments here that will think that maybe that’s a good idea.

    5. Jeff, you and your ilk have been making excuses for murdering people from the word go.
      Just FO.

  3. I think it makes sense for severely damaged babies like the Zika babies, but not up to a year that’s nuts. Immediate action.

    1. Hey unbrain, abortion is legal in Canada. Why the rush for infanticide? What’s your cut of the action, hm?

  4. The government is looking for new ways to kill us, because they can no longer afford to keep us alive, nor do they want to.

    That’s what my personal experience over the last 2 1/2 to 3 years has taught me.

    Change my mind!

    The culture of death is running rampant in this country, and the sad part of it is that the sheep among us have been conditioned to think that all of this is quite normal.

    Well, I don’t think this is normal. This is pure evil. They are putting a value on human life, and the value keeps dropping like the value of a dollar.

    I knew it would come to this when they legalized MAiD. Heck, my red flag was raised when they legalized abortion. Yes, I’ve been around for that long!

  5. I wonder who defines what severe enough to justify killing a baby. This isn’t letting nature take its course or any crap, this is medically assisted homicide.
    Remember way back when when the abortion folks decided to allow abortion when the life of the mother was in danger? Last I checked we were including financial hardship as justification. I think the same slippery slope can be expected here.

  6. Wasn’t this an example of ‘bad thinking’ in high school? I remember my socialist history teacher saying that putting down the ‘deformed’ was a warning flag. It is a warning.

  7. Kill ’em all. Let God sort ’em out.
    The bureaucracy has determined that you are a burden to society, and therefore intolerable.

    Is there any question in anyone’s mind that we need dramatically less government?

  8. “Yeah, the poor suffering babies… and man, do you know how much it costs to keep one of those kids in diapers?!!! Infanticide is -way- cheaper dudes. Way cheaper.”

    Always remember, in socialized medicine patient care is a COST.

    1. Socialized medicine is neither here nor there. Retard babies are huge burden regardless of the medical system in use.

      1. Yes, you are a huge burden.

        ‘Retard babies’ like my son have more empathy and love in their toe nails than you’ve every recieved in your life.

      2. My son is worth 100 of you.

        We seem to have the ability to tolerate you here in this community. Count your blessings that we don’t hold you to your own sick standards.

  9. With Dr. Louis Roy’s “defective thinking”…he should take his own advice…!

    Yes, well the National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (NSDAP) started the killing of “defectives” with exactly the same “reasoning” in 1939 .


    “the systematic killing of those Germans whom the Nazis deem “unworthy of life.” The order is backdated to the beginning of the war (September 1, 1939). At first, doctors and staff in hospitals are encouraged to neglect patients. Thus, patients die of starvation and diseases. Later, groups of “consultants” visit hospitals and decide who will die. Those patients are sent to various “euthanasia” killing centers in Greater Germany”

    Everything old is new again! Kill the patient, SAVE the state MONEY!

    Let us know when the “learned doctor” removes the double SS runes from his lapel! 🙂

    And the propaganda at the time was that the germans were “Baby Killlers!”

    Dr. Louis Roy is picking up the “Baby Killer” baton for Dr. Karl Brandt.
    The look isn’t flattering…when rope meets lamppost.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. The leftist likes to kill babies whether in the womb or outside the womb, their thirst for State run dead baby factories is insatiable. but they don’t like to kill criminals like Paul Bernardo or Cliffard Olsen. MAID good, Capitol Punishment bad. They are truly deranged and the purest of evil.

    Th E-Nazi State of Canada rolls on into the lunatic abyss. Tommy Douglas would be proud of the degenerate State.

  11. Eugenics seems to be making a comeback in Canada.

    Q: Slippery slope?
    A: Bobsled run covered in canola oil.

  12. Killing off “defective” children is the first step to killing off “defective” old people who become a burden on society as well. Will the politically incorrect be next on the list?

  13. So for years progressives have been harping that drug abuse isn’t a choice, it’s a disease.
    I say we make them play by their rules and start offering MAiD to people with that disease.

  14. Having watched these VERY SICK and mentally challenged so called intelligent group of people tell us that MAiD is so wonderful maybe they should demonstrate to the un washed just how good it is. I’m sure many of the proponents of this sick ideology would be more than happy off themselves to show the way.

  15. This will place parents in an exceptionally difficult situation. If the medical community wants to kill a sick or infirm baby, the parents will avoid seeking medical attention. Neglecting the medical needs of a child will cause child welfare to get involved and potentially apprehend the baby. Then the government legally decides what medical “care” the baby needs. Parents potentially go to prison for “neglecting” a child the government wants to kill anyway.

    Everything which seems ridiculously exaggerated now, may be a mere few years down the road.

  16. Isn’t this how the Nazi’s started? Defective humans. And then they start expanding what is “defective.”

  17. The mistake the Nazis made was they rushed things. In a short span of time they quietly completed their monstrous deeds and when the lid was finally lifted the world was shocked and horrified by the results.

    Today the Nazis take a slow, methodical approach, and gain consensus and approval incrementally, so everyone is complicit in the horrors.

    “Severely deformed babies” of today are the “products of rape and incest babies” of the 70s. Let’s be honest, MILLIONS of perfectly healthy babies, conceived in perfectly normal circumstances are aborted, and everyone is OK with it.

    “Severely deformed babies” will be 90% aborted before birth. The remaining few are providing cover for killing a ten month old because their cleft lip surgery didn’t heal as invisibly as the doctor said it would. Or the poor baby whose mother has post partum depression or a baby who has terrible colic and cries non stop. And everyone will be OK with it.

    And there will be no one left to be horrified with the Nazis and the horror they have unleashed, because we have given them permission every step of the way.

  18. Alexander, Leo (1949). “Medical Science under Dictatorship”. New England Journal of Medicine.

    “Whatever proportions these crimes finally assumed, it became evident to all who investigated them that they had started from small beginnings. The beginnings at first were merely a subtle shift in emphasis in the basic attitude of the physicians. It started with the acceptance of the attitude, basic in the euthanasia movement, that there is such a thing as life not worthy to be lived.”

  19. This sort of thing is why many atheists are often such disgusting people.
    They have enough hubris to make decisions that are far outside of the scope of humanity:
    The world’s climate, the economy, aggregate health of populations, safety of populations, who shall live and who shall die, etc.
    This sort of decision-making has become so common-place that even allegedly right-leaning religious people are on board with many of the policies thus implemented.
    Say goodnight.
