27 Replies to “October 9, 2022: Reader Tips”

  1. @ The Burning Platform: 

    Putin Made a Peace Offer. Take it.

    The piece above has a link to part of a vile speech by the puppet president Poroshenko installed by Victoria “fkuc the EU” Nuland and her neo-con gangster confreres.


    QUOTE: (of special interest to the dangerous fool Zelensky).

    To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” 
    – Kissinger

  2. Jays lost. I was happy. They had an unfair advantage at home since unjabbed visiting players couldn’t enter the country. MLB should have forced them to play in the US all season.

    I stopped watching or caring months and months ago. This may very well be the last ‘normal’ season of baseball ever though.

    1. The action the people want is rounding up all climate activists and gassing them with CO2 before turning their bodies into carbon sinks.

      1. Thucydides – lmao I think “more people” or “most people” want to turn climate warriors into carbon sinks. Warriors like those blocking the roadway in DC recently.

    2. People want action?

      Well those people can:
      – stop flying
      – sell their cars (they often have more than one), and take public transit
      – turn off their air conditioning
      – turn down their home heating to 55 F
      – rent out all their homes and move into a small apartment.

    1. Pat, your posts have gone from cute to imbecilic. You do realize something called fallout. What happens in Moscow doesn’t stay in Moscow. Perhaps you are a CSIS plant designed to encourage responses to be used in future show trials.

      1. Hugh, never thought of it. They open fine on my PC, which is where I post links from. But you’re right, on a phone you need an app. Not sure how to help if you’re using the phone.

  3. It’s probably nothing:

    I watch a lot of BNN-Boomberg TV, and read a lot of business news. The latest establishment view is that North America “might” enter into a “mild” recession “sometime in 2023”. These gurus want people to start buying equities now while they are “cheap”. Rubbish. People shoild hold financial wealth in cash gold or energy stocks.

    1. And predictably the “natural ally of the Western World” aka, world’s largest public toilet, takes all top places.

  4. “Alleged…would be … follow-up diplomatically” In other words, you won’t be shutting down the Chicom police stations in Trawna any time soon, right?

    Global Affairs Canada’s director general for North Asia and Oceania Bureau, Weldon Epp in response to a question about the illegal police stations: “The activity that’s being alleged would be entirely illegal, totally inappropriate, and would be subject to very serious representations and follow-up diplomatically,”

    I tried posting this with the Business Times link, but it got captured by the black hole of moderation.
