20 Replies to “The Blind Leading the Blind”

  1. I can’t find anything in their analysis that I disagree with. Elections (especially fraudulent ones) have consequences.

  2. Solid discussion. Lot’s of good points. I think the skipped over two related issues that are also driving the scenario.

    1. Saudi Arabia does NOT agree with Biden’s (Obama’s) agreement with Iran.
    2. They didn’t so much as touch on moratorium that the Biden administration put on certain key oil producing fields in the US. They didn’t touch on the absolute war of the democrats on coal production or fracking. If the US operated their resource mining a anywhere near potential capacity there would be very low fuel prices and enough to export as relief to Europe to boot.

    1. The Saudis are (oil-well-practiced tap (so to speak) dancers.

      Being Sunni, they are somewhat at odds with the Shia Iranians. The concept and implications of “The Twelfth Imam” are WAY too apocalyptic for their taste.

      The House of Saud rose from a fortuitously-located band of camel jockeys, to where they are, by the time-honoured culturally embedded Nexuses? (nexii?) of “Honour / Shame” and “Money / Power”, that are an integral part of Arab tradition, LONG predating Mo’s dodgy handbook, but seriously empowered by the “Sand-Pirates’ Handbook”.

      That does NOT make the Saudis all sweetness and light, as can be clearly observed in their “treatment” of archaeological relics that predate “Mo”.

    2. Pretty sure they are very opposed to any Biden agreement with Iran because they recognize that Iran is not an honest player, and they really don’t want to have to spend money building their own nukes if they can help it.

  3. Why would Joe Biden think that the Saudis would go along with a price cap scheme that will, without doubt, be used against them in the future, should it succeed?

  4. Biden Whitehouse reaction reminds me how someone with mental illness reacts when their antisocial behavior triggers criticism from the rest of the world. “They are conspiring against me!” Paranoia is one of those strong indicators that the Whitehouse is going off the rails. Add in a hefty dose of narcissism. Why should anyone in the rest of the world follow the US directions/orders?

  5. Let me take a stab at what our resident DC-Davos Globohomo talking points parrot that lives in Beijing will have to contribute squawk:

    “Poooooooteeeeeen stooooooogesssssss!”

    Convince me that I’m wrong.

  6. Good commentary.

    Bidinh wants lower Prices at the pump, knowing damned well it will cost the Filthy Dems HUGE come November if he fails…but…He’s more afraid of the CLIMATARDS in his own Kampf to do that. He’s Fkd IMO. And with the EU saying – Doing NOTHING…tells me they are all bought n paid for by WEF / Rothschilds largesse as well.

    And here we sit in Ab & Sask with likely the worlds 2nd/3rd largest reserves with a very similar POS trying to destroy OUR Industry…

    TIME TO LEAVE stat.

  7. Expecting the Saudis to play ball with the Net Zero environmentalists are we.. Lets make putting ourselves out of business as painless as possible for the people doing this to us.. Its like your employer making you train your replacement because we are all on the same team..

    1. No industry has profited more from the War on Carbon than Oil and Gas. Outlawing coal was the greatest thing that could have ever happened for them

  8. When it comes to energy intelligence, almost the whole planet minus the sociopath led Europeans, UK, US, Canada, NZ, and Australia – are more in tune with energy reality. The bankrupt woke western welfare states are in lock-step, green theocracy, innumeracy and delusion and on the path to economic suicide. This is the way that a China-led world replaces the America led one. Xi and his new gas station attendant, Vlad, must be laughing themselves silly.

    1. It was fools who think Russia is nothing more than a gas station that created this mess.
      That gas station beat the US into space despite the US having all the Nazi scientists.
      It was that’gas station’ the US had to rely on to get to the ISS, because the American launch vehicle killed way too many men and women. BTW, all the heavy lifting on the space station was performed by Russia.
      Great writers, great composers, and zero tolerance for gay pride parades. A country where you can walk the streets anytime of day or night in safety, streets that are clean and graffiti free.
      A populous educated far beyond their western peers in the basics of mathematics, the pure sciences, literature, and geopolitics.
      That gas station runs rings around western students educated in the public sphere.

      If there’s one thing I have learned in the last two years is how exceptionally ignorant, is the average North American.
      I learned long ago that I was ignorant about most things. I set out to correct that by reading only to discover that the more I learned, the greater the depth of my ignorance.
      That’s the curious thing about knowledge. The more you know the more you realize that you know only just a fraction of what’s out there.
      One thing I do know for certain is that our leaders lie to us and they are not good people, nor do they have our best interests at heart.
      Our enemy isn’t Russia, or China for that matter. Our real enemies ascend to positions of power through the ballot box stuffed with the smugness of the truly ignorant.

      I see ignorant people. They don’t know they’re ignorant. They vote.

  9. Saudi Arabia is colluding with Russia?? It’s an effing cartel, Joe, that’s what cartels do. Biden is on his knees for Iran and can’t figure out why the Saudis are pissed off.

  10. A bit late to be discovering these guys, no? Where ya been, Kate?

    And there is Col. Black. And Col. Douglas MacGregor. And Robert Barnes. Check out iEarlGrey as well.

    That is about 10-20% of the space you should be checking regularly, to counterbalance the CBC, BBC, CNN, MSNBC endless brow beating.

    Oh and don’t take anything on Twatter or Telly-gram at face value. Almost everything on SM is unadulterated bullshit.

    Go for hard data where you can. Because opinions are like a–holes: everyone’s got one.

  11. I subscribe to the Duran.. it’s cheap and they are great and a lot of other good content. They do 2-3 segments a day together or individually ..
    I just arrived back in the Baltics last night .. it has been a while due to the Covid scam restrictions as I was living here until it hit and got bared from the country..
    First reminder of why I despise the modern Canada was communications.. Bought a sim at Riga airport for 5 bucks.. Unlimited voice and data for a week.. data good in Estonia as well which is where will am headed.. A friend has family plan with 4 phones with unlimited for 29 Euro a month.. home internet and TV is 19 euro a month..
    The American war in Ukraine has has had a huge impact here as there is such and high percent of ethnic Russians here as it has open old wounds from the USSR era… tearing down statues ( sound familiar) and tensions from all the old wounds are back in spades..
    Back on topic.. check out The Duran.. It’s hours or informative Ukraine news and comment everyday..
