The Doctor Will Kill You Now

Rupa Subramanya- Scheduled to Die: The Rise of Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program

In 2017, the first full year in which MAiD, which is administered by provincial governments, was in operation, 2,838 people opted for assisted suicide, according to a government report. By 2021, that figure had jumped to 10,064—accounting for more than 3 percent of all deaths in Canada that year.

There have been a total of 31,664 MAiD deaths and the large majority of those people were 65 to 80 when they died. In 2017, only 34 MAiD deaths were in the 18- to 45-year-old category. In 2018, that figure rose to at least 49. In 2019, it was 103; in 2020,118; and in 2021, 139.

Today, thousands of people who could live for many years are applying—successfully—to kill themselves.

33 Replies to “The Doctor Will Kill You Now”

  1. Has anyone noticed that those embracing this patient-murder all come from countries with socialised medicine?

    Just putting that out there.

  2. But we want to save as many lives as possible with the “vaccines”. Tried explaining this nonsense to (former) friends and family. All you get is the glazed over look. Does not compute.

      1. As I’ve noted in the past. Said research on LPD’s, Arbutus Pharm, also a Cdn pharma worked in conjunction w/Acuitas & UBC as far bk as 2014 on their perfection of said tech – it being the defacto delivery mechanism for mRNA.

        Given that, I propose that the PM on his ascension to Oberrgruppen Furher was FULLY informed of what, where and why for, at his first National Security Briefing…with additional info garnered from the WEF, OBAMA, and his good buddy George Soros.

        He knew as far back as 2015 what was coming. On that basis he is 100% Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity and fully deserving of a NUREMBERG NECKLACE.

        That I would live to witness THAT.

    1. The objective is to save low cost tax payers (i. e. Net revenue sources) while eliminating citizens who are economic drains. That’s what happens when you introduce MBA’s into the health care system.

      1. In the UK they implement “quality-adjusted life years, or QALYs,” to decide who lives. This was more accurately described as the “death panels” that left wingers bristled at.

        1. I have never heard of anything more obscene than a QALY.
          Seems the standard QALY is “one year of life in perfect health”
          Perfect health being defined as..mainlining estrogen and getting castrated, eating bugs, and being gay, among other things.

  3. Gov’t is a parasite on the body politic.
    An parasite with no checks on its growth will always kill the host.
    So far, mankind has not found a way of checking this particular parasite’s growth.
    Still, gov’t is a great idea, it just hasn’t been properly implemented.
    All we need is a bigger pile of bodies to try the next implementation.
    20th century attempts resulted in a pile of 290 billion bodies.
    Do I hear a billion-body pile for our attempts in the 21st century?
    We can do it!
    As long as people insist that men must bend the knee to other men, it is inevitable.

    To paraphrase Castaneda:
    “Once you learn to see, you find yourself alone, surrounded by folly.”

  4. If we are going to have this “progressive” policy I’d like to see an aggressive federal campaign to promote assisted suicide among the homeless population. Let’s face it, if you’re addicted to meth or opiates or crack, you’re living on the street because your own mother won’t let you in the house, and you have about a 0.3% chance of transforming yourself out of your zombie situation, you are an excellent candidate to be sold on the peace of the grave.

    1. yeah, no possibility of a slippery slope there.
      Just like there was no possibility of a slippery slope with same-sex marriage, and now we have tranny story hours and drag-queens doing strip-teases for kids.

  5. Here’s hoping all the gang greens take advantage of the MAiD program.

    The gang greens who are heating up the planet by maintaining a body temp of 98.6 F.

    Or they could recycle their bodies by jumping into the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean and feed the fishes.

  6. Like everything else, liberals screw this up too.
    Assisted dying for cancer patients and others with no hope of recovery and nothing but a painful death to look forward to is not a bad thing.
    But these idiots will provoke a backlash against all of it and ruin for those that it would be appropriate for.

    1. It was never about personal autonomy or “mercy” (I don’t see how killing the sick makes us better as people) but about making killing people acceptable.

  7. Hmmmmm….I’ve looked at this six ways to Sunday and at the risk of sounding heartless I have a few problems with Landry’s rationale. If he claims he’s not suicidal yet applied for Medical Assistance in Death…what’s it called then?

    In his tweets he scolds the gov’t by claiming “MAID is the new social safety net” even comparing it to Nazi Germany’s euthanasia program for infants and those with infirmities etc. I’m totally on board with that assessment but it’s kind of a weird way to raise awareness for your particular situation by making a date with your executioner’s new and improved 4 step program.

    If you want to live but find it difficult to get by on what your monthly stipend allows there are people out there who can help you Mr.Landry. And no, it doesn’t mean you have to convert to a particular religion, so let’s get that out of the way.

    If I’m way off on this…fill me in. Perhaps I’m missed something.

      1. Yeah, I know what the hell it’s called and I agree; the State should never be in the business of murdering citizens. Full stop.
        As I’ve asked before – What’s it called when on the one hand you say you’re totally against an insidious gov’t healthcare option yet on the other you actually sign up for it? No one is compelling him to commit suicide at least not yet.
        And once more – If he’s citing poverty which it seems he is, it’s kind of a piss poor excuse to off yourself.
        I also see he’s no stranger to Gofundme…so that isn’t exactly helping his position.

        1. Consider a larger question: why don’t we value life, especially if we believe this is the only life we have and humanity is the only source of goodness (which contradicts other views of humanity, like the Hobbesian view)?

    1. It’s a cry for help

      He just needs to find Jesus. Canada needs missionaries, forget Africa bring back the ministers.

    2. agree with what you are saying. But he has enough $$ to buy a Tim Horton’s coffee evidently

  8. “Can’t afford to eat, can’t afford to heat my living quarters. Better kill me.”
    Now tell me that isn’t part of the overall plan.

  9. Taxpayer funded, state administered murder.
    The fact that people consent to it is immaterial; just think about a free-market implementation of this, people would go ballistic:
    “Joe’s Happy Peace House: Come to end the pain, stay to hang out with your maker!
    Find us, and eternal peace at the corner of Rainbow Blvd and Happy Valley St.!”
    …and just next door:
    “Fred’s Discount Dog Food”, if not “Crazy Eddie’s Discount Protein Bars.”
    But some people like it when the state does it, and call it dignified and merciful.
    The world has gone completely insane, homicidally batsh*t crazy.

  10. When literal Nazis take over your country and then impose their ideology there are consequences.

    Canada is a death cult. The only thing missing from the politicians in charge are the black uniforms with the deadhead skull and bones, the Red arm bands and the SS insignia.

    The Nazis didn’t lose, they run Canada.

    Hows Paul Bernardo doing ? Does he have enough to eat ?

    What a warped psychotic shithole.

  11. Juthtin and his Logan’s Run Bureaucrats can go fck themselves.
    And it’s not a slippery slope, it’s a steady purposeful descent into hell.
    The State should have no decision for or against because its none of their GD business.

  12. California euthanized a few hundred last year.. Canada euthanized 10 000.. Our populations are about the same.. What are they or we doing differently?.. This whole protect our health care system so into the volcano you go.. Or your suffering so much, please sign here..
    Full money back guarantee and the quietest return desk all in one government program.. Saints every last one of them..

  13. I lost my beautiful wife of 40 years to cancer in April, after a 4-year struggle.

    Not knowing for certain the path the disease would take, we did put a MAID option in place, but it was a truly horrible decision. Thankfully we never had to consider it as the palliative care she received was outstanding and she passed without pain, knowing she was truly loved.

    Two observations. The first, while the
    MAID physician was professional, she seemed both enthusiastic and proud of her specialty. Secondly, on a personal note, I could not handle the idea of ‘scheduling’ the death of my beloved. The idea that on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. you’ll draw your last breath was more than I could bear.

    There is indeed a slippery slope. One only has to look at the Netherlands to see that this is true.

  14. My dear mother, a socialist and devoted MSNBC watcher ( This conservative son did not talk politics with her) convinced her doctor that she had chronic pain and terminal cancer ( no proof). She insisted on MAID probably because she was depressed, lonely and didn’t want to go into a care home. He obliged. Two people in her apartment building obliged her by signing papers. Simple. Tragic.

  15. My sister in laws mother had a cat. The cat was old, blind, incontinent, deaf, had no teeth and was unable to feed himself. They decided to do the ‘humane’ thing and have him put to sleep.

    At this time my SiL’s mother, Anna was in exactly the same state. Shortly after the cat went off to college, Anna ended up bed ridden, being cleaned 3 times a day by ‘care workers’. This lasted two years until she passed away.

    If it’s the ‘humane’ thing to do for a cat (who cannot protest and say that, actually, they would like to hang around for a while longer) why not humans?

    1. We do an awful lot of things to animals that we draw a line at for humans.
      I could list them, but I think you know already.
      The list is slowly getting shorter, so in a decade or so this comment may be moot.

  16. Am familiar with the emotional aspect of MAID. My strong willed and practical mother went the MAID way 4 years ago, at 94. The process was then as Rupa articulated more onerous. She barely “made it” as she was on the cusp of officially having “lost it” from dementia and thus wouldn’t be of sound mind aka be able to coherently rationalize to the doctor her reasons. But at least, compared to where this now devolving to, she had reasons…..she was going to soon be a vegetable and die thereafter.

    What we are seeing now is a disgrace, repugnant and more. When my mother was asking for it, my rationalizing like for many in society’s acceptance of the process, was the right of the individual to control their lives to the end. Undoubtedly my despair from wanting to not see my mother suffer mixed with the ever present daily frustration of dealing with someone loosing their proverbial marbles made it harder to argue with her against my opposite ethical and political position. My pragmatic side figured the federal and provincial governments were happy in the name of individualism to help ease the every increasing tax burden of aging boomers hitting the old age home circuit. Sort of a win win all the way around was the unwritten position paper.

    The evolution of MAID since, the advent of covid, and what we experienced from all varieties of government and their agencies, all the talk, rightly or wrongly of WEF level conspiracies, mixed with Marxist theorems, tainted by environmentalists happy to kill us all, I started to see pre WWII Nazi level thinking happening amongst those on the levers of control: Let’s get rid of the infirm so we can have a perfect society. A la Logan’s Run postulation.

    Then literally as I was running through the above comments it occurs to me, that while yes, Trudeau and pals are especially maybe happy to cull for purposes of the environment or simply budget control, the fact we are now so far down the slippery slope of what ailments qualify, so easily talking and accepting it, I think really comes first from our society’s ever present and ever increasing mental and emotional laziness.

    We, well at least not I completely yet, have found the emotionally satisfying EASY Button on this ultimate issue of self help. Aside the no suffering I embraced, we have devolved so much further down the path of an “oh life is tough for you” coddling as yes you are a victim, you have no purpose because we have made life too easy for you. Here’s your ticket out. Thanks for coming. Should we be surprised? No.

    My generation, who’s parents made their way through this century’s’ wars, famines, depressions, inflation binges, etc., at least were made to understand if not lived it, life is a fight. Our generation is stronger and better for it in so many ways. But many of today’s generation break down when someone has a divergent thought or their latte didn’t come with enough foam, let alone when dealing with complex life issues that have easy mechanical solutions but are emotionally “difficult” to get through, thus impossible .

    Trudeau et al are taking advantage of this infantilization. Why is the motive that needs to be found and exposed.

  17. Hundreds of people take their own lives every day and you are silent.

    When the government facilitates it you are upset.
