12 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Farmers Insurance Commercial”

  1. Had a bear walk close to me while i was sitting on the front cottage porch,he tilted his head sideways
    and then sauntered off into the bush and don’t get me going on the deer that can leap a roadway in one single bound.

    1. Alexb, I had the leaping buck one evening, driving on the road into the cottage. As you said, in one single bound. Incredible! We also had a bull moose in the brush one day, at the side of the cottage driveway. He was huge, and old. We all stood in awe, watching him. The dog finally got wind of him and started barking so he moved further into the bush.

  2. I was once lying in shade on a hot summer day, bare chested. I had two bald faced hornets crash into each other as both of them dived for the same canker worm hanging on a thread above me. The two hornets were stunned, landed on my bare chest, staggered around a bit and then took off without hurting me. Meanwhile a third hornet got the canker worm.

    I hate canker worms. Not so fond of bald faced hornets either.

      1. Agreed.
        Although putting Disney in the same boat as Rocky and Bullwhinkle rubs me the wrong way.

  3. Once upon a time back in the 90’s, at a rural Alberta dealership, a moose wandered onto the lot, sauntered between two brand new pickups and figured out there was a chain link fence behind them blocking his way. Typical dealer parking, so he couldn’t turn around. I don’t know if the trucks were writeoffs but having seen the damage I can’t imagine they were repaired.

  4. My former brother-in-law was a native fellow, and a stand-out chuckwagon outrider. June of 1973, he flew into Calgary and rented a green Satellite Sebring to get up to the (now defunct) Rimbey Stampede to line up his rides for the Calgary Stampede. It was a rainy weekend that year. During the course of the wagon races, Ralph Vigen, IIRC, had an upset. One of his horses spooked and broke free of the guy handling him in the course of getting things sorted out. He bolted and managed to head right for the parking area, dragging harness and tack behind him. He found a lane in the lot, and found some speed. The lane came to a ‘T’. The horse didn’t skip a beat, and jumped. Cleared the hood of a green Satellite Sebring, but dragged his hooves and all the harness across. They found him munching on the grass in the cemetery.
    So, my BIL returns the car at the rental place on Sunday afternoon, and the guy behind the counter ain’t buying the story that this Indian’s telling him about a runaway chuckwagon horse. Rimbey being pretty close to Hobbema and all. Luckily, he had the business card of the Rimbey RCMP detachment head, and the Mountie verified the story over the phone. 🙂
