49 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. That there are 840 people who can still say Yes is a testament to the power of the old media. I wish it a slow death, but it would be better for society if it went sooner.

    1. I just voted – 30% voted “Yes”. I assume they are all disgruntled federal employees who are bitching about being inconvenienced.

      1. Yes. People in Ottawa can’t let go of the Trucker protest. . . on and on about how inconvenienced they were. I have never seen such whiners.

  2. Shame on Trudeau and Canada for beating down the protesters in Ottawa.. The only thing they threatened was government overreach..

  3. So, get this–I went to the site and voted “No”, and I was given the message “sorry, you have already voted”.

    Out of curiousity I went back and voted “yes” and is said “thank you for your vote”.

    Somebody (other than us) is monkeying with the poll

      1. It’s called “Today’s Question,” about two-thirds (?) down the web page, and is awkwardly worded.

        Read carefully before answering.

        1. Garth – Invoking the Emergencies Act was “Wrong”. Seems clear enough. Am I missing something?
          48% agreed it was wrong. The other 42% didn’t understand the question, perhaps?

    1. Tell Us Who You Are…

      .gov loves lists…

      I am on many lists…

      I don’t care…

      So do we the people

      We all have a lists…

      Who has the power…

      Us measly pea ons or the thin evil tyrannical minority who think they are above us…

      The Evil Tyrannical minority above us started the game…

      Here comes the ending…

      It ends in thuds for each and every evil tyrannical one who committed Democide…

      At the end of a rope…

      1. You are full of sh*t, and a collectivist, who says the collective has more value than the individual, what with all your “divide and conquer” crap.
        You have no love of freedom, but rather a love of people who would follow you.

  4. Just remember folks that the Mayor Jim Watson and council canceled Winterlude due to Covid the week before the convoy arrived. For anyone to complain that businesses suffered losses during the protest is complete bs.

  5. As an Ottawa resident I can confidently vote “no.” The only reason businesses were harmed was because the government ordered them shut. BTW, the ones that stayed open made out like bandits. 🙂

    1. Remember the Iconic Cafe. They stayed open, and promptly got evicted for doing so by the city, who owned the property where the cafe was located.

  6. The main CTV site is 48% No, 42% Yes and 10% will decide after the Turd tells the inguiry what to think. VPN and clear Cache are your friends. The Ottawa CTV site is 71% No and 29% Kissing Ass Gov’t Employees.

  7. An earlier poll on that page has people saying 60-40% that gas prices should be regulated by the government.

    How dumb can a person be to not k ow that 1) government taxes drive prices 30% higher, while 2) it is government antipathy to gas that prevents new production, pipelines and refineries.

  8. Amazing what must constitute an “Emergency” to those supporting Justine’s thuggery..
    Especially when these are the same idiots who tell us that we he have no rights or freedoms in an “Emergency”..
    But a civic protest stampedes them in terror?
    Too stupid or too evil?

  9. Very interesting. I voted no, so they took off two “no” votes.
    After my vote:
    Do you believe it was necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act?
    Thanks for your vote
    Yes 1241 (29 %)
    No 3041 (71 %)
    Total number of votes: 4282

    Before my vote:
    Back to pollView the latest polls
    Poll Results
    Do you believe it was necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act?
    Yes 1241 (29 %)
    No 3043 (71 %)
    Total number of votes: 4284

    Not sure why or how.

    1. Hanky panky or algorithms; I’m going with Hanky panky… 😉
      Wait’ll they get around to counting the mail-in ballots! lol

  10. I figure these polls are nothing but a kind of click bait: they just use the numbers to prove to turdo la doo that they’re worthy of another lube job at our expense.

  11. I’m looking forward to their poll asking if the respondents know anyone with mysterious ailments shortly after receiving a jab.

    Like their 24 year old dead reporter dude from a few weeks back.

    Or their polls about vaccine regret.

    Wait for them….

  12. With the connivance of Canada’s media, this hearing, which is supposed to be about Prime Minister Trudeau’s actions, will instead become a protracted condemnation of the Freedom Convoy truckers, and all who supported them. Trudeau will not rest until he has turned all of Canada against them, and has ground them out with his heel. Don’t expect that the conservatives in the house will mount much of a defense. They will be content with taking little jabs at Trudeau.

  13. Another poll from “castanet.net” : “Are the unvaccinated the most discriminated people in the last 51 years?”

    Look for the “Question of the Day” down along the right side as you scroll down:


    Roughly 58% Yes so far.

  14. Actually, I do believe it was necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act for Justin to show the world what an authoritarian thug he is.

  15. 8:55 pm
    Emergencies Act?
    Thanks for your vote

    1547 (27 %)

    4089 (73 %)
    Total number of votes: 5636

    1. In this day and age, what’s the difference between lying under oath or not?
      No repercussions, just a sh*t show to placate the masses, some of whom may be convinced that justice was done, and that’s all that matters, right?
      Welcome to the 21st century.

  16. Do you believe that the Emergencies Act should even exist?
    I’m sure many cowardly statists will answer “yes.”

  17. We need to air-lift people to North Korea and leave them there.

    Start with the people who voted YES to this poll.
