Stock Up on Benjamins

Not a bad idea.

Armstrong Economics- Canadians Beware

Canadians should keep some US dollars in cash. Trudeau canceled high-value notes. As of January 2021, he obtained the power to cancel Canadian currency as they do in Europe. Once that power was exercised, he would do it again. He is entirely on board with Klaus Schwab and this agenda of the World Economic Forum.

28 Replies to “Stock Up on Benjamins”

  1. If the power grid goes down having those dead benjamins in your hand is not going to do you any good. Short of the power grid going down, I think to have some us funds kicking around is not a bad idea. H

    1. If the power grid goes down? How useful will your EBT Card be?

      After Hurricane IAN, a lot of Florida businesses reopened on generator power. They were CASH ONLY, because their was no communications for their credit card processing machines. This is not the 1970’s where you ran imprint of the credit card and had the customer sign the multiple carbon copy receipt, and mailed it in for reimbursement in two weeks to 30 days.

      Every economy needs a trusted medium of exchange, so you can buy and sell food, medicine gasoline, and everything else. Barter will not do it. How do you trade 10% of a car or a 5% of a one ounce gold coin for a days or weeks worth of food? You need a TRUSTED Medium of exchange. Cold hard cash will work as long as people believe it will be redeemable eventually. Which money do you think will be more TRUSTED after an apocalyptic disaster? American or Canadian?

      1. One ounce of gold may be hard to make change with but silver coins will do very nicely for smaller items.
        Taking the grid down is the answer in war and revolution. Modern urban societies are dead in the water without the grid and internet.

      2. “Which money do you think will be more TRUSTED after an apocalyptic disaster? American or Canadian?”
        Good question, rd. If Dementia Joe and the Dems steal the midterms, (not an implausable scenario) I honestly don’t know where to look for currency. They may even be worse off than we are.

        1. In the smoldering ruin of post nuclear Armageddon, no fiat currency put out by former state’s central banks would have any intrinsic value. Precious metals were around before them so would / will likely return, I suspect regardless, because all fiat currencies ultimately become worthless. The currencies fail about the time the end stage democracies spend, borrow, and inflate their currencies and themselves into oblivion.

  2. Words you have not heard from any western leader are “Peace talks” or “Negotiations” since before the start of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine up to the present.

    It’s really simple to understand why if your willing to accept that western MSM and political leaders are not your friend.

    1. The Americans have said that the Ukes have until mid-November to attack/take Kherson. Hmm, until after the mid-terms? The Dementocrats are fighting the mid-terms until the last Ukranian.

    2. Tulsi had it right, they are an elitist cabal of warmongers, and they have not only taken over the Dems, but the entire western leadership.

      1. Remember when Canada was once considered the “Peacekeeper” nation? Apparently that only applies to certain demographics when it is a woke “post nationalist state”.

        The good news for Europe is that they will have plenty of Ukrainian brides for their male dominated Islamic refugee population which is currently “bride-less” as the Ukrainians kill off their own male population with “help” from the west.

        1. when the Russia /China civil wars ended
          the slaughter really got going..
          in china 7 milioin died during their civil war, after the peace, 30 million died
          when russia takes over Ukraine wanna
          bet ,how many wll get it in the concentration camps??

  3. I’m sure PP will reverse this legislation, right?
    …that is, if he decides to even mention it.

    That being said, I’ll stick with my couple kilos of silver.

  4. American cash. Benjamins is slang for $100 bills. Which have a picture of Benjamin Franklin on them.

  5. Who is going to lose confidence in their money first, the Frozenturdistan government or the Canadian people?
    Frankly, I’ve had 5 US twenties in my wallet since well before the Wuhan Scamdemic flu in. But I figured I would buy some rations from liberating US troops.

  6. I remember the late 1970s. A lot of Americans had Swiss Francs and some British Pounds as their emergency cash.

    Notice how the Euro has declined against the US Dollar? The Japanese Yen too? People are fleeing to the traditional safety of American Dollars, Stocks and Bonds and the American Economy like they as had in the past. After all, the US has never gone bankrupt, and has never repudiated its debt in hundreds of years.

    Here is the 64 Trillion Dollar Question: Is our American Economy still as robust and safe?

    1. When every “expert” claims the end of the American Dollar, they fail to understand that you can use a US$ anywhere in the world, and odds are the person you are trying to trade it to for that chicken or bullet or whatever, will accept it. You can’t really say that about any other currency in the world.

    2. One of the Fundamental reasons why the US Dollar has as much value around the world is because the US Military guarantees the delivery of US trade goods….it’s also why anybody else’s trade goods essentially must have the approval of the US Navy to use the most efficient delivery method ever devised for moving goods – Water-borne Shipping.

      Take Asia for example. At one time the East Asian and Indian Ocean sea lanes were dominated by the Portuguese due to their ability to navigate in blue-water ocean and using accurate charts, instrumentation, and the stars. Other nations, of course, eventually garnered the same knowledge, and the ownership of these Seas were decided as always: God/Physics/War.

      The Dutch, the French, the Spanish, etc,. Eventually the British Navy took Ownership of the Indian and the Western Pacific Ocean by defeating the other naval powers, ruling China’s economy as a result.

      Later in that same vein, the Japanese Navy defeated the British Navy – gaining Ownership of the Pacific and Indian Oceans for a very short period of time….

      ….which led to the current Owner defeating the Japanese Navy for control of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

      China cannot adequately supply itself with energy, agriculture, dry-bulk, etc, without the safe passage of its merchant fleet to and from Africa and the Middle East. The US Navy Carrier Groups and Submarines are literally stationed and patrolling 24/7/356 in the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Aden, the Straits of Malacca, etc. Any trade China wants to engage in overseas also must pass through sea lanes in all directions from the Western Pacific encompassing the Bering Sea to the South China Sea to the Timor Sea, etc.

      This was the basis for the economic pact between China and the US – Food/Energy/Technology/Safe Passage in exchange for Manufactured Goods and Cheap Labor – starting in 1969 with Chinese congratulatory diplomatic calls to the US, and finalized in 1973 with the Swift system of a new-and-improved Petro-dollar. It essentially ended China’s famines and led to upheavels in the worldwide market and geopolitics, not least of which was China leaving the USSR out to dry in the Cold War, and joining the USA camp. The Soviet Union despite the fertility of the Eurasian Steppe, was experiencing Famine itself and had failed to feed China, especially given any sea route from the Black Sea and Baltic Sea, to the South China Sea and Bering Sea, was at the mercy of the US Navy (to this day, transporting goods and agriculture from Eastern Europe across Siberia and to China is still many times more expensive than shipping it). The US in turn recognized the PRC as a legitimate ruler of “One China”, all the while shunting the ROC (Taiwan) under the protective skirt of the US Navy (China still chafes impotently at this contradiction).

      For all the histrionic turbulence since then, nothing about this relationship has changed substantially. Despite whatever media soundbites you hear, America is still the controlling member of the relationship.

      (In reality, it’s actually Russia which is a closer competitor to America. Not China. That said, Russia is far from being as competitive as the USSR, and even the USSR at its peak wasn’t close to the USA. And since Russia has freed itself from Jewish/Bolshevik domination, Russia might even revert to 19th century form when Russia America’s greatest ally – that is, IF America can get rid of its own Bolshevik problem).

      So that’s one of the many reasons why the US Dollar has such an “outsized” value compared to its competitors….

      … it’s not “outsized” at all, really, once you understand the foundations on which the current Civilization has been built….

      As irrelevant as Biden has been in the White House, and as malicious as Ron Klain has been running the Country, and as Evil as Fink, Yellen, Soros, etc, etc, etc, have been in Talmudic Usury and Perversion…

      …America still endures.

  7. Justin was planning the war against Vlad back then?

    This press release was originally posted on May 31, 2019.

    In accordance with amendments to the Bank of Canada Act and the Currency Act approved by Parliament in 2018, the federal government recently decided to remove legal tender status from some older bank notes as of January 1, 2021. This change will affect the $1, $2, $25, $500 and $1,000 notes, which are no longer being produced. Essentially, this means that Canadians will no longer be able to use them in transactions. […]

    Notes to editors
    The $1 and $2 notes stopped being issued in 1989 and 1996, respectively, and were replaced with coins.
    The $25 note was a commemorative note. Both it and the $500 note were discontinued shortly after they were issued in 1935.
    The $1,000 note stopped being issued in 2000.
    Some rarer notes could be worth significantly more than face value to collectors.
    The Bank of Canada has provided step-by-step instructions for sending bank notes directly to the Bank for redemption using our Bank Note Redemption Service.
    For more information, read our backgrounder on changes to legal tender status.

    1. Note the Canadian $2 coin, is similar to the Ethiopian 1 birr coin.

      The 1 birr coin is worth about 3 cents Canadian.

      Check your change carefully

  8. American dollars or digital Ameros? Or the security of hard assets?

    I was just reading a gateway pundit article that was talking about reanimating a proposed EU style union of North America (US, Mex, Can). Apparently the Mexican President was recently conversing with the USA SoS Blinken about the old idea.

    “Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, also known by his initials AMLO, recently announced that US Secretary of State Tony Blinken proposed opening all borders between the US, Mexico, and Canada.
    President Obrador: “I think that Mr. Blinken spoke about consolidating the region of North America. And we agree on that.”

    Anyone heard anything about this or is it wild speculation and rumors?

    1. The Southern American / Northern Mexican Border is wide open. Just ask the drug cartels and the 5 Million Illegal alien border crossers.

      The Democrats want to destroy the US and most of all, our US Constitution. Merging with two other countries would do that.

      1. I think it would be amusing to see leftists in the Liberal Party and NDP, who have spent a lifetime hating America, suddenly supporting a union with the USA because that’s the new narrative. And 99% of Canadian journalists, of course.

        ” The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

        “We have always supported a political and economic union with our American brothers and sisters”

    1. Sounds like it’s contagious…

      Russia Military Range Shooting Leaves 11 Dead, 15 Wounded
      MOSCOW (AP) — Two volunteer soldiers on Saturday fired at other troops at a Russian military firing range near Ukraine, killing 11 and wounding 15 others, before getting killed, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

      The ministry said in a statement that the shooting took place in the Belgorod region in southwestern Russia that borders Ukraine. It said that the two volunteers from an unnamed ex-Soviet nation fired on other soldiers during target practice and were killed by return fire.

      The ministry called the incident a terrorist attack.

  9. Can’t you just print up some of your own money? It is only paper. Printer broken?

    If you want to make money, make money. It happens all the time.
