17 Replies to “Cha-Ching”

  1. Most overpriced=most government involvment

    I’d like to see a list of ‘most affordable things in Canada’

    Likely all things politicians don’t care about/can’t profit off

  2. This should be placed in the “No Sh*t, Sherlock!” file, Colour me amazed that Canadians are screwed right left and centre and can only bitch and complain about it.

  3. “Since the 1970s, Canada’s dairy sector has been under the top-down control of a state-sanctioned cartel that explicitly works to artificially raise prices by limiting supply. Supply management is doing its job remarkably well, in other words.”

    If only there was some name for the political system where the government sets the direction of the market but allows for private ownership of production…

  4. Canada is a bedroom community for the worlds wealthy.. Think of it as a amusement park to understand why everything is so expensive..
    Who wants to live in Canuck Disney Land?.. Identity politics front of the line service?.. Every day is a holiday..

    On the news yesterday a couple from India put down 40 grand on a house purchase and couldn’t get financing.. The market went down 300 grand before the sellers could sell to another buyer.. They are on the hook for this..

    Such a multilayered Canadian Tragedy.. Brown people taken advantage of by the system.. When they should be cashing in on it?..
    The holiday from hell.. They should sue their travel agent..

  5. We buy the good cheese when its on sale.. Otherwise its a tiny slab of the no name.. Milk?.. We don’t buy bags anymore because they turn too fast.. The circle K jug or the cardboard carton rarely turns.. I guess its a supply chain issue of some sort.. Who can afford to pour that stuff down the drain..

      1. Maine prices.
        Milk all types $4:50 gallon.
        5lb block cheddar $15
        Gasoline 87 octane $3:50 gallon.
        Cellphone unlimited $25/mo( Mint )

  6. Canadians have been conditioned to expect that their elected sociopaths can shield them from the realities of the market and whatever the cost involved is justified. Politicians thrive on delivering illusions to the deluded. People who own homes might say they want “affordable housing” but they actually don’t. They love the zoning that keeps densification out of their neighborhoods; they love the building codes that jack up costs for others while saving the climate from the carbon inferno; they love the sacred planning impediments and delays that affect “the other” while driving up the value of their retirement equity nest egg. Canadians accept the protectionism behind more expensive dairy, cell service, French language mandates, and single payer monopoly health care, – like the politically ovine creatures they are. As the realities of higher interest rates emerge to pay for the ghost of Christmas past and present government fiscal incontinence by destroying the mal-investments and zombie corps while dampening demand, the bleating will become much louder.

    1. “Canadians accept the protectionism behind more expensive dairy, cell service, French language mandates, and single payer monopoly health care, – like the politically ovine creatures they are.”

      Oh, c’mon now, John Chittick! Not all Canadians! I’m sure it’s only about 90 percent of the electorate.

  7. I remember b1ching about this and confiscatory taxes to some left-leaning friends 20 years ago.

    They just sniffed, “Yes, it costs more to be a Canadian”

    Wonder if they’re still as insouciant; I ditched them and their politics years ago

