8 Replies to “Temporarily Unexpected”

  1. The guy believes in AGW (“climate change”). That immediately throws everything else he has to say into doubt.

    1. He appears to be “banking” on the HOPE that worldwide Governments will follow Germany down the drainhole. He’s a sick puppy. And he’s completely ignoring the approaching backlash of the proles against their FORCED freezing, starving, and unemployment.

  2. Inflation is the modern equivalent of the King’s men coming to get half your harvest for the castle.

  3. The author’s particular version of the hell that awaits us all is not unreasonable. While you may disagree with some parts, I don’t think he’s wrong on much of his prognostics. Unless anyone sees an immanent libertarian revolution or other pivotal moment in the statist dominance of culture and politics, there isn’t much to argue about in that article.

    1. Hey, John.

      I hold most economists with the same high esteem I hold lawyers & politicians. So, already skewed & then throw in Globull Warming? Yeah, a bit prejudicial. Sue me.

      That said, I ran across this article earlier on & wondered how much of a stabilizing effect it would have, if passed:

      WV congressman proposes bill restoring dollar’s gold-backed standard

  4. Translation, the nation’s finances have been so screwed up that it’s going to take 2 decades to unf*ck us. Anyone with half a brain has been saying that for 7GD years.

    1. demographics is destiny. 2 decades for all the baby boomers to die off, I am one of them, and the dysfunction in the bell curve of population to be semi corrected. A whole lot of babies and then the birth control pill, abortion and other mitigating factors came together to create an unsustainable ‘safety net’ and pension ponzi scheme.
