20 Replies to “A Vancouver Humane Society Survey”

  1. I want to know their plans for protecting crickets and larva from unnecessary slaughter as food for humans.

  2. Very kind caring people, let me express my concerns about the lack of: Land Rights For Gay Whales

    1. Me too – “huge supporter of cattle, pork, dairy, chicken etc. industries”. Forgot to add that beans cause humans to fart.

      Also forgot to add that fat people avoid a meat protein plus plant diet.

  3. “I’m outraged by the treatment of the local deer population by the coyotes. It’s terrible to see the coyotes cutting down and torturing those little deer. Please donate my $50 winning card to Vegan Supply to the coyote population around Vancouver so that they’ll treat those deer better.”

  4. I would gladly donate my lifetime supply of covid vaccine to their cause.

    Unused and unopened. Still in the needles wherever those needles are kept.

  5. Dang I did not think to add in something about Halal slaughter. Maybe I’ll go give it another go.

    I did add in a comment about what I honestly see as a problem with the suffering of dogs. Here in Victoria our homeless population (aka “those experiencing homelessness”) all seem to have 1 or 3 dogs. Those poor animals suffer a lot of abuse and neglect at the hands of their homeless masters. Where’s the humane society when you really need them? I thought they were all about eliminating animal suffering.

  6. Tick the box for ‘Animal tips and recipes’. Do ‘green burials’ for road kills concern anyone here ? How much money is spent on ‘saving’ dogs from Asian Fast Food joints ?

  7. At first glance, the questionnaire seemed to be designed by the atheists at the United Church of Canada or possibly the NDP, rather than any Humane Society with which I am familiar. I enjoy mischief as much as the next person, but I can’t seem to choke that material down enough to get mischievous.
