11 Replies to “Breaking News from Berkeley, California”

  1. came in the rear entrance will be used by the MSM to say they told the story directly , not sure how they explain the rest of the kink. Not that there is anything wrong with it .

  2. Amazing you’d double down on this after the ‘alternative take’ turned out to be 100% BS from the ‘Santa Monica Observer’ rag. Not remotely surprising however. When double down is the only move you’ve got, every game is blackjack, and you lose every game.

    1. You’re absolutely right.

      Illegal immigrant DePape is the poster child for typical drug using MAGA nudist hemp jewellery makers. There must be video of them at a Trump rally waving their gay pride flags.

      Hold your breath. I’ll go look.

    2. Well, you have to admit, UnHuman … that SDA is just the kind of “extreme right wing echo chamber” the leftist media echo echo chamber keeps talking about. So, of course we will keep talking about Paul Pelosi’s Grindr date … not that there’s anything wrong with Grindr dates. Until, of course, they attack you with a hammer.

      1. They were just love taps no?? I mean…not my specific fetish…but..Pauls got his own needs right? Enthusiasm can be bad in some situations..

      2. I’ve always been curious about the mythical right wing echo chamber. All media, all universities, all of show biz, organized labour and most of the civil service is liberal, always has been. And yet, conservatives get brainwashed by visiting a few web sites and occasionally viewing Fox news.
        Mr. Paul picked up some rough trade, The facts are fairly obvious.

  3. The Buttigieg Agenda.

    Our moral and Intellectual Superiors … “completely unhinged.”

    The b***f****rs black book.
    When transportation and insider trading aren’t enough, putt your weenie at wisk.

    “Avoid them at all costs.”

    About Nancy, “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt me. Her makeup looks like it was applied with a paintball gun.”
