October 31, 2022: Reader Tips

We end this month of food related posts with the History of Tim Hortons.

Your coffee focused or news related tips are much appreciated!

Update: Marc from Calgary has kindly shared this tweet from Danielle Smith. The whole point of such things is not pointing out when an individual has failed but rather to admit that a person, a neighbourhood, or a community has a severe problem and we all collectively need to address it.

63 Replies to “October 31, 2022: Reader Tips”

  1. Came across this site where people can share their experiences after certain injections. It is Canadian centric but there are a few stories from other countries. Thought I would share it in case you or someone you know has something to add.Take a gander at how helpful the medical world is.
    Apparently i cannot link directly but the site is


    1. Those stories are very moving and upsetting. Still, not much acknowledgement of vaccine problems from our medical community. Hospitalizations are way up and I strongly suspect that many mysterious illnesses are being caused by the vax. Of course they are never acknowledged as such.

      1. The Canadian governments and medical people are hiding the problems. Lying by omission seems to be an ongoing problem in Canada.

      2. LindaL

        i believe the ENTIRE Medical Community in this country is kowtowing to their College of Physicians and Surgeons.

        Shut yer yep or lose yer license.

        My doctor on a recent visit told me point blank she has thousands of patients and NOT ONE had reported ANY Issues with their 3rd or 4th booster. I asked her if she knew who Dr. Roger Hodkinson was, Who Robert Malone was, who Peter McCullough was, Who Ryan Cole was…???

        Blank stare in response.

        Me.? Ok then… subject closed.

        1. Steakman,

          Told my physician that the jab was still experimental according to what I’d read. Got no arguments. End of story.

        2. “…NOT ONE had reported ANY Issues with their 3rd or 4th booster.”

          ‘Course not. They’re all dead…

          1. DB

            Spilled my coffee on that one.!

            DAMN, shoulda used that as a quick retort to her…!!

            LMAO, NO SHIT.!@

          2. Well, would they make the connection to the vax? Has she seen any of these people since vaccination? What did she treat them for? If you are not looking, you won’t make the connection to the vax. Physicians need to be aware of things being reported on VAERS, for example, and get an overview of what common problems are appearing. I know two people who have had brain bleeds. I am pretty sure at least one is vax related. Maybe both, but doctors are not acknowledging that.

    2. USARN

      This QUESTION applies to All HERE.

      I’m curious if ANYONE in this country has been able to acquire Ivermectin on a prescription..?? I know for a fact that friends of mine who board horses have used same medication for themselves (as have numerous others I’m sure), with ZERO ill effect whatsoever…so there is that.

      But for Prescriptions..??
      I’m betting its 100% NON Available in this entire country.

      1. I believe Health Canada will seize Ivermectin at the border if you try to order it from abroad. For me this crosses a line and signals corruption. It’s one thing to forbid doctors from prescribing ( also not good), but there is no legitimate reason to prevent people from buying this for themselves when it is readily available as on off-the-shelf medication in many places. Health Canada is operating in bad faith.

      2. I do not know anyone who has, on prescription. I bounced a theoretical off my Doc last year sometime and he said he could write a prescription, but good luck getting it filled for the coof.

        I personally know people who have taken livestock Ivermectin for coof symptoms. One couple had been very ill for days, they took the goo, snapped out of it in <24 hours. I also know many other land owners (PID numbers) who have a supply laid in, just in case their horses get sick.

        1. I have heard that some vet supply places want proof thst you gave a horse before you can buy it. Crazy.

      3. Hi Steakman,
        I live in TN and in theory can get it at a pharmacy from a pharmacist without a prescription.The chain pharmacies of course want no part because so much more money from certain pharma companies.Someone I knew seemed to think you have to show a positive test but I do not know if true. She said when her family got it( at a non-chain “compounding ” pharmacy) all the capsules were individualized to each family member’s weight so “stock” pills were not being given out. I really should try and get some to see how it works. Sorry I did not answer earlier. I kept getting a “privacy Fence” message to SDA and could not enter this site.
        I have also read that it is under lock at the AG supply stores and somehow you have to prove you own livestock. This may be more to make sure that the animal owners can actually get a hold of it.Not sure.

    3. The testimonials are painful to read about but are worthwhile. My sister and her significant other fit into this category. Of course, blame is still carefully avoided so there’s peace in the family as I tend to shy away from giving advice of any sort, usually.

      With acquaintances, like my friendly neighbors here, the topic is avoided. I see many more older people– and young ones with mobility issues hobbling around.

      1. I see much more ambulance activity than before and in the most unusual places, that is not traffic accident related.

    1. Fired…??

      Those NAZI scum need to be hung.
      What transpired over the past 2.5 yrs was a DE-FACTO Crime Against Humanity.

      No 2 ways about it:
      100% Planned
      100% WarGamed for a lest 2 decades
      And now we see the WHO has planned for 10 more yrs of supposed pandemics.

      These bastards ain’t done by a long shot

    1. 28 minutes of rock solid truth. Not the deliberate fabrications coming straight out of Klaus Schwab’s bunghole that our raving lunatic friend here shares daily, designed to make you look forward to the Great Reset.


      BTW, poseur, keep your hands off that hammer. I know that’s a lot to ask of you.

  2. Say what you will about Jen Psaki, she was easily the most competent member of the Biden administration. I’m oddly aroused by her, and I say that as a man who has loved lying, condescending gingers all his life.

    1. Come on, it’s the mammaries, admit it.
      Plus her don’t give 2 shytes attitude.

      That can be very attractive, when you’re trying to tie
      her down to the bed posts.
      I kid, I kid.

      1. Well, Jen Psaki is very pretty and has a pretty decent body, and pleasant manners. If only there were some way to put a paper bag over her politics, a man might well consider himself lucky if he woke up next to her. As it is, strong stomachs only.

  3. Looks like “Robert” has the sadz now that Musk has taken over Twitter and the days of stomping out misinformation are over. We certainly can’t have comments from a “fringe minority with unacceptable views,” right? Guess I’ll head over to the open thread at Instapundit where they don’t wet their pants over a meme.

    1. I wonder if the Canadian company that makes Rotax engines is illegally selling them to the Iranians.
      Seems a stretch that the Iranians could steal hundreds of them from airports around the world.

      That company is Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) of Quebec, BTW.
      Is this a result of Justin Trudeau’s wish to “re-engage” with the Iranian regime?

      1. Cris, there is nothing to worry about, concerns the possibility of Bombardier selling Rotax engines to Iranians. Minister of Justice David Lametti, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino have been hard at work on the matter, and have deduced that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Bombardier selling war materiel to Iranians. Nothing wrong at all.

        1. I wonder where the latest large donations to the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation may be coming from…

      2. Hmmm, I always thought the Rotax aircraft stuff was made in Austria and the watercraft stuff in Quebec, correct me if wrong.

    1. When you’ve lost David Frum, you’ve probably lost the entire John McCain wing of the Republican Party.

    1. You only have to look at the Federal Reserves’ dumping of titantic amounts of cash into overnight repurchase agreements to see that there have been severe problems that dwarf what happened in 2008 with Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, et al., and that this extremely serious problem has been an ongoing crisis since late March of 2021 that isn’t even being reported on.

      Yes, I obviously have way too much time on my hands, if I regularly look up things like that…

  4. “The whole point of such things is not pointing out when an individual has failed but rather to admit that a person, a neighbourhood, or a community has a severe problem and we all collectively need to address it.”

    That’s all well & fine, Robert. However, when a person, a neighbourhood, or a community refuses to acknowledge they have a problem and the governments at all levels have more interest in perpetuating the issue than fixing it, what is John Q Citizen to do?

    And, hey, to the few that hit bottom, acknowledge their problem, get help & are moving forward, hair on ’em. Years ago I dated an addict & watched first hand the extremely difficult process. Crossed paths with her about two years ago, she’d been straight for nearly 4 decades. Her ex-husband was not so fortunate. He never dried out & died of cirrhosis of the liver.

  5. Tim Hortons

    Sad Story overall…
    Drugs n Booze….and signing away a Billion dollar company for 1m.
    As a young hockey fan back in the day when Hockey Night in Canada was on Wed nites (along with Saturdays), Tim Horton was one of my favourite players, along with Frank Mahovalich and of course, Eddy Shack.

    RIP Tim

    1. ” Thus it is demonstrated that freedom can win in the war of ideas. MOAR “.
      WTF are you on about.
      Take some more of ur meds and go back to sleep.

    2. “…Canadians have never been more pleased with it”

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! When all you’re sampling is the immigrants…

      Merely further evidence that NatPo is dutifully cashing their gov’t cheques & still don’t have a clew.

      1. I mean, they’re not. They have official pollsters who do a good job. In any event, once I get my way, there won’t be many non-immigrants populating this country.

  6. DB

    Spilled my coffee on that one.!

    DAMN, shoulda used that as a quick retort to her…!!

    I still maintain they are ALL BEING told point blank….using Achmed the dead terrorists voice:

    “Silence We Keel U..!!

    1. Lilley is typical of Canadians on both the left and the right, wanting the state to wade in and save them from whatever perceived threats their cowardly imaginations can come up with, from guns to smoke vending machines to social media posts.

  7. So, as some of you may know, I’ve let my provincial health card/insurance lapse.
    Just in time to suffer an outbreak of chronic sinusitis.
    I got some relief from eating a lot or turmeric and cumin in my foods and snorting saline from an old Dristan bottle, but as soon as I bought some apple cider vinegar, mixed it with my saline at about 1:20 and snorted it, all symptoms gone,pretty much instantly. Snorting diluted vinegar does sting like a mofo, though. No need to do the 10 days of antibiotics that doctors have been pushing on me since I first had sinusitis, in 2010.
