Saskatchewan First Act is about keeping the lights on and letting farmers keep using fertilizer

The other media simply didn’t get it, or didn’t read the full text of the Saskatchewan First Act, introduced on Nov. 1. It’s all about Saskatchewan imposing its own veto on federal initiatives that, if carried out to their fullest extent, by 2035 will literally mean cutting off up to 84 per cent of our power production on any given day. Those rules will also mean less fertilizer usage meaning less food.

This is Saskatchewan swinging for the fences, constitutionally. Here’s Pipeline Online’s take on the Saskatchewan First Act.

Thou shalt not use coal for power generation post-2030, the federal government hath said. And it’s moving to do the same with natural gas by 2035. It also wants to limit farmers’ fertilizer usage, all in the name of climate change policies.

On Nov. 1, the Province of Saskatchewan said, “To hell with that,” but in a more sophisticated, legal manner.

Saskatchewan threw down the gauntlet with the federal government on Nov. 1, introducing Bill No. 88, The Saskatchewan First Act. If implemented in its current form, the Act basically says Saskatchewan will make its own decisions and rules on environmental standards, particularly those applying to greenhouse gas emissions and power generation.

And here is Zinchuk’s column interpreting it. His daughter wonders if we’ll be reduced to kerosene lamps.

38 Replies to “Saskatchewan First Act is about keeping the lights on and letting farmers keep using fertilizer”

  1. Some judge in Ottawa will rule the bill unconstitutional, and that will be the end of it.

    Unless people in Saskatchewan are willing to declare independence and actually fight for it, they will simply be slapped down, and they will freeze and starve in the dark.

    But they won’t rise up. Supine obedience is the Canadian and Anglophone way.

    1. No so straightforward. For instance, one very, very simple solution would simply be to repeal any bill just before it goes to actual court, have it declared moot since it has been repealed, then immediately pass another bill that does effectively the same thing.
      Second would just be to to say to NO: Nice law you got there, now come and enforce it.

      Rinse and repeat.

      The feds do it quite often for both cases, seems to pass muster with the media and left.

    2. Perhaps Alberta and Saskatchewan should slap a $100/barrel export tax on all petroleum products going to jurisdictions which have carbon taxes.

      Rising by $100/bbl per year.

      1. Exactly….and the export tax can be used to shelter residents of Alberta and Saskatchewan from high energy prices.

    3. *

      “From sneakers to clothing to public art installations, a rising generation
      of two-spirit artists and designers
      is taking Saskatchewan by storm.”

      CBC… the ‘all about the genitals’ channel.


  2. Psst, don’t tell anyone here in Ontario. I have a 45 gallon drum of kerosene. I’m rich.

  3. I have had a very “low” opinion of journalists for decades. I don’t think they can actually read and understand what they are reading, just my humble opinion.

  4. Premiers need to tell the Feds & Juthtin to feckoff.
    And ensure that even stupid voters understand that any attempt by the Feds & Juthtin to undermine the energy and food security under the guise of pollution control is an existential threat.

    1. Yup….it’s come to that. Ignore the feds…..use the Notwithstanding Clause constantly and in the case of food and energy, ignore the feds and the Supreme Court if it comes to that.

  5. I think it would be a sticky situation for the federal Liberal-NDP government to force the citizens of Saskatchewan to freeze either by 1)shutting down the only reliable electricity available (natgas) or 2) making natgas heating too expensive to afford to heat a home. Either way the result is a death sentence in our frigid winters. Can’t imagine deaths of senior citizens and the poor on the prairies would poll well….even in central and eastern Canada. /s

    The other problem for Ottawa is that the electricity and natgas suppliers are Saskatchewan crown corps – Saskpower, Saskenergy, TransGas. It’s easier for the federal government to bully private industry. Threatening a provincial government is politically risky. What will the Liberal-NDP coalition government do if provinces like Saskatchewan just say No, like they’ve done with enforcing the old long gun registry and the Liberal’s current gun control policies? The natural resources being used and distributed are all fully enclosed within the province of Saskatchewan so it’s virtually impossible to physically shut them down.

    1. Why do you think Trudeau used the Emergencies Act?

      True, he wanted to stifle dissent, but I’m thinking Butts wanted Trudeau to get some practice at heavy handed measures in case a province shut off oil and gas.

      That, to Trudeau would be a national emergency.

      1. Except I’m not suggesting cutting off fossil fuels to the rest of Canada. I’m talking about the province of Saskatchewan ignoring the federal Liberal-NDP government and continuing to use fossil fuel within the province.

        Cutting off supplies to provinces east of Saskatchewan and west of Alberta is an entirely different discussion. That would be the equivalent of the nuclear option for both the PrairieWest provinces and the federal government. I would guess that temporary shutdowns for repairs and inspections would be preferable at the beginning of that type of Canadian energy conflict.

          1. If feasible, I like the idea of Saskatchewan and Alberta charging other provinces a carbon tax on fossil fuels we export to them. Natgas, heating oil, kerosene, propane, all fossil fuel products going east or west.

          2. It’s not my idea but I think it would be poetic justice to charge self righteous “green” provinces a hefty carbon tax.

      2. Shutting the taps off would bring the country to its knees in short order. Ottawa would fold like a cheap suit.

    2. I agree, LCB
      However, the idea that deaths due to freezing would not poll well…the MSM may turn that around, or ignore it completely.
      A recent poll in Sask found that 49% of respondents thought that increasing carbon taxes would somehow make groceries less expensive. Only 45% on the other side. The media have framed that debate well – just paint once side as good, and the other as eeevil. Image over facts.
      We all know how the leading cause in death in Alberta – Unknown Causes – is being totally ignored. Many people are lining up for more clot shots.
      Another 2 young healthy men died in their sleep in my circle of aquaintances in the past month…. Yet crickets in the media and public discourse.
      Just examples of how sheep follow the MSM lies by commission and omission.

      1. The poorest residents in Saskatchewan are natives, young single moms and seniors. Would the legacy media and federal Liberal-NDP government MPs have a difficult time ignoring the suffering of aboriginals, poor kids and low income seniors because of fuel poverty caused by their net zero carbon policy?

        Granted, the international media would report it long before Trudeau’s purse puppies journalists but I doubt death by government policy of the most vulnerable populations in Canada would go unnoticed. The Canadian media eventually got around to reporting about the questionable policies and practices of Trudeau’s MAID program.

        1. “Would the legacy media and federal Liberal-NDP government MPs have a difficult time ignoring the suffering…”

          They’ve manged to so far. Indian problems are not solved, they merely have money thrown at them, eg. clean water, unmarked residential school “graves”, etc., etc., etc. I can’t say I know much about young, single mom solutions, but if there were, the politicians would be patting themselves on the back for it & I haven’t seen any of that. As for seniors, yeah, good luck getting any support from the feds there. Veterans, too.

        2. The Ontario Provincial Liberals had no problem with people’s electricity prices going sky high due to their idiotic Green Feed in Tariff scheme. Neither did the press or the moronic NDP. I guarantee it affected the poorest the most.
          The leaders of the Liberals and NDP are misanthropes. The Press are scum.

          1. I guess time will tell. As a PrairieWest separatist, I think the optics of the federal Liberal-NDP government callously imposing policies that harm their own base (young women, poor seniors and aboriginals) and the legacy media ignoring the results would help separatist forces in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Helps prove the point that Ottawa and their media employees are cruel and callous.

  6. Alberta has natural gas removal permits. Perhaps it’s time to just let them accumulate on the Premier’s desk (a la Peter Lougheed), awaiting signatures.

    Don’t know if Alberta or Saskatchewan have similar permits for oil exports.

  7. More. Faster. And with more focus on taxation and the currency and the feds role in its debasement. A 73 cent dollar with oil at $90 a barrel is no accident. You’ll freeze in the dark if you’re stuck trading in Kunuckistani Kopecks as well.

  8. One good thing about having JT in office – his policies are so absurd and hurtful that it may hasten our departure.
    If he was only 1/3 as malevolent, more people might be tempted to stay. “Well, we can endure this…it’s not THAT bad.”

  9. We are like passengers in a plane losing altitude. We don’t feel it. Alienation builds, incomes flatten out, it’s passengers oblivious to democracy, cynicism spreads, yet because we feel no sudden shock, we go about life as usual, we haven’t noticed that we can count those cars on the Cloverleaf, and the bales in the field.
    Ted Byfield

  10. In a way we’re fortunate because in the coming months Europe and Ukraine are going to be a great beta test for where these policies are leading us.

    People will literally be freezing in the dark.

    1. Those countries have proven that wind and solar are losers. Spectacularly. But Ottawa and most provinces are STILL pursuing this stuff. How does one fix stupid, when we elect representatives from a generally stupid population?

  11. Several other provinces lined up behind Alberta and SK in defying the gun grab orders. We can likely expect several other provinces to come up with their own “Us First” declarations. People are getting fed up, and are increasingly skeptical of anything from Ottawa that promises to create or increase hardship.

  12. Imagine the bolt-to-the-head-stunned-cow look of shock the criminal Minister of The Environment will have when whale oil for our lamps becomes a thing again.
