68 Replies to “Tamara Lich vs. Justin Trudeau & His Evil Minions”

  1. Robert, butt the Kuckservative Klowns are no better. I have yet to hear the CPC members voice support for her, or start a legal process to help her. The Kucks were deafening silent during the trucker protest.

    1. NME666

      And the mofo’s REMAIN SILENT.
      Thats what totally angers me and they will hear about it.

    2. so true……….ALL parties have NO one with enough GUTS to stand for what is RIGHT….I totally agree with the Freedom Convoy…………the reason for the CONVOY was the greatest thing that has happened in CANADA……….we are VERY PROUD OF THE FREEDOM CONVOY

      1. Related: compare how much $ the convoy raised from all across Canada in LESS than a month to any political party fund raising.
        Trucker Convoy represented Canadians more than the ‘so called’ Parliamentary Reps.


        Most of us, yes. But not CTV or CBC or any of the other MSM outlets who insist on putting the words Freedom Convoy in scare quotes, or prefacing them with “so-called”.

        (or even better, the CBC website where they allow (and tacitly encourage) the use of pejorative terms like “Freedumb Convoy”)

      3. Yes. The government (and opposition) response has been ignorant and self-serving. In politics you can no longer just stand up for what is right, you need to do the political calculus first. I think they may have misjudged this one, though.

    3. NME666:

      You, sir, are 100% correct.
      And the cucks also recently voted YEA, UNANIMOUSLY, to the vicious resolution that the Indian residential schools were genocide.
      Unanimously, meaning PP too.

    1. Well Joe Blow (I thought that was the Biden/Harris ticket), the only thing crazy about her is that she respects your right to voice your opinion.

    2. As opposed to, say, the total & complete sanity of activating the EMA for parking infractions, bouncy castles and hot tubs?

    1. Yes. In contrast with that lawyer-robot with blank look who’s oh so generous to offer few moments for Tamara.
      Re Canadian Values, I saw yesterday in the news that Lisa LaFlamme (yeah, that lying witch ousted from CTV) will be “invested into Order of Canada”.
      That is to show everyone how monumentally twisted the concept of ‘Canadian Values’ is.

        1. I agree…..what’s the big deal with Lisa L. everyone’s career comes to an end sooner or later.THAT’S LIFE

          1. Not that any guy has ever had a woman have to repeat 3 times what she is saying before he gets it. Oh?

  2. Everything that Trudeau did regarding the trucker vaccine mandate was designed to provoke violence. It wasn’t happenstance.
    All the lies he told, all the insults he hurled, the mandate itself: all were done to try to provoke violence.
    He crapped all over Canadians to try to get an incident that he could use for political gain.

    And why did he crap on truck drivers specifically? Because he knew that his big city supporters looked down their noses at the stereotypical truck driver. They have the same contempt for normal people as he does and they would support his abusive behaviour.

    1. Stan

      NAILED it from start to finish.

      This is what you get when you have some UBER arrogant self serving, narcisstic perverted low IQ Juvenile running the country….supported by same.

    2. Also related:
      Trial in Lethbridge for 3 truckers charged in the Coutts protest.
      Rebel news and Ezra’s twitter have details.
      Trucks doing slow roll in Lethbridge today,

  3. Can not believe this shining light, Tamara Lich, has been dragged in shackles into a court while that despicable scum, Trudeau is on his way to another photo op! The Liberals never let a crisis go to waste. Just glad they managed to stop the shootings in Toronto by one of his favourite ethnic groups.

    1. you got that right……….yeah Tamara looks so scary doesn’t she??? TURDO is scared of his own shadow……..little drama queen

  4. Tamara Lich should be considered for the new Five Dollar Bill – She has shown nothing but class and dignity while being hounded into the pavement by a group of ass kissing chickenshit weasels – I simply can’t get over the image of her being led away in handcuffs by those two cops and then being denied bail for so long – You go Tamara – In my opinion you are what a true Canadian stands for – Right up there with Don Cherry –

    1. Totally agree……..she is a POLITICAL TURDO PRISONER and a GREAT CANADIAN……….

    2. I disagree. Canadian fiat currency should have a picture of the Spawn-Fuhrer in coital relations with a pig, something emblematic of a nation so deranged as to elect such an entitled low-life. Tamara’s face should be stamped onto a Gold coin, something of real value.

  5. The lady has shown courage uncommon in Canada.
    It is no wonder that the police and the bottom feeders picked on her.
    They thought that she is easy picking, being from a small town, being a woman.
    There is no way, no how that she should be mired in the ‘justice’ industry.
    Though leave to the bottom feeders to scrape bottom of the barrel for dirt.
    The woman should be discharged of all the nonsense that they scrapped and the idiot and his hachement should apologize.

    1. my HOPE is that someone comes to their SENSES, and DROPS ALL THESE RIDICULOUS CHARGES……….

  6. The commission , POEC, has given Tamara a chance to speak out finally.
    Other ‘organizers’ have been interviewed as well. they were a small group of passionate strangers that got thrown together abruptly in January to get the attention of all levels of government. It worked.
    As one can expect the group had a few problems internally. They had great intentions, strongly motivated, but were only human. Sheila Gunn Reid called it ‘palace intrigue’. None of it contributed to a cause for the EMA!
    I was pissed off yesterday to see Brendan Miller (lawyer for Truckers) drill and antagonize BJ Dichter , just to prove what??!!!
    I want to see more facts: for one, the fact that more money was raised for convoy in that short period than ANY political party is proof this was a voice for millions of Canadians who were fed up!

  7. Tamara Lich is a Canadian hero, and has FN heritage, so could some one in here tell my WHY some in here do nothing but blanket denigrate Indians?
    Hypocrites is what you are. Or would that be kristians is what you are!

    1. I think people here denigrate the Indian Industry as opposed to denigrating Indians. The Indian Industry is based on lies and hate and has earned any and all criticism it gets.

      1. “I think people here denigrate the Indian Industry as opposed to denigrating Indians. The Indian Industry is based on lies and hate and has earned any and all criticism it gets.”

        Agreed. “Give us more money!” has gotten really old.

    2. I don’t denigrate anyone for their trace melanin content or lack thereof any more than I praise them for it as you seem to by implication. I reserve my contempt for the apartheid of the Indian Act, the poverty pimping of the Indian industry, the SCOC for their apartheid reinforcement and their raised inversion expectations, and the racism involved in most every aspect of the Indian industry.

  8. Liberals or to be more precise the Laurentian elite who are really pulling the strings here, hate real conservatives. Ms.Lich is facing their wrath because she’s walking point.

    1. The Order of Buffalo
      Can Ahh Duh being the home of the scum we see attempting her destruction.

      1. Was this a test? This goes up right beside her honorary doctorate. I predict Dr Laflamme will be the next GG. Perhaps they forgot to tell her of their plans?

    2. The Order of Canada has been awarded to virtually anyone who has led a blockade against logging, and pipelines. What self-respecting individual would want to in the same club as David Suzuki.

      1. The order of canuckistan became worthless when it was awarded to dr. death. The end of canuckistan can’t come soon enough.

      2. They gave it to Dr Henry Morgentaler but not Dr Margaret Somerville. Apparently the latter was to “controversial”.

  9. And I hate Trudeau supporters… If they all keeled over with SADS this instant, the country would be better off.

  10. Sooo….all those scary Ontario school support staff are now going out on strike and picketing MPP offices. Will the government freeze their bank accounts? Arrest the leaders? bring out the RCMP mounted to trample them? Maybe invoke the Emergency act?

    1. This is an effort to remove Doug Ford from power and replace him with Liberals who can resume their hatred of autistic children.

      Justin does what he is told and this is what he has been told.

  11. One thing has always astounded me is that every thinking Canadian knows the media is bullsh#t, the polling is skewed so far left, they must be polling exclusively at the U of T.

    But the same people will swallow the story that a vast number of Canadians hate the convoy protestors and especially Tamara. The reporting of this hatred is polled by the same firms that produce the outlandish lies in popularity polls for Blackie

  12. Bill C-11 looks like the next escalation of this culture war the government seems intent on provoking in Canada. A culture war intended to lead directly to Chinese style social credit and full surveillance of a cowed and unaware population. We’ll see how that works out in the longer term, but this new Conservative leadership had better up their game if they are going to make much of an impact.

    A predictable consequence of all this would be a rise in support for western separatism. If there’s a parallel movement in the US towards partition, that could open up some very interesting new dynamics, the American heartland and the Canadian west are more similar than different.

    I went through some minor foreshadowing of these national events in my personal life on several occasions over decades. So did some of you, I’m sure. I knew the day would come when they felt emboldened enough to bring this onto the national stage and here it is. As to the use of the term “so-called” freedom convoy, that is just coming from the so-called media who are basically civil servants on a federal paycheque if you analyze how the Canadian media now do business. They are no better than Putin’s mouthpieces in Russia or the robots who deliver manufactured news to Chinese viewers. They are too far gone to have any way of realizing or understanding what they have become. There’s the odd man out Rex Murphy, but he has to speak in code to some extent, and is careful to avoid talking about this issue (the complicity of the media) directly. I suspect they keep him on to lull some into thinking, well there’s a spectrum, look they still have old Rex. He’s like Lou Dobbs used to be on CNN, the house conservative.
