22 Replies to “He Doesn’t Think Much About Monetary Policy”

  1. Yeah, Justin Trudeau probably IS cruising to another election win. With approximately 4.3 million public sector employees,most concentrated in the big cities where all the Ridings are, Trudeau would have to f*** up massively to lose.
    The forces arrayed against the Opposition are enough to make even Gen. George Patton give up.

    1. enough to make even Gen. George Patton give up

      Considering Patton’s temperament and job description, at least he would have had the final satisfaction of meeting his maker covered in his enemies’ blood.

    2. Canada’s political right has problems but not terminal ones (yet). In Poilievre it may have a good leader. The US political right is terminal. Either Trump or Dobbs would be lethal. They have both.

      1. No one can save you…

        Only with God can you save yourself…

        It’s a tag team…

        Call out evil everywhere you see it…

        Catholic Demon Pope for one…

        Jesus called them out all the way to his death…

        Why was Jesus born a Jew…

        God knows they needed him…

        They rejected God….

        God tried to resurrect them…


    3. Exactly. Employment rose by something like 10%. 9.7% of that growth was federal jobs. Then Trudeau invented 2 more statutory holidays to reward his souless federal bureaucrats. Most federal employees are still working from home because of the “pandemic” FFS. The only competition the Liberals have is from the idiot NDP voters who don’t think Trudeau is bringing in communism fast enough and unless he loses outright, the NDP will back him as loyally as members of his own party anyway.

  2. Isn’t that all part of the whole strategy that you “will own nothing and be happy watching drag queen power hour”?

  3. Western civilization truly is dead. Convert now or prepare to be purged. All the “play nice” people will be the first to go.

  4. Haven’t you heard by now? The communists have taken over. Brazil Supreme Court judge overheard saying “We don’t win elections… we TAKE them!” Then realizing he was on camera, he sheepishly asked if it was recording the audio.

    We gave them our country. If we want to take it back, it ain’t going to be through a simple election.

    Kiss your freedoms goodbye!

  5. You keep using this word ‘perversion’. It does not mean what you think it means. ‘Perversion’ is not ‘stuff conservatives dislike’.

  6. JT will win again for certain. Canadians of the parasite class don’t want to lose their entitlements. After all they’re entitled to them.
    Next election the media will trumpet that PP eats babies and people will believe it.
    We’re on the communist side of the socialism hill and moving faster downhill every year.

  7. He got elected on the strength of his hair. He went and got a crappy haircut, but it’ll grow back before the next election and people will forget what a truly bad haircut it was.

  8. Having watched and listened to my family members and relatives I’m sure they are quite happy with how things are going. Considering that most of them live in one of the 3 major cities in Canada it’s not surprising. The big surprise is when they come looking for Food, water and protection, NOT GONNA HAPPEN. I have been called everything but a White Man by them so, don’t come and bother me. I’M DONE !! I firmly believe in God, Family And Country. They…Not So Much

  9. We Did It…

    We Have Your Backs…

    Your .gov’s…

    Are you up to date?

    So you want .gov assistance…



    Looky at what we got here…

    Are you up to date…

  10. Canadians vote for people whose financial acumen resembles their own.

    And here we are.

    1. Yep. Some people are starting to catch up, sadly those of us who have seen this coming are still being vilified.

  11. Basically politics has come down to a form of abused spouse model, the worse they act, the more the low information voters want more of the same. “You are no good, you never were any good, here’s a CERB payment (GST payment) now go buy yourself a dress.”
