16 Replies to “Conspiracy Theories”

  1. Stole this from another thread..

    All who rejected and refused the Covid clot shot, are “vaccine conspiracy theorists”
    The best thing about being a “vaccine conspiracy theorist” is not having myocarditis.

  2. Golly Garsh. Paul’s out of the picture with a head injury and Nancy’s stepping down as Dem leader, where on Earth will traders get their stock tips now?

  3. The legacy media hasn’t been about news for a long time. They are the messaging gatekeepers for the institutional left and they don’t even pretend to be anything else.

  4. There was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy – and it was successful.

    The event with least conspiracy theories, or at least the quietest public, is the most alarming in years – Las Vegas.

    It was a large operation and I think shooting up of the concert was a diversion from the real intent which may well have been any one of these:

    1. Assassination attempt of a big Saudi
    2. Islamic attack
    3. Attempt by cartels to muscle in on Las Vegas
    4. An old fashioned heist.

  5. My rule of thumb is to look 180 degrees opposite of what the media reports to find the truth – seems to be working just fine.

      1. I rather respect Mossad; if they fail, all their friends and familly die, they create trouble in the name of self-survival. The CIA, not so much, rather they create trouble in the name of democracy. Mind you, a generation of peace would be nice, eh World?

        1. I agree. I was just poking fun at all the Judaophiles who get all bent outta shape as soon as you criticize Israel or Jews in any way.

  6. Special council Jack Smith has been appointed to investigate the most investigated man in history. No worries, nothing political is happening, so I will let you form your own conspiracy theory. It has proven very useful to label people as criminals. My conclusion is if they can prosecute a few member of the house, they can take total control again and subvert investigation.

    1. Good grief. If the Repubs think Trump should be passed over for deSantis next Presidentil race, then they should askm themselves why the Dementocrats are so obsessed with killing Trump (figuratively if not literally). But wait.
