26 Replies to “World Premiere: Died Suddenly”

  1. I watched the whole thing and was fascinated by the fibrous clots the embalmers were finding. Any jabbed person who sees the film will be paranoid about the clot shots now!

  2. L – Send a link to everyone you know, who might watch and be able to understand and
    withstand what they are seeing. They will be part of the larger group who lead us all
    out of this mass horror event, which will mark the 21st Century indelibly.

    That includes people in positions of authourity. For them explain, that they will likely be responding to this in a court of law and definitely the court of public opinion.

    The ability to suppress information, to censor the scientific method, the pursuit of truth
    has been failing increasingly for some time. It’s time to pay your dues…

    Who will answer? Who will ask?

    1. I have tried, God knows I’ve tried , these ” leaders ” are too busy with their lives.
      Can’t be bothered with ” conspiracy theories ” .
      Like talking to a wall, so I leave leave them to their own realities.
      Only 3 or 4 people have I managed to turn on the light bulb , the rest , meh.

      And as an aside, the carved into stone Georgia Guidestones are no more, THEY destroyed it themselves, guess too many sheep were raising their heads up to have a peek, can’t have that, sleep , sleep….

    1. Bobs, I must be on a dozen lists as I have been writing everyone possible about the “science” and actions surrounding the “covid” fraud. It has been an exercise in futility, “they” will just ignore you until they get hit with a brick and then you are the one charged not the mass killers that are our governments.
      The entire exercise is going as expected and will not stop until the people finally put a stop to it.
      I am still waiting for people to catch up and it will soon be three years of waiting for me.

  3. I’ve been saying it for a long time – these Green New Deal people hate humanity, they think humans are a cancer upon the Earth, and they intend to undo all the progress we’ve made since the Stone Age and return us to a hunter/gatherer society. The Earth can only support about 600 million humans in this manner so about 7 1/2 billion people are going to have to die. And they’re fine with that.

    1. Some people are a cancer on the planet …. they are the ones who run for office.

      I keep saying it … “The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis”.

  4. I noticed, with great interest, the right-turn, right arm raised, swirling pattern many of those suffering a seizure? Sudden death? made as they succumbed to the “event”. What is physiologically happening there? Or is it more of a spiritual event?

    1. Micro clots in the brain finally catching up with the motor functions in the cortex, that and clots around the nerve sheath bundles destroying oxygen supply to them.
      Eventually the brain can only build so any pathways around it till the inevitable occurs.
      The brain and heart cells being destroyed from lack of oxygen cannot repair themselves, death occurs slowly then ‘ all of a sudden ‘.
      Guess the seizures are the final result of the brain locking up, shutting down.

      I have said it before but this granular stuff in the blood leading to total blockages reminds me of the movie ” The Andromeda Strain “.
      Similar premise where the blood is crystallized , same outcome , death.

  5. Forbes Magazine to the rescue. CBC/CTV/Globull and the rest will be following suit soon. When they write it off as another conspiracy theory you know it is true.
    Died Suddenly is a must watch. Also, if you have not seen it yet, check out “Uninformed Consent”


  6. How much did big pharma pay out to MSM, to assert the vaccine was “Safe and effective”? I hold the media just as responsible as the Justine government and big pharma for the harm done to those suffering. I also noticed a great many of the people who live in my retirement community developed high-or low-blood pressure issues after the third jabba jabba-now they’ll be life long users of big pharma’s drugs. I suspect their real goal was to create life long users of their drugs and the covid vaccine was the method?

    1. “How much did big pharma pay out to MSM, to assert the vaccine was “Safe and effective”?”

      Rose, it was billions of $$$. However, it was all couched in the most reasonable terms you can imagine, often times known as “advertising”. What media outlet in their right mind would turn down an ad purchase worth that kind of scratch? And, what media outlet, once committed to the narrative, would raise a finger against it in the chance that said ads would be pulled & given to the next guy instead?

      It’s insidious, brilliant and very effective. QED.

  7. Don’t turn your brains off when watching these. At least one of the examples of a collapse – Florida Gators basketball player Keyontae Johnson – was filmed pre-covid. That’s a clue that the video was created to grift or to discredit. maybe both.

    1. It’s possible to have one or two things that don’t pass the smell test. but that does not mean the message in the film is not legitimate and important. Lots of people contribute to making films. Some errors are bound to creep in. I know at least six people harmed by the vaxes. I don’t know anyone who died from Covid.

    2. The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis.

      The silence in the medical and public health communities, over the venous and arterial growths, is deafening. So is their lack of any curiosity whatsoever.

      Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. TOO MANY COINCIDENCES!

      1. It would be greatly informative to do a molecular breakdown of the fibrous strands and granules to determine just what they are made up of and what was used from the body in their assembly.
        Perhaps a guess from those investigating just what signaled the body to start making these structures and how it was done.
        A breakdown of the Mnra vaccines would be helpful too.
        From out of the deep frozen cooler to a warm environment equal to blood temperature using pure human whole blood over the course of a few months.

        Are there no curious scientists , with the equipment and expertise, to investigate ?

  8. There are many out there who refuse to look at any of these videos. In their minds one basketball player who didn’t die and was mistakenly included in the video discredits the entire video.

  9. Bottom line:
    The COVID aholes have not produced a body county to justify their position.
    Nor have the anti-vaxxers.
    The anti-vaxxers are correct when they say the vax doesn’t prevent infection or spread of infection.
    The difference is, both COVID and the jab have killed, but one is a disease, the other is being forced on people.
    One is death by natural causes, the other is murder.
