52 Replies to “Bananada: The Dwarf Queen Takes The Stand”

  1. Queen of BS:
    1) bridge blockades were cleared BEFORE EA; and anyway bridge blockades, Coutts Alberta had nothing to do with Ottawa
    2) she keeps yapping about her kids ‘concerned’ etc – it’s cheap theater, it’s emotional bullying of the court
    3) faking choke up – oh those poor Canadians but she was quite gleeful when she anounced freezing accounts of SAME poor Canadians.
    Sorry, I can’t watch, it’s too much. Need a vomit bag…

    1. I remember when she announced she was freezing accounts. Nearly wet her panties (sry, I know, gross). I wonder how many brownie points that gave with with the WEF. A demonstration of the modern way to crush dissent. Lets go digital currency!

    2. Well put. One could add, in light of her obvious contempt for the lawyer and Canadians in general, disgustingly stupid as well.

  2. Take a look at the transcripts (easier to read than Freeland’s writings).
    TD Bank CEO Bharat Masrani: “if you list them as people subject to sanctions (i.e., as if they are terrorists) we could act swiftly” then whines about TD taking reputational hit and Fox News
    CIBC CEO Victor Dodig: asks that all financial players get looped in, not just banks then says “We should think about putting the military in place to keep the border crossings moving even after the protestors are removed. To send a clear signal.”
    RBC CEO Dave Mckay: whines about needing to go to courts then says “if we listed them as terrorists we could move fast” and after fretting about crypto says “If we list them as terrorist we could act more comprehensively.”
    BMO CEO Darryl White: “Agree with my colleagues. The reputation of Canada is at risk” Cries about US making fun of him then says “If you labelled these guys terrorists we could act quickly.” “This is a national crisis you need to act immediately.”

    National Bank CEO was trying to get Freeland to ease up and get out of restrictions, Freeland slapped him down: “I will never support negotiating with those who hold our democracy hostage. No good thing comes of that.”

    1. There you go. If there’s a safe bank in Canada it’s national bank. I still wouldn’t trust any of them.

      1. Steeve Charland (the Quebec leprechaun guy who was feeding homeless and who is being persecuted) was with National Bank and they closed his bank accounts (was never on the freeze list).

        BNS new CEO had separate correspondence with Dwarf Queen. I haven’t seen that yet.

        1. Because of “Know your Customer” laws, some people can’t get bank accounts.

          It does look like we’ve found the fascists that everyone complains about though

          1. I know it won’t make much of a differance but Credit Unions for a start. Perogy in Red may regret her actions,.. Nd if you switch off to credit unions.. leave a note with your bank with the ceos quote, so the staff will know who to blame for any damage done. And it was the liberals who have gained the banana republic title . The ceos in the US probably see whats going on up here when they see Tucker Carlson ripping PM him/her..

    1. Noe Chartier is on the ball.
      Some media are claiming Freeland suggested calling them terrorists.
      But it was the bank CEO’s.
      Very telling how cozy they are with Freeland, and what slimy creeps they are.

  3. She is quite a horrible dirt bag. Totally out of her depth without an ounce of introspection. WHich makes her Queen of the pile of serial liars in the current cabinet.

  4. Major head bobbling, sobbing and totally incoherent bumbling word salad. OMFG, by comparison she makes Kamel-Toe Harris look like a Rhodes Scholar. Her best lie, was when she told the Commission that being a journalist was a really hard job. No wonder, the Little Tater appointed, her, she makes him look smart, a difficult task.

    1. Part of the narcissistic easily manipulated puppets installed in bananada by the WEF. Another young leader. Actually outranks Trudeau. There is this theory that dictators intall thse kinds of people as their pawns, because they can’t hold a job anywhere else. And they stay loyal for that reason too.

  5. The inquiry is all smoke and mirrors! As soon as I saw Paul Rouleau was the commissioner of it I knew the Liberals had picked a Justice who never would be impartial ! We are definitely living in a Banana Republic!
    Canada is done! Good Bless Western Canada with a quick separation!

  6. Speaking of bananas, has she ever cried about working for Blackface Bananapants, the world’s most famous racist clown?

  7. When you say “Dwarf Queen” are you sure you’re not referring to Romana Didulo? She’s the “Queen” that I’m guessing a good handful of SDA readers see as their head of state. 😀

  8. For someone allegedly super duper smart, she was awfully forgetful, unaware and not familiar.

    Was waiting for Perogy Legs to state the dog ate her homework.

    And, in case our enemies are reading this, NOBODY ASKED YOU ABOUT YOUR KIDS!

    1. To paraphrase Norm MacDonald (who was talking about Madonna), the scariest part of this whole story is that somebody actually “made babies” with her without using protection.

  9. They deserve everything that will happen to them…

    Karma… for they will reap what they sowed…

    The Blow Back is Beginning…

    Resist evil…

    Do good…

    Be good…

  10. A people that are scared of “illegal” guns, e-bike batteries, a million other things, and that have tranny story hours deserves Freeland, and much, much worse, and boy oh boy, are you gonna get it, and I’m gonna laugh.

  11. Tomorrow’s going to be a treat. PM Turd the tank king will be testifying, or at least will take the chair.

    I don’t know what the over/under is for how many minutes he’ll chew up murmuring “eh, oh, ummm….”

  12. L – Therefore, when the Trudeau regime tried to paint a lawful, peaceful assembly… the Freedom Convoy as fascist. It was a Prima Facie case of Confession Through Projection.

    By the arbitrary act of ordering people’s bank accounts frozen. The Trudeau regime sent
    a signal internationally, that the Rule of Law and Property Rights no longer apply in
    Canada. Thus confirming that P.M. Justin Trudeau’s dream of a post nation-state is:
    a failed state, a rogue state and a state of chaos.

    At all national border crossings and international airports: “Enter at your own risk”

    Maps of the globe indicating the borders of Canada to read: “Here Be Dragons.”

  13. Klaus’s purple turd… We get it, you work for the WEF. The tyrannical little c#&t really loves wearing her uniform doesn’t she… ?

    I wonder if Klaus’s other employee Juthtin the Turdhole will also wear a purple dress when he gets his chance to take the stand and lie his ass off. I look forward to his act… actually I don’t… I can’t stand to listen to that lisping brain damaged shitstain.

    This woman is a festering nazi POS… everything about her is repulsive… her ignorance and her contempt for Canadians is breathtaking.

  14. Oh, WTF!

    Frieland was quizzical, studied pataphysical
    Science in the home
    Late nights all alone with a test-tube ohh oh oh oh
    Maxwell Edison majoring in medicine
    Calls her on the phone
    Can I take you out to the pictures, Joan?
    But as she’s getting ready to go
    A knock comes on the door

    Bang, bang, Maxwell’s silver hammer
    Came down upon her head
    Bang, bang, Maxwell’s silver hammer
    Made sure that she was dead”

    Boy, those Beattles were violent.

  15. There’s an old saying about politics were for people who were too ugly to be actors. I think she proves that maxim.

  16. I have 4 years to wind down my RRSP’s, GIC’s etc. Suffice it to say I will NOT be keeping any more in my CIBC accounts than the minimum necessary for daily/monthly banking. I begin this process in January, and it will be done within months, because no Canadian bank or credit union can be trusted. So, a message to Victor Dodig, CIBC CEO: that’s a whack of money you will never, ever see again. You, sir, are the fascist I was warned about.
