Behold: The Glory of Socialized Medicine in Canada

This is what happens when government has a monopoly on the delivery of medicine: the government owns your body and those of your loved ones.

Canada currently has a shortage of fever and pain medications for children and the most common antibiotics prescribed to children. PM Blackface Hairdo has previously blamed “climate change” for the shortage.

When kids can’t be treated at home because there are no fever medications and no antibiotics available, they need emergency care. And here’s how that’s working out in Quebec-but it’s the same in many places across Canada.

Here’s what it’s like when your kids get sick in Québec right now – a long thread.”

Read the whole thing.

23 Replies to “Behold: The Glory of Socialized Medicine in Canada”

  1. Sick kids suck….I feel for the little guy.

    I have zero patience for the parents though, used a private xray clinic, that’s forbodden and can not be excused. Also used a private auto carrier to get the meds, probably ran on gasoline too….pfft how dare they. /sarc off

    Though you get what you vote for good and hard, that’s all I see going here.

    1. I live in Mexico and, earlier this month, I contracted pneumonia. Went to the clinic in town and paid $20 for the diagnosis. Got the appointment the same day too, with no waiting. Went to the pharmacia to pick up the prescribed antibiotics and other medications. Plenty of fever meds here for adults and children. Third world my ass….just sayin’!

    1. Why bless his little heart! We’ve got one who still believes that voting makes a difference.

  2. I don’t know why you’re complaining, there’s a perfectly good monkeypox..erm….MPOX vaccine available to anyone.

  3. Next?
    “Well parents,we can’t relieve your child’s earache..Have you considered MAID?
    This will cure everything that ails your child.”
    State of the art Government Run Healthcare.
    Can’t provide medical care,but can Kill You..
    And the dead feel no pain.

    And look,we have cleared up those waiting lists..

  4. I read the whole thing.
    Emer doesn’t sound like the sharpest tool in the shed and her bio didn’t do much to alter that opinion.
    So your kid goes to daycare and surprise surprise gets sick, so you take it to an ER in a hospital?? You really are a glutton for punishment!
    I seem to recall growing up and never being given “children’s” this that or the other thing when I got sick! Yet somehow my mother (and grandmother) managed to muddle through.

  5. If you need kids meds, you probably should have made friends with your local compounding pharmacist who can probably make it for you.

  6. Hospitals across the country are swamped with sick kids right now. ACH had triage nurses moving up and down the lines of those waiting to get into the ER, picking out the kids who were in respiratory distress to be fast-tracked.
    Meanwhile at the adult hospitals, the health care bureaucracy has introduced a new computer system which has ground the operating rooms to a virtual standstill for the past three weeks — top down central planning at its worst.

    1. Why, it’s like capping med students and firing medical professionals, coupled with people who shove their kids with other sick kids, backfired on everyone.

      It’s a good thing that hospitals hired Filipino nurses they can over-work and underpay (unlike American or Commonwealth trained nurses) or they would be really screwed.

  7. I was expecting some mention of assisted suicide in her rant, alternating with just screaming at all the unionised members working in the hospital.

    Neither of which would work, nor address the problem, but the problem is the gov’t and the citizens of tier 2 Canada continue to vote for these monsters, so I guess they must enjoy some aspect of the #Libranos idiocy.

    I know what I’d do if I was a Dr. in Quebec and the newly elected Premier told me I “must” accept more patients.
    I’d quit. Switch to a different province. I’d let them know after I’d moved.

  8. Maybe, just maybe when the children start dying people might be willing to demand change. NO administration cutbacks or penalty. More studies and conferences obviously more important. No one mentions all the staff kicked out due to COVID irrationality

    1. Nope.

      Children in this country aren’t even remotely important.

      Used shoes they leave everywhere because of “reconciliation” or some such crap are more important.

      Canadians would accept the deaths and put on Netflix.

  9. Nothing a few million more immigrants, preferably uneducated, unskilled, and criminal, can’t remedy.

  10. I have written here before.
    When I take a cow or my horse to the vet… he gives the bill to the owner. Me!

    When I go to the doctor he gives the bill to the owner.
    Tommy D…”not dead enough”!

  11. We bought our Ivermectin from a wholesaler in India. £100 for 1000 tablets shipped to our door. We’re now stocking up on other common medications such as antibiotics.

  12. All the smart Kwebekers in these parts cross the bridge and go to the Montfort Hospital in Ottawa.
    Segregated french only establishment.

    They like the cheap property and beer in Kwebek but love the jobs and healthcare in Ontario.

  13. Saw a mother and her daughter, both masked up, at the dollar store the other day-the poor kid was hacking up a lung into her face mask but get this: Ma took her to the dollar store in her jammies and slippers, to buy junk. The kid’s lungs sounded like they were full of fluid, what kind of mother takes a seriously ill kid out in public to shop for crap?

  14. I believe the shortage is by design to get as many “not a vaccine” needles into children as possible.. Yes, they are that evil..
