51 Replies to “Let That Sink In”

  1. L – That is going to make the Sask. Party government very nervous !

    Danielle Smith has to decide if she’s going to sell out Alberta or hold the line ???

    Trudeau won’t care. He’s got C-11 for internet censorship and likely enough judges to back
    him up.

    1. Musk is a clear and present danger to those who would seek to enslave the world.
      He is no hard core conservative, that’s for sure, but he has the idea and the means to blow apart all their weasily implementation. Will he succeed, that’s hard to say. Is his life at risk, absolutely. His enemies have no qualms whatsoever about taking people out, they are only asking themselves right now how they go about destroying him. Physically, mentally, sociallly, financiallly etc.

      They need him gone.

      1. Throughout history there were times that were dark and dangerous and when hope is almost lost, a hero steps up calms the waters … or blows them all to hell as in Winston Churchill’s case … Trump almost was that person, but I think he may already have been damaged beyond possibly winning in 24. Now there is the man with the sci-fi name …. Elon Musk.

        He is backing DeSanits as far as I know. I think that would work pretty well. If they can clean up the election process. Otherwise there’s no hope.

        Elon appears to be trying to inject sanity in an insane world. He is probably the best person alive to do anything about our current woes and descent into collective madness.

        It will a horrible shame if he is destroyed by the political Lilliputians and the dizzy handmaidens of the media who taunt him daily.

        Musk is the smartest person in the planet … There hasn’t been anyone like him since people like Tomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Ben Franklin, Isaac Newton, etc. He didn’t achieve was he has achieved by being a dumb shit as his detractors most certainly are. They don’t fully grasp who they are dealing with. Did I mention he is the smartest person on the planet at this time? He doesn’t think like the rest of us.

        1. Yup. Agree with everything you said. And I love my Tesla (just as much as my gas-guzzler) because it’s an amazing piece of technology. The idiots on the Right who demonize Musk due to his insufficient worship of the Orange Clown, and the idiots on the Left who now think he’s Lucifer can take a flying leap. This guy is doing important things.

    2. <>
      Jason Markusoff 23h
      Danielle Smith’s government isn’t going to amend the Human Rights Act to add protections for the unvaccinated this fall in the legislature.
      Her house leader says gov’t will focus on her caucus’ top priorities.
      in lieu of a human rights amendment for unvaxxed, she wants to call and criticize any employer or group that still require people get covid shots
      !!!! Smith suggests her government refused a ~$1.2M grant to the Arctic Winter Games unless they dropped their vaccine mandate

  2. Correction: Twitter is no longer enforcing the “unswerving Covid-19 PROPAGANDA” policy.

    It turned out all those voices who were questioning the propaganda were actually correct and they had real leading INFORMATION. eg see Dr McCullough, Dr Ryan Cole, and a whole host of others.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. you are 100% CORRECT on your evaluation

      Thanks you…..more people have to wake up……

  3. I think Musk is doing a great job.
    I don’t think his brain-computer interface research is a bad idea, either. If it can allow the blind to see, and bionic-style prosthetics, it will in fact be a good thing.
    The nay-sayers would have been against human flight, saying it’ll only be used to drop bombs or collide planes with buildings, aka Karens.

  4. Bridges to knowledge are no longer blocked by government trolls.

    Pro tip: Their vaccines aren’t … vaccines. Their vaccines do NOT protect you or others from C-19.

    1. Kensington

      They never were.
      Crspr tech designed to destroy ones Immune System. AKA a Bio Weapon for profit and Genocide.

  5. I am bewildered at the vitriol aimed an Musk. All he’s done is relax Twitter’s moderation policy so that it is not adjudicating the truth for its users. That’s not an unreasonable thing to do, especially given Twitter’s history of suppressing items that later turned out to have some validity.

    So why is Musk suddenly a pariah with many progressives? I’m not sure even they know why.

    1. Because progressives know their insanities can’t be sold in the market place of ideas and counter opinions… so the next logical step is to shut out the competition and have the sandbox all to themselves.

      1. “…and have the sandbox all to themselves.” An apt metaphor. Their sandcastles, being structurally abysmal, will collapse eventually anyway. They always do. Speeding that up is the key here.

    2. Because Twitter will now allow … Holocaust deniers to post their HATE speech … *snicker*. Is what I read from the trolls with no bridge to live beneath. What a joke of an excuse. BTW … the PRIMARY holocaust deniers all live in the ME and wear dirty nightshirts … and they’ve NEVER been BANNED by Twitter … because equity with Christianity … or something.

    3. There’s nothing more offensive to a leftist than someone who disagrees with them. The less of that the better as far as they’re concerned.

      1. Yeppers. They’re happiest when they’re able to walk around their little echo chambers uncontested.

  6. I agree that Musk is no true conservative, but he is clearing out the twitter cobwebs, and the left don’t like that their twisted version of the truth is being challenged, because it cannot stand up to reality!
    They’ve already decided he is now an enemy, so they put on their truth blinders and are out for his blood, because they think he sold them out! He hasn’t, yet, but they have made their minds made up already.

    It takes a twisted kind of logic to think true free speech is dangerous! As has been said by many here, leftism is a disease and truth would be the cure, that’s why they don’t want the truth, cuz it would create a paradox in their tiny brains, and they can’t accept that they might have ever been wrong about anything.

  7. They are angry at Musk because they know their ideology, policies and science are not robust enough to withstand questioning or criticism. That’s pretty much the first thing you learn when studying the history of science. Criticism that exposes the fallacy of the predominant ideology or religion of any era must be brutally repressed. Generally, whomever is being censored or persecuted is getting too close to uncomfortable truths. At least we aren’t burning scientific and ideological heretics at the moment.

    Does anyone think gender self identity would stand without relentless censoring? Or the absurdity of a “vaccine” that must be taken at least 5 times in under 2 years? Making such vaccines mandatory for a disease with very specific mortality risks and a infection fatality rate well under 1%? Lockdowns, school closures or the quarantine of healthy people? Segregation and discrimination? Violations of human rights and bodily autonomy? None of this could have happened without mass censorship of skeptical science and persecuting critics.

    Science that can’t be questioned is propaganda and dogma, not science.

    1. What you just stated would have been considered logical and rational common knowledge in the past. Today, it’s considered seditious and revolutionary. We are in a new dark age.

      1. Today’s science resembles a throwback to the 16th century Catholicism centered science. Science obeys centralized power structures and rooting out any hint of heresy becomes fanatical. The era of Bruno and Galileo.

  8. Woohoo! The ability to spread Covid misinformation almost makes me wish I had a Twitter account! I’d be talking crap about how the vaccines don’t work, masks don’t work, lockdowns don’t work, how Covid probably came from a lab in Wuhan, what a bunch of lying hacks Fauci and the CDC and the MSM are ….. all kinds of lies!

  9. // Musk …is clearing out the twitter cobwebs, //

    // In less than a month, Elon Musk has driven away half of Twitter’s top 100 advertisers
    These advertisers accounted for nearly $2 billion in spending on the platform since 2020 //
    https://archive.ph/dmVIN Includes list

    AND he has picked a fight with Apple:
    // Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter. Do they hate free speech in America? //
    Speculation that Apple may drop the twitter app has people advising each other
    about using their phone browsers etc …

    1. Re: advertisers. Fine. How many new ones will he pick up now that the platform is no longer woke? In addition, how much business will the quitters lose because they are no longer advertising on one of the most target-rich environments on the planet?


      1. // Re: advertisers. Fine. How many new ones will he pick up now that the platform is no longer woke? //

        None like the ones on that list.

        Musk: // Let the freewheeling, raucous political debate begin! No sacred cows, no safe spaces //
        // Except Musk immediately discovered that advertisers hate freewheeling, raucous political debate.
        Advertisers don’t want to be near controversy. Indeed, they don’t even want to be near things that are upsetting or agitating.
        This is why all political and political news media face an inverse premium in advertising because the content is inherently polarizing.
        You can show the same ad to the same people the same amount of times and you’ll get more money if the content is fashion or parenthood or entertainment than if it’s politics.
        It’s a bedrock rule of the world of advertising … they’d prefer an audience that isn’t thinking at all, except about what to buy next. //

        & as for his payment scheme: // why would anyone pay for Twitter?
        One answer would be to see fewer ads.
        Except people willing to pay for Twitter are going to be the audience that advertisers most want to reach: heavy users with money. //
        quotes from https://theintercept.com/2022/11/12/elon-musk-twitter-media/

        1. Advertisers like Pfizer, who didn’t need to advertise, but, rather did want to pay to prevent people from questioning the vax narrative, which old twitter was happy to do.
          Elon is soliciting smaller business advertisers, working on allowing for long-form tweets(to compete with Zuck), video hosting, and payment processing.
          Unlike the clowns who were losing 4 million/day, Elon is an actual businessman, and I have more faith in him to make money with Twitter than I do the rabid ideologues who used to run the place.
          User engagement, new users, all at record levels.

          As for your red herring about paid subscriptions to avoid adds, youtube has been doing this for some time.

          1. // Advertisers like Pfizer // started the stampede from Twitter
            General Mills, Audi and Pfizer Join Growing List of Companies Pausing Twitter Ads
            WSJ 3 Nov.

    2. ” In less than a month, Elon Musk has driven away half of Twitter’s top 100 advertisers”

      He drove no one away. The advertisers who have fled are the cowards who went all weak-kneed after receiving a few emails from woke activists. They panicked, like the NFL, NHL, Gillette, Disney and countless others…and it’s going to cost them.

      “Get woke…go broke…”

      Good for Musk. I hope he refuses to let them back on Twitter when they come crawling back.

      1. Me too. A waaaaayyyyyyyy more. With no subsidies.

        But it doesn’t feel like a good investment.

        Maybe that’s the argument Canada’s presstitutes could use: well, we paid more in taxes than what we took from the taxpayer.

        1. Maybe companies that are losing money don’t pay any taxes.
          The roads you drive on, your rubbish collection, etc, all subsidized.
          The presstitutes are a net loss, Elon is not.
          Your comparison is intellectually dishonest.

          1. One of the “things are as I say them, because I say so” crowd.
            No wonder you don’t like Elon.

      2. I know people who dislike Musk because of the subsidies he received. However, he created tens of thousands of jobs across North America and generate millions of dollars in taxable revenue that would not have existed without those subsidies

      3. “He’s paid more in taxes than he got in subsidies.”

        Last I checked (and it’s been a few years now) his subsidies were around the $5 billion mark. If he’s paid anywhere near that in taxes, he needs a new accountant.

  10. Check out the comments whenever the NDP post about “keeping the public safe” with vaccine mandates. They’re getting massacred.

  11. You mean that Musk is going to let the mass media cartel lie, misinform, omit, disinform, fake the ‘news’ and so on and so on…..?

  12. Interesting hearing the local Corus talent today trying to walk the fine line between what’s happening in China and what Danielle is trying to remedy here. Not sure if they see the irony yet.

  13. So, what can a man do after investing in a very advanced global network of server farms?
    Video hosting and payment processing are already in the works, as are encrypted DMs.
    Of course, he’s subservient to China, so like Apple, he’ll fold when China starts whining about the encrypted DMs, or, he’ll use his investments there as leverage to get his way, which I think is much more likely, as the “f*ck around and find out” thing goes. The clowns who run the Ukraine found that out the hard way, now they’re paying for the service, paying a lot, in fact, he just jacked the price up again on Tuesday, even as the Uke gov’t is buying more terminals.
    What can a man do with an advanced global network of server farms, and a space-based ISP?

  14. Apple tries to TAKE ON Elon Musk… It’s Backfiring!!!

    Also, with an advanced global network of server farms, he could do microsecond trades across global markets to punish his detractors, something I’m sure Google and FB are already doing, so now, finally, someone will be competing with them in that space, as well.
    In a year or so, when the MSM starts screaming “Musk/Twitter manipulating global markets with microsecond trading, threatening global financial stability!”, just remember, you heard it here first, folks.

    1. As far as freedom and privacy are concerned, most of the work has already been done with F-Droid (a Google-free app repository) and Graphene OS(A de-Googled fork of Android).

  15. End to the no spreading misinformation policy? B.S.
    Twitter’s policy was to spread “misinformation from government officials, who regularly lied about things such as transmission, masks, vaccine efficacy, side effects, or any of the other ‘science’ which turned out to be patently false.”
