11 Replies to “Pizzagate, Come Back!”

  1. None of Balenciada’s bankers have a problem with it, nor with Adidas new line of footwear.

    Only those who wander from their path have their accounts closed.

    Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty, and still can’t open an Instagram account. They’ve said, “We restrict certain activity to protect our community”
    It isn’t about wanting an Instagram or any other social media account, it’s simply having your finger on the scale.

    As Apple is going to “F around and find out” …

    1. Pizzagate Scriptures Tell me when we see the Desolation of Aabominations prophesied by Daniel, God will destroy corrupted flesh. Some of these people better repent. Stop the Abonation of lusting for Children.

      1. Look into the history of the age of consent.
        The elites have been abusing children since the word go, for thousands of years.

        Also, look up that 1970s band called “The Runaways”, and their big hit “Cherry Bomb.”

      2. I love clothes and fashion, but since the late 70’s, there has been nothing innovative. Fashion designers all like models who look like 14 year old males – no breasts, no hips, nothing that would define them as a woman.
        Going after children under the age of 10 is just the natural progression of the fashion industry. Next they will be diddling babies.

      1. Don’t get me started on the cure for chapped lips. Cowboy Chapstick from the south end of a northbound bull. It may not keep your lips moist, but it will keep you from lickin em.

  2. Let’s ask those family’s children to all partake in the same experience. No didn’t think they would want that. Then on the other hand maybe they would be OK with it.

