Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Cap in hand:

The parent company that runs Global News is lobbying Parliament for direct cash grants to subsidize employees’ pay. The Commons finance committee yesterday released a petition by Corus Entertainment Inc. seeking 25 percent payroll rebates: “It remains unclear why Canadian broadcast journalists should be entitled to any less.”

60 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. Canadians no longer have journalists. All we have is state controlled propagandists. Trudeau’s Caged Parrots who sh*t and squawk on command. Caged Parrots in their soiled cages at CBC, CTV, Global.

    1. Global-homo has been pushing the elite’s agenda since this plandemic began. They are not a news agency, they actually call themselves the “Corus Entertainment Company”, telling the world that they are merely entertaining us. Wiesel words that are repulsive.

      They are script readers, there are no reporters or investigative journalists anywhere in the company. They are now a meme!!

  1. So if you’re an employee who’s job, mortgage payments, child’s university education, retirement, food on the table, disney+ subscription etc entirely relies on handouts from the Liberal/NDP coalition, how likely is that to affect your reporting of their corruption? Would you have any interest in keeping that regime in power?

    1. What independent media? The creeping bureaucracy that is the Canadian government is absolutely Fidelian.

  2. If the government pays employees directly then the media execs can divert more of the government’s company subsidies to executive bonuses.

  3. We shouldn’t be paying a penny. Western governments are totalitarian phonies who could force the greedy tech companies to remonetize the news business, but of course they won’t because they don’t like independent reporting.

    1. Agreed. Let them die.
      Their main asset – trust – has long since left the building.
      Let them die.

  4. Media “Grooms of the Stool” want a bailout. Pfffffttt…who’s surprised?
    In Tudor times wiping the king’s ass was a job perk so I guess with this subsidy Trudeau can expect an extra squirt of rosewater for his benevolence.

    Why is it on us to fund effed up corporations who are in their “death wheeze”?

  5. If you live in Ontario you may be unaware that the taxpayer-funded TVO has, in recent years, become a CBC-clone in the world of digital “news”. Have a look at their website:

    I contacted my Progressive Conservative MPP to object and was told that there is nothing that the government can do, since TVO is independent of the government. What a lie; it wouldn’t exist without taxpayer funding.

      1. Back in the day, I used to support TVO. That was when they had Saturday Night @ The Movies plus a serialized (usually British WWII) movie M-F @ 7pm. By the time hubs & I got home from work & got dinner on the table, it was just in time for us & the kids to watch the movie of the week. Quit supporting them years ago when they went full bore Liberal/NDP.
        My favourite memory of the weekly movie was watching The Battle of the River Platte. Up at the trailer for the weekend, sitting around the fire with our neighbours, I mentioned watching the movie and how exciting it was. Our next door neighbour asked “Do you want to talk to someone who was there?”. That was him. He said after seeing his mate standing next to him get his head blown off, he switched to subs. Those were the days.

    1. But, but, but…..TVO is a Registered Charity! Equal to the Salvation Army, or the Trudough Foundation!

  6. Pierre better keep up his use of alternative media because these scumbags are going to go full bore to protect their subsidies.

    1. Pierre? As in Pollievre…?
      The socalled leader of His Majesty’s Official Opposition.
      That Pierrre?
      Any reaction/response to this?

  7. There is that ‘entitled’ word again. Should be enough to tell one enough about who and what they are.

  8. arket Summary
    Corus Entertainment Inc.
    2.32 CAD
    −0.020 (0.85%)today
    Nov 29, 11:37 a.m. EST • Disclaimer
    Looks like they needed a Cash Infusion.

  9. Remember that centralized control of industry is the goal of communism everywhere. Don’t take the government handouts or you will play their tune on command. It will start as a suggestion and quickly become a demand.

    1. Exactly. Justin is relentlessly moving Canada toward authoritarian control. Next step: Building the Gulag.

      1. Peaceful protest was a mere speed bump to remove. Bid adieu to personal freedom and autonomy. They went the way of your guns.

        1. “You know, Chrystia, once we get those guns we can do whatever we want.”

          “Your daddy would be so proud.”

  10. L – “Cap in hand”, old time reporters wore a hat with “PRESS” in large letters.
    The newer version is smaller, with more letters: “Presstitute”

  11. “It remains unclear why Canadian broadcast journalists should be entitled to any less.”

    – I coulda’ been really clear as to why they SHOULD be entitled to less – a LOT less – but as usual, nobody asked me…

  12. If not for an unexplained “goodwill impairment” charge on their balance sheet, in the amount of $348 million, they would have been quite profitable in the last year…

    Someone should explain why a profitable business needs subsidies, and why an unprofitable business should get subsidies instead of being allowed to go into bankruptcy to reorganize, but that’s not part of the current fashion.

    1. JD, Re profitable and unprofitable news organizations, the explanation is simple.

      By subsidizing, the turd gets all the positive press his ego desires! Could you even imagine how that thin skinned narcissist would behave if there was any real journalism out there? Why do you think he hates The Rebel and True North so much? The only thing he’s any good at, is being a drama queen. He can’t take the heat of any real truth, because he’s a lying fraud, so he’s bribing them!

    2. Ronald Reagan summarized in explaining government economics:

      If it moves – tax it.
      If it keeps moving – regulate it.
      If it stops moving – subsidize it.

  13. The whores want to be paid. They bent over for the Liberals. It’s only fair.

    Global New is so unbelievably weak. 2 minutes of news – 58 minutes of puff pieces. And opinion is stated as fact in news stories. They are a propaganda machine for the Liberals.

  14. The mainstream media in Canada was always an increasingly leftist clone of the CBC and as such, a failing business model of saturated uniformity. The Spawn is not buying their opinion as they were always in his pocket. The Spawn is maintaining the failing business model by keeping the drones of the clones employed and the serfs are paying the bill and that’s likely a source of pleasure and amusement for him.

  15. Haiti North, but more corrupt.

    Whores are getting more and more expensive these days… I wonder how much Hitler and Goebbels paid their propogandists?

    The corrupt Banks that own the Media must be sending a message to their Globalist comrade in the PMO, Basic Dick Turdhole, pay up now before you call an election, or else.

    You know they’re going to get the payoff too… all they have to do is demand it.

    I met Dawna Friesen once, total bitch, she has an enormous mouth with fangs and looks like she eats mice when shes not reading script. She married a life long Liberal agent named Rick Anderson, remember him… he was Preston Mannings top “adviser”. Nothing says “reform” like hiring a life long Liberal ass fissure. Remember the Reform party, what a scam that was.

    I think its time for the rulers of Haiti North to set up another racket for their loyal media scum.
    A Media Gold Plated Pension scam the same kind of thieving racket the politicians steal for themselves.
    Then when scumbag Media Liberal/NDPers have had enough of lying and cheating they can retire like a politician, maybe move to a free country without Canada level corruption like Costa Rica… become neighbors with Sheila Copps and Brian Pallister and whole host of other corrupt politicians living off the taxpayer dime in the tropics… real gangster shizznit…

    If corrupt politicians can reward themselves with tropical retirements and taxpayer money for life then why not the anal scum that call themselves “journalists”, they’re just as corrupt and just as depraved.

    Call it, the Haiti relief fund or “bilingualism” or “Ukraine or something equally perverse and corrupt.
    Either way, expect everyone at Global Pravda to be getting big fat raises with money stolen from the taxpayer very soon… maybe fire a few more nurses or Doctors if thats what it takes. Priorities… Without corrupt Media scum eating Juthtins shit everyday then the Turdhole/NDP dicktatorship ends.

    Its the Canadian Medias job to do as China says.

    Maybe the BIg Banks that control the Media should get Klaus anal Schwab to call Karla Homolka ( Katie telford) and get this shit done.

  16. It remains unclear why Canadian broadcast journalists should be entitled to any less.

    “Yeah, that pesky declining market demand shouldn’t have any bearing whatsoever on how much, or whether, our employees should be paid.”

    Do these idiots ever proofread the stuff they send out?

    1. “It remains unclear why Canadian broadcast journalists should be entitled to any less.”
      It remains unclear why Canadian broadcast journalists should be entitled to anything at all.
      There. Fixed it.

    2. They don’t need to. The low information idiots reading/watching/listening to their crap wouldn’t get it anyways.

  17. Ode to Global News

    Caps in hand
    On bended knees
    Begging for
    The chance to please
    A rat so rotten
    At his core
    That never would
    A desperate whore…
    Sink so low.

  18. We are witnessing a monumental shift in how we get our news. The old model, ‘legacy media’, is dead. News rooms are vacant places.

    The Bong likes the chicom model. Total control of the media. He gives them some cash and they give him…..


  19. Next time you see a journo with a car or a camera, take it. She probably stole it from you to begin with.

  20. Give money to your presstitutes while censoring the little guys on YouTube.
    Seems like a standard Chinadian government model.
    I guarantee you Chinadian “democracy” won’t fix it.
    More drain circling.

  21. Why wont you die?.. Because journalism is full of university degree professionals.. Our? media safely under the wing of universal healthcare.. The hard truth is the market is flooded with their product and as such it has no value.. Cookie cutter regurgitated far left liberal talking points.. Or as I like to call it, murders and garbage fires..

    When the government pays for the news.. We keep the lights on :).. The state has nationalized the media.. You live in a dictatorship of ideas that’s not worth watching.. The more money they get the more they flatter the people handing it to them.. The blind leading the blind..

  22. And yet somehow the honest media in Canada are expanding and growing audience share without corporate welfare.

  23. The “media” is not even hiding it, that which most have seen going on for years, and have dropped their panties. Prostitutes for the government hoping for assistance. Any media that gets government money becomes a government PR firm getting the scraps the CBCorpse, it main scank, leaves behind on the floor.


  24. So we have the smart, intellectual Liberal set, possessed of all kinds of university degrees and advantages, demanding the poor and working poor subsidize their wages.

    The elites are just parasites.
