34 Replies to “Pollspotting”

  1. It is a shame that it had to come to this, but I vote yes to the power of hell on the sovereignty act.

    1. Oddly enough I haven’t seen any mention of that debate or it’s result in the government funded Canadian media!

      Biggest swing in opinion of any of the Munk debates.

  2. 61% said yes currently. Thanks for the heads-up Kate.

    Related: Smith is excellent as she knocks Notley on Notley’s comments on the act “I think that if (Trudeau and Singh) revoke the act, that would be the right thing to do”. An act by the democratically elected AB gov’t. Notley later tried to retract this statement.

    And what’s with Rick Bell at the Sun taking Notley’s side all the time?

    1. Easy, he works for Postmedia. Or whoever the eff owns that rag nowadays, can’t say I’m bothered enough to look.

    2. An act by the democratically elected AB gov’t.

      Relying on memory alone, I think the last time Ottawa used its powers of reservation and/or disallowance were against Alberta when Bible Bill tried to tinker around with his funny money. It seems to me there were a number of provincial bills the Alberta Socreds passed that either the LG reserved for review by Ottawa or else Ottawa disallowed even after the LG had proclaimed into law.

      Did you know that the federal cabinet can effectively veto any provincial statute after it’s been proclaimed by the LG? This veto doesn’t need to go through the HoC, just the cabinet.

      Some may argue that this power has been held in abeyance for so long, it is no longer valid in the modern constitutional age. But we know that’s hogwash. The power is written right there in your constitution, and we know a federally appointed supreme court will back up any federal government that wants to slap down uppity Alberta.

      So how do you like your constitution now, canuck? A thing of beauty, isn’t it. Even before Trudeau the first screwed it up further.

      1. Get back to me when the US Supreme Court strikes down the Sullivan Act in New York.

        We don’t have a Constitution here and never did. This country is an arrangement between rich men to keep getting richer. All the federal government needs to do is pass a bill, which they can do in an hour if they really want to, and literally anything they want becomes the law of the land. Declare war, sue for peace, jail every Japanese in the country. Anything.

        1. Ed, the so-called notwithstanding clause was put in by Trudeau I to mollify Quebec.

          The Parti Quebecois government of the day feared the charter of “rights and freedoms” would prevent the province from passing legislation that protected french language/culture but violated individual rights. The point at issue was NOT that Quebec was legislating outside of its legal authority or in an area of exclusive federal government jurisdiction.

          As it happened, Quebec never ratified the trudeau constitution and only Quebec has ever invoked the notwithstanding clause to obviate any legal challenges to its language laws.

          The notwithstanding clause is an escape clause for a government to get out of charter constraints and to violate individual rights, supposedly only for the short term.

          It has nothing to do with the division of powers between the federal government and the provincial governments, which are outlined in the BNA Act 1867, and are subject to interpretation by a federal government-appointed supreme court.

    3. “And what’s with Rick Bell at the Sun taking Notley’s side all the time?”

      You mean, in between frantic attempts to remove lipstick rings from his penis?

  3. Why in all that’s holy would Notley even open her yap? Yeh, I know, she’s
    a Dipper; can’t help herself. She and her party are going to pay for this next election.
    Seriously, anyone affected financially (paycheck or otherwise) by Trudeau’s war on the West, especially Alberta, is not going to forget this blatant betrayal by Notley and her minions.

  4. If Quebec can leave or declare itself sovereign within Canada.. So can Alberta or any other province or territory..

  5. I’d vote for “with amendments” if the amendment was to drop the “within a united Canada” section.

    Here’s a terrific example of vote splitting,
    In late 1969, the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario (2 separate cities of Fort William and Port Arthur at that time) had a referendum to decide on its future name.
    The results were:
    Thunder Bay 15,870
    Lakehead 15,302
    The Lakehead 8,377

    easily on par with some of the elections we’ve had in Canada with the Reform Party, and Ross Perot in the USA…
    I actually thought Lake Head may be a good option too….

    1. Apparently naming the lakehead to be City of Lakehead like everyone in Canada called it was highly unreasonable. Apparently 15.870 Canadians knew what Thunder Bay was.

  6. 54% yes – 10% Maybe – 26% No at present.
    I cannot believe the resistance to the Sovereignty Act on Corus/GlowBull. TV as well as Radio local and national.
    Happened to drive thru Ottawa recently and CTV talk radio is no different.
    Since the departure of Danielle Smith in the morning, CHED and QR, at one time worth searching out when one is out of range has become a total loss. There is a narrative to be followed! No deviation whatsoever.
    Exchange of ideas? Not too likely!
    Full on NDP thinking and endless NDP ads. LIES!
    I do not know how the NDPs plan to finance their healthcare dreams but killing the oil industry is certainly not going to help.

  7. I think Smith is playing chess while the government and media plays checkers. She knew using orders in council would raise criticism. And isn’t that exactly what the Liberals have done with amendments to the gun bill?

  8. At 2320.

    Yes 2818 (65 %)

    Yes, but with amendments 437 (10 %)

    No 1109 (25 %)

    Total number of votes: 4364

      1. Riel was hanged in the Northwest Territories. Manitoba had noting to do with it. Riel hadn’t set foot there in more than a decade.

  9. I think Smith just sunk Notley’s battleship. Buh-bye. I encourage all freedom loving canadians to make your way to Alberta in a quick and orderly fashion so that you can partake in some Alberta democracy this spring.

  10. I just went to the Calgary CTV poll to apply a “Yes” vote, and it told me I had already voted! Dunno how, I must have been sleep walking.
