O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

Hear my prayer.

What happens when you prioritize letting criminals out of jail and mix that with extreme support for sanctuary city policies?

You end up with Los Angeles, which now plans to let criminals off the hook if they also happen to be in the country illegally.

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon has instructed prosecutors to now consider immigration status when it comes to charging criminals with crimes. According to the policy, “All charging determinations shall be undertaken with the goal of avoiding or mitigating the adverse immigration consequences of a decision.”

The policy even encourages people under criminal investigation to contact Gascon’s office and “present information concerning adverse immigration consequences” before charges are handed down so he can give them a slap on the wrist instead.

Say what you want about Democrats, they know how to take care of their voters.

17 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

    1. Joe: Excellent indeed.

      Just to remind SDAers, the accused ( David DePape ) in the Paul Pelosi attack is a Canadian who apparently is in the U.S. illegally:

      “DePape is a Canadian citizen who legally entered the United States in 2000 but has stayed long after his visa expired, according to a U.S. official who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.”


      1. “…a U.S. official who was not authorized…”

        SO was this a planted leak, or was it in the reporter’s head?

  1. Democrats pander to their base.
    Republicans betray their base.
    Same in Canada with the LPC and CPC, same in the UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand…
    One UniParty to rule them all.

  2. My brain works the opposite way. If an immigrant commits a crime, they are banished to never again enter. I no longer know why that makes sense.

  3. I read something compelling that was saying with the current state of the Democrats, they are turning off the Mexican community faster than they are being imported and the share of the Mexican vote is trending up for the Republican party.

  4. As a reminder, there is no evidence that sanctuary cities suffer worse crime than cities that aren’t sanctuaries. Immigration is inversely correlated with crime.

    1. “Legal immigration may be inversely correlated with crime. Illegal aliens are directly correlated with crime.”


      1. “Legal immigration may be inversely correlated with crime. Illegal aliens are directly correlated with crime.”
        I would go a little further in that “illegal”, by definition means criminal and when 100% is criminal, “correlation” is irrelevant.

      2. No they are not. Illegal immigrants are still negatively associated with real crime ie crime with actual victims, ie not drugs or illegal immigration.

        “In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐​born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐​born Americans in Texas. The general pattern of native‐​born Americans having the highest criminal conviction rates followed by illegal immigrants and then with legal immigrants having the lowest holds for all of other specific types of crimes such as violent crimes, property crimes, homicide, and sex crimes.”


        Alberta should use its new sovereignty to declare itself a sanctuary province.

        1. “Alberta should use its new sovereignty to declare itself a sanctuary province.”

          Heh, it should – So lets close our eye’s, squeeze our fists, and pray real hard and I’ll bet it happens!

          1. No they’re not. There’s no immigrant crime wave in Europe. There’s just a Eurotrash crime wave in Europe.

            And even if there was an immigrant crime wave in Europe, what does that have to do with us? We’re North America, where immigration reduces crime time and time again.
