Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

A progress report;

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a high-ranking private school official, Joseph Bruno, who admitted that he teaches underage children about sex with items such as “butt-plugs” and “dildos.”

Bruno, who works as the Dean of Students at an elite school in Chicago called Francis W. Parker, said that these were the items brought into the classroom by an LGBTQ+ group.

So he’s been fired, right?

14 Replies to “Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia”

  1. I guess mainstream liberals consider butt plugs to be a natural part of sex.
    Why else would they support teaching children about them?

    Maybe it’s time to ask them about that around the old water cooler.

  2. Don’t ask why children need to see drag queens.

    Ask yourself why drag queens need an audience of children!

    Bruno and those like him are sick in the head and need to be fired on the spot!
    We have a prime idiot who needs fired also!

  3. Advocating for “alternative lifestyles” appears to be a prerequisite for advancement in the education system. This is not a new phenomenon.

    For example you will remember that Kathleen Wynne, our gay ex-premier, rose to power through the school board system.

  4. Getting minors to play with sex toys, why for their personal perverted enjoyment? Notice how many of those groomers are white males and females-there seems to be a pattern emerging?

  5. Give me a break….just look at that guy!

    Why would they fire him? Of course those parents know exactly what their children are being taught.

  6. “EXCUSE ME ”

    See Bitchute for James O’Keefe confronting the groomer on school property.

  7. I’ll take my chances with mean Catholic Nuns, and rigid Monsignors, err turgid? Monsignors … than with Queer Nation Rainbow butt plugs and dildoes. No doubt this creepy teacher is turgid … with the help of his personally engraved cawk ring …

  8. “…teaches underage children about sex with items such as “butt-plugs” and “dildos.”

    Dildos and butt plugs, eh? Well I’m all for kids learning about Turdo and Jagmeet.
