15 Replies to “Trudeau’s Woke Canada”

  1. In Canada, and Quebec is in Canada, experience is not required just the correct political thinking and your diversity.

    1. Paul
      December 7, 2022 at 2:55 pm
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    2. Since that ideology includes keeping up on the shots, I’m fine with that.

      We’re not at the 2 year mark yet for 4 months, but I’m hearing of more and more jabbed with health problems. But waiting for your enemies to die off in massive numbers so the rest wake up and demand revenge isn’t a great movie plot….

      1. I was Jacques Parizeau’s greatest supporter during the last Quebec independence referendum.

        My fellow westerners treated me as though I had defiled a holy sanctuary. Westerners were so cowed by the government conspiracy theory that confederation is sacred I knew the only way we could separate from the Ottawa-Toronto-Montreal axis of evil is if Quebec broke away first. If not for the ethnics and the big money, they might have gone for it.

        Advocates for a free west are going to have to play the asymmetrical anti-federalism game, and that means making strange bedfellows. The track record isn’t good. Supposedly a staunch provincial-rights proponent as Lougheed pledged an alliance with Levesque against the trudeau constitution, only to stab him in the back in the middle of the night. And then clinked champagne glasses with Marc Lalonde celebrating Ottawa’s rape of Alberta’s oil patch.

        Frankly, the Quebec separatists, if any really still exist, are smarter than westerners who support “federalism”.

        1. All that I am getting is that Quebec looks after itself.

          It’s time for a corrective nuking.

  2. now we can all be millionaires like Brian Mulroney promised. get out the paint rollers and give every canadajun a “Voices of Fire”

  3. I am having a hard time trying to understand why I should care. I don’t visit Ottawa and I don’t ever think about the national gallery. I very much doubt I will ever go in it. How its run, what it collects and how it interprets that collection is completely irrelevant to how I live my life.
    If I had to care, it would be to resent and lament the tax money spent on it. But then again, I feel like that about almost everything in Ottawa. Quoting Monty Python. “Camelot is a silly place.”

    1. No one said you should care. Fine if you don’t, but many Canadians who care about
      art and our cultural heritage do care. Your taxes will continue to fund the Gallery. Using taxpayers’ money to fund an ideology that undermines our cultural heritage is unacceptable.

      1. Equating concern for art and culture to the mismanagement of a “national” gallery is a fallacy. One can still appreciate, even care about art and culture and still not give a shit about the national gallery. I am well aware my taxes fund all sorts of things I disagree with, but perhaps you can explain which ideology is undermining what cultures’ heritage in post-modern Canada?

  4. There is a strong stench of rot in Ottawa corridors of power. Riopelle now to be cancelled?! He was the rebel of the late 40s and 50s in Quebec! The incoherence and inconsistency of the woke leftist movement in such cancellations shows that it is about nothing more than power, about who can impose their will on society. The infinitely malleable ideology of wokeism is nothing more than a front. Yesterday’s hero is tomorrow’s enemy. The unpredictability of who will be the next target looks to be part of the strategy – keep everyone off balance, keep everyone in fear.
