26 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Powered By Bafflegab”

    1. Unobtanium

      The main problem of which is it’s all buried under the “sacred tree” on the exo-moon, Pandora. Evil Republicans and BIG Developers must dig up the Unobtanium and destroy the pristine Environment of Pandora … because back on earth … we’ve refused to develop “ alternative fuel sources”.

  1. Re energy and climate change: do you (and the gang greens) realize that heating your house is warming the planet?

    Gang green solution?
    1. Stop heating houses
    2. Reduce the world’s population.

    I suggest the gang greens be the first to personally implement 1 and 2.

    1. People complain that Canadians are the highest per capita (or per household) energy consumers in the world, therefore evil. They never mention it gets very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer and there is a lot of trees and space between towns.

      1. by emissions per capita, I think we are about 26th or so…

        So naturally, we should ban immigration from any country that has a lower emissions per capita, since it increases the amount of emissions around the planet.

  2. Why oh why do these people not put their “own” time and money into developing, building and financing their own pilot plant and electrical grid to a stand alone community that they themselves live and work in. Leave the system that is working now alone until a proven concept arises. Destructive mastards! I know, Rant over!

    1. They don’t use their own money and resources for the reason that you stated: it currently doesn’t work and leftists/liberals are loathe to take any personal responsibility for anything that isn’t tried and proven. And even when it works, they don’t invest their own resources because the government will manage it for them (back to not taking personal responsibility). In short, they are cowards of the first order of the Cringing Chicken with matching eggshell clusters.

  3. Even if there was a technological breakthrough, I suspect the green blob would soon fight against any technology that provides reliable electricity at an affordable price – at their core they are really anti-energy activists. Remember that these activists once supported transitioning from coal to natgas. That was when natgas prices were high. When the prices of natgas dropped, so did support from environmentalists. Their sole goal seems to be to promote high prices and unreliable power sources.

    I think that anti-energy activists have learned from the pharmaceutical/medical industry. They both promise future cures that never materialize. The promises are merely a ploy to keep the research and development money flowing. And the anti-energy activists can at least pretend there a workable solutions to their unreasonable, unrealistic demands.

    1. These turds are anti-human. They think there are too many on the planet. I’m not being sarcastic either.

    2. LC.

      The gang greens have opposed all energy sources. I remember when they were opposing every hydroelectric dam.

      1. “The gang greens have opposed all energy sources. I remember when they were opposing every hydroelectric dam.”

        They still do. The best of all currently available options for *mass* energy production (the only kind that really matters), and they just can’t bring themselves to accept it.

        1. Yep, although I’d say that the green activists oppose all *viable* energy sources.

          And, yes, they same to hate humans more than they hate fossil fuels. They’d happily sacrifice every last human before they actually gave up the comfort and convenience of modern life that they enjoy. See every elite get together…they live high on the hog while preaching to the rest of us to drastically reduce our standard of living.

  4. Over the decades, people smarter than me have noted that these energy breakthroughs are always forecast to be available in seven years.

  5. Fusion is always ten years away. Real soon now!

    In the meantime, it takes a dozen years to build a new nuclear plant with existing plans, existing technology, and an existing site.

    1. 15 years ago, a British politician said it would take 15 years to build, so they didn’t start. Now I hope he is a bit red-faced. Can’t remember the name of shame.

    2. It only takes that long (and longer) in the progressive countries.
      Non-retarded countries are throwing them up much more quickly.

  6. Greens don’t want a functioning energy grid that enables prosperity and “consumption”. They want you to die (Mr. Bond). That won’t stop their elected sociopaths from providing the rent seeking bounty available to purveyors of “carbon-free” fantasy “solutions”. The resulting bankruptcy and guaranteed cost increase of energy will assist in this goal. The same Eloi who will get the call to line up “for” dinner will enthusiastically vote for the fantasies. The products of public education are their greatest assets.

  7. We have perfectly good fossil and nuclear fuel energy sources, enough to last until we do get fusion working, why all the hysteria?

  8. Yes, and it’s one giant scram. They force the tax payer to fund the rich elites green programs, when they fail-they always do-they move on to another scam and the rich elites go along because it doesn’t cost them a thing financially. The global elites want to control our every movement, they want a global slavery program where they live in mansions and we freeze in the dark. Rome wasn’t built in a day but it was destroyed for the self same reason, the rich want to own the rest of us.

  9. When some greentard blabs at me about climate change and fossil fuels, I tell them to take the 1% challenge(1% of one year is 3.65 days). Pick your time of year and place to live without anything associated with fossil fuels. You have the clothes on your back, a knife or axe and matches. I know all 3 are made with the aid of fossil fuels, but I don’t want nekked wokesters running around crying for momma and a Starbucks on my back fourty.
    Now feed, shelter, keep warm and stay alive for 3.65 days.
    If you survive, you have 2 options.
    1/At that point if you still feel the need to live without fossil fuels, throw away your cell phone, shut off the main breaker in your house, and walk eveywhere. Now you have put your convictions where your mouth is.
    2/ STFU and FOAD

  10. Is it just me? Or does this sound a lot like “Cold Fusion”

    Wait! Does Blackrock … or FTX offer investments in Cold Fusion? Exchange your Bitcoin for some Cold Fusion stock. You heard it from me First
