7 Replies to “Putting A Thumb On The Scale”

  1. But wages are another price that gets aggregated into the “inflation” equation, and most people are still making the same amount of money they were making earlier in the year, so less “inflation”. And they can always modify the equation, when they want. See how it works to their advantage?

  2. The first rule of gov’t is to never trust the gov’t. Once you realize that, everything else is crystal clear.

    1. Second is to understand that the government does not, and never will, have your best interest in mind. Any “free stuff” is just for control and monitoring purposes.

  3. If you look at the stat’s can inflation tracker, you can see every “adjustment” they make, and by the sheer number of adjustments, it makes it impossible to compare older numbers to new numbers.

    I wonder if it’d be possible to get the neison scan data and check how it compares to the “official government approved data”

  4. Stats Can, another Liberal Agency.
    At their very best,they were nothing but a cloak for the Uni-Party.
    Singers of the original narrative.
    Now they demand our information,steal our bank records and sell that confidential information.
    While protected from our wrath by “LAW”.
    Fire and Salt is the only cure for creatures such as these.
    Creatures essential to a “Mature Kleptocracy”.

    1. Their primary responsibility is to torture the data enough to make it support Liberal policy. Lies, damn lies, and StatsCan, to misappropriate a phrase.
