Tulsi Gabbard Interviews Tucker Carlson

I realize that not everyone is a fan of Tulsi Gabbard, accusing her of being an opportunist. Similarly, some accuse Tucker Carlson of being controlled opposition. I don’t trust any media or political figure wholeheartedly; think “skeptical optimist”. But when a person says things that resonate with me, I do appreciate them.

Here’s a discussion between these two, which was published Tuesday morning.

5 Replies to “Tulsi Gabbard Interviews Tucker Carlson”

  1. I had no intention of watching the whole interview. I can’t remember an interview I have enjoyed more. Two people whom I admire, admiring each other. Thoroughly enjoyable…and..if one was paying close attention there was some quite valuable information in there.
    Thanks for posting this.

  2. “Incoming Republican House Foreign Affairs Chairman Calls Tucker Carlson an ‘Agent of Russia’ Based on DC Intel Briefing

    December 13, 2022 | Sundance | 190 Comments”



    “Tucker Carlson Asks the Right Question: “Could It Be That Twitter Is Actually an Intelligence Gathering Apparatus and Propaganda Tool”

    December 13, 2022 | Sundance | 136 Comments”


    Tucker links in both

  3. Great words from a great Congressman…
    “There are only two types of people I distrust…

    1.) People I don’t know and,
    2.) People I do know.
