7 Replies to “Any Comment, Dr. Tam?”

  1. What a crock. the Chinese are now playing the covid game again, this time claiming 250 million bullshit cases.

  2. Reply from Dr. Tam:

    Apparently some American senators and journalists have not noticed that we here at the China Communist Party have purchased, using campaign donations as well as 10% for the Big Guy, complete and total immunity from American laws and norms. We know nothing will come of this – after the complete lack of accountability for the Russian collusion hoax and attempted coup we are surprised that anyone thinks we are accountable to anyone. We’ve openly let everyone go who illegally sabotaged the Trump Administration, while illegally holding without bail protestors, many of whom did nothing more than walk through an open door. How blatant do we have to be before ordinary Americans know their place?

  3. In addition to the Grand Jury Inquiry, DeSantis has a COVID Review Committee in the works. You will recognize some of the names: ,Weinstein, Kulldorf, Battacharya, Hoeg, Ben………….

    1. Excellent team!
      Dr Malone and Dr Mccullough have been fighting the machine long enough. They both look exhausted.
      Time for this crew to carry on.
      Hope they also connect with the PANDATA.org group.

  4. The problem, Ladies and Germs, is that the pace is too slow by a huge factor.
    The next flu they make will be “better”.
    Like a race-against-time movie, mad scientists and sick bureaucrats need to be taken out and put against a wall.
    And that includes anyone involved with the Winnipeg infiltration.

  5. A better question to be asked is how deep was America involved in the ‘research labs’ in Ukraine? That is by far the bigger question at the moment.

    Another problem that no one in the media is looking at, what happened in the Baltic Nord Stream II explosion, who is responsible? I can’t believe of all of the ‘experts’ in foreign relations offices and their aligned intelligence agents have not considered China as the culprit. The only nation in the world to profit from that explosion would be China. Nothing like starting a war between your two adversaries and watch them deplete their armaments while you sit back on the sidelines preparing to fight the last one standing. As an example from the pages of history William waited until Harold and Harald had duked it out before he made his move. The result was historic.
