50 Replies to “December 26, 2022: Reader Tips”

  1. Seriously good news site: Redacted.
    There are YouTube videos but their site is at Rumble (for stuff that YouTube would censor).

    The EMPIRE strikes back after The Grayzone exposes their corruption
    – A Conversation

    Redacted says Grayzone is its top choice for trusted news.
    This one covers the dis-invitation of Grayzone from a major web convention despite having been invited, and been greatly appreciated, in previous years. Grayzone says that Mrs. Zelensky (she of the recent $40,000 shopping spree in Paris) threatened to destroy the convention if they participated. You can guess why. Lots on Ukraine.


  2. Someone at SDA posted recently that Johnny Mathis’ Christmas classic When A Child Is Born had its lyrics censored on radio after being branded racist, because, “Listeners have taken offence to the lyrics: ‘black, white, yellow, no one knows’, mainly Asians who did not want to be described as “yellow” (which I never understood why they were called yellow anyways)”

    How long before John Lennon’s “So this is Christmas” is censored or banned?
    And so happy Christmas
    For black and for white
    For yellow and red ones
    Let’s stop all the fight

    Christmas cheers!

        1. The French ruled England for a lengthy period in the middle ages. I don’t think they were invited. They must have won at least one war.

      1. VOWG – lol, that is another meaning of yellow. Since the perpetually-offended are twisting the meaning one could respond that the song is referring to anyone who is not courageous since it didn’t say yellow means Asian. They could have mentioned green which would be anyone who is envious…

    1. I’m in San Antonio. Low temps have been 16-19F. Power grid hasn’t experienced so much as a hiccup once.

      1. Coach, my Liberal neighbour says the Texas grid fails because it is not regulated. Apparently things work better when the government gets involved….

      2. I’m also live in San Antonio, North Central part. At least this latest freeze out wasn’t as bad as the one in February, 2021,
        what with the icy roads and planned power outages.

    2. 4 power substations vandalized in Washington state, over 14K lost power

      There were repeated unsubstantiated claims in the media that the North Carolina attack on substations were by the “right wing”.

      With a record number of reported attacks (over 100) this year on power substations in 2022, do you want to bet it is Antifa and other foreign financed left wing groups?

    1. David.

      AC usually has things figured out…not that Im a fan of Quebec Air.
      Westjet on the other hand has become a Daily ShitShow of incompetence.

      I fly regularly between Calgary and a Suncor aerodrome (FireBag), well North of Ft. McMurray. Flew back here last Wed Night. Flight was delayed 1 hour at FireBag. Finally get on the plane and land in YYC (Calgary). 15 min taxi to the gate….get there No one in sight, wait 30- minutes for a ground crew to pull the landing gate out and direct the aircraft to it. Upon de-planning, went to arrivals to pick up my 1 small bag. When I got downstairs to WestJets’ 3 Carousels….there must have been 1000 folks there awaiting their luggage…a 30+ person line up to talk to the the agents.

      I had to wait an hour and 15 before mine finally showed up.

      This is a CONSTANT Daily occurance: A Noticeable lack of personnel combined with Union BS. (it was -28C), so I’m pretty sure they have something in their agreement about cold weather breaks. I did not get home till near 2AM

      1. Steakman – I don’t think that issue, baggage handling, is WestJet’s fault. I had the same issues with Air Canada this year, whose motto has always been, “We’re not happy until you’re not happy”. Recall that the Toronto airport had the worst delays in the world this summer. A woman from Ontario told me that the reason was, during COVID, Pearson Airport laid off their ground crews due to lockdowns etc. When they went to hire them back after the end of lockdowns, many did not return to work because they retired or found employment with better working conditions (probably government jobs). The same thing happened in the oil patch after the return of high prices, as you probably have seen, everyone is short of resources at the moment.

  3. About the kerfuffle of the Taliban banning women from universities and NGO aid agencies, Hajit Sajjan, our International Giveaway Minister, said yesterday that his department will be “studying the matter”. Meanwhile, a group of aid agencies, including the International Red Cross, stated that they will be stopping aid to the Muslim country.

    This past June Sajjan announced tens of millions for Afghanistan:

    1. Reader – it is a very sciency article. Some information seemed useful then I saw that they quoted Dr Tam. Oh oh. I also took a close look at the author of the article. Amina Zafar has a masters in journalism and a degree in environmental science. Then I took a closer look at “her” picture. She will do well at the CBC.

    1. I tend to agree but not along their lines.
      When they try to force the remaining purebloods to take the Goo, alot of Us will kill their azz’s.

  4. A study from Toronto, Canada. Of course the data is not made available to allow peer review of it. I wonder if Dr. Tam and the Lieberal Party arranged for funding this.

    Social Engineers: Unvaxxed Get in More Traffic Accidents, Should Pay Higher Insurance Rates

    American Journal of Medicine Says a Belief in Freedom Could Be Hazardous to Your Health

    1. Yet one more post that gets caught in the moderation queue.

      Article partial title is: The Spike Protein FUNCTIONS AS A “MICROTUMOR”
