Featured Comment

In response to this post, Gerry K. shared some profound thoughts:

Neil’s message of the tragic failed attempt of an at sea rescue and the courage of men in the midst of it, did bring a tear to my eye.. I agree with him that all our “leaders” have failed us, and that they do not care one iota about us or our trials throughout our lives, that they only care for their selves and how they can advance their own well being and wealth, even if that requires them to sacrifice us to obtain that advancement. The issue is not, that many are aware of this deliberate damage being done to humanity, it is that, not enough who do wake up can accept this reality, because it would mean that they were deliberately deceived and that they were gullible enough to to believe the deceit. This would be an attack on their core belief system. They cannot allow the reality to change their world view, so they prefer the comfort of the lies, even as they are led to enslavement by it.

The issue then, is how do we reach these people who deny the real truth to preserve the comfort of their own sanity?
I don’t have the answer, I don’t think anyone does. However, if we don’t continue to seek that answer, if we just surrender, the WEF cohort will win, and they are getting close to achieving those goals.

There are times I think that SDA has helped to preserve my sanity on a number of occasions, so thanks to Kate, and the SDA contributors for that. 2023 and beyond will be tough times for all, personally, I don’t plan on going out without a fight, how about you? Wishing all SDA posters blessings for a safe happy Christmas!

17 Replies to “Featured Comment”

  1. Perhaps the answer that we are looking for is to get over our compassion. Perhaps that if we just save ourselves it will incentivize others to copy our example. If we set the example then there is a better chance that people will emulate us rather than line up at our door demanding that we continue to sacrifice what we have built to enable them to take advantage of our compassion. Compassion is indeed a noble undertaking but not to the extent that we sacrifice our childrens future for it. The foreign aid that we grant to other countries in which we have no authority on how it is administered is akin to throwing pearls among the swine, a totally wasted effort. The abject humility we display to the people we elect as our representatives in the face of the ignorance, corruption and hypocrisy that they indulge in is more than enough to turn your stomach. We return these poltroons to office time and time again and they continue to turn our compassion against us. They know that our compassion will not allow the tumbrils in the street as they make toward Madame Guillotine, and there is the crux of the problem. No matter what they do there is no accountability for the crimes they perpetrate over the people that they supposedly represent.

    1. I believe it is a war on our values and is based on repressive tolerance.
      In essence it is a Marxist tactic to get us to tolerate other cultures and values over ours, making us be more compassionate.
      Make no mistake it is war plain and simple on Western values.
      If those trying to get us to tolerate that which we find out of step or aberrant to our ways can succeed then they can tear down our societies and replace them with theirs, that’s war in my books.

      Check out this piece from Vladtepesblog that goes into it in more detail on this Franfurt Marxist school tactics.


  2. I am so thankful for SDA. Kate opened up the blogosphere alternate news universe to me. She weaned me from MSM and broke its deceitful hold on me.
    So many times I’m asked where do you find these interesting posts. SDA, my friend.

    1. I agree that Kate started SDA very early on. She was a forerunner to the emerging, but still too small, conservative media in Canada.

      I fully agree with Gerry K.’s remarks. In particular, conservatives must devote some of their hard-earned income to support both conservative media and NGOs, if possible. There has to be a growing countervailing set of institutions to counter the dominant liberal-left establishment. It must be bottom-up and grassroots in nature. People in the movement must avoid snarky, inside-politics infighting. If the whole of Canadian society is under threat, conservatives must learn to cooperate and support the cause. And there is too much “all is lost; nothing can be done” bullshit out there. Too much of this appears on these SDA comment boards.

      The Freedom Convoy leadership shows us the way.

      1. David, I tried three times to comment in more depth than the following but the moderation is lock and load maddening.
        Here’s the short version:
        Small-conservatives a minority.

  3. Jesus speaking about the time of the end and HIS return:
    Matthew chapter 24.
    Note verses 21 and 22:
    21 “For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again.” 22 “If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.” (BSB)
    Yes, it’s going to get worse, much worse.

  4. Based on human history,time will bring about retribution.
    To say we are too passive,too cowardly and too tame to react as our “Helpers” deserve is a bit premature.
    As Rudyard Kipling said…

    ‘It was not part of their blood
    It came to them very late.
    With long arrears to make good.
    When the Saxon began to hate.”

    The men who just wanted to be left alone,as everything we love will be corrupted by the actions we will be bound to take,will always wait to the last minute,always hoping that saner heads will prevail,that reason and enlightened self interest will break through.
    Waiting for a miracle.

    As I have observed I am not getting off my comfortable couch to “teach any lessons” to the things and thugs that threaten me and mine.
    That is not logical,nor how I was wired.
    I fix things once and really well.
    I am busy ,I don’t have time to do a half assed job.

    When “society” states “Idiots must be protected” you move aside,deflecting the idiots and their enablers.
    For they cannot be taught anything.
    They are what they are and who they have chosen to be.

    This Christmas many Canadians are processing the treachery,deceit and corruption that is our government.
    Gun owners now see that compliance is pointless.
    Owners of businesses see no path to profit from honest work.
    Believers in civil society see no place for our political police.
    Aware citizens see the Propaganda Press,lying for the parasites.

    We no longer have any social contract,the consent to be governed is gone.

    These were all tools we built to ensure our comfort and the future of our loved ones..
    They have all been turned against us.
    Corrupted to serve a parasitic horde.

    Who really are as stupid as we have been asking ourselves.

    The useless,the clueless and the non tool using segments of society have declared war,upon the tool users..Their hosts and providers.

    When you listen to their insane rantings,you tend to question your own sanity,for “How could people be so stupid”?..Are they really that dumb?
    You who cannot find your ass with two hands,cannot decide what washroom to use,have declared war upon the people who fund and feed you?

    Well after two Trudeau’s the answer is “YES”.

    If we accept what our own government has been telling us in their very own words and doing to us..Then we must reward them.

    They have told us how the “disobedient” shall be treated..
    Then let that be their reward.

    For all Assault Style Politicians and the minions who support them.

    Coasts Island looks real good to me.

    For persons too stupid to extend rights and freedoms to every citizen are too destructive to be lose in a civil society.
    Unless we bring back duelling,then ..Please let them stay.

    1. John, there is another Kipling Poem that we should all be familiar with it begins;

      I went into a public-‘ouse to get a pint o’ beer,
      The publican ‘e up an’ sez, “We serve no red-coats here.”
      The girls be’ind the bar they laughed an’ giggled fit to die,
      I outs into the street again an’ to myself sez I:
      O it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, go away”;
      But it’s “Thank you, Mister Atkins”, when the band begins to play,
      The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
      O it’s “Thank you, Mister Atkins”, when the band begins to play.

      It was Tommy who helped “colonialize ” the greater part of the world, and don’t get me started on “colonialize” because there aren’t enough words in Webster’s dictionary for me to get in a rant about that piece of unadulterated “newspeak”. But to the point I’m about to make is that it wasn’t only Tommy that was called upon to fix the problems when the “politicians” and “statesmen” needed someone to fix their mistakes it was Paddy, Sean, Hugo, Pierre, and a host of other nobodies from Western Society that were called upon. Often forced to fight amongst themselves when all of them just wanted to be left alone to get on with their lives. Now these “politicians” and “statesmen” are leading us into another debacle by turning us against ourselves. The Freedom Convoy in Canada and the sham election process in the States are the omens that we had better take notice of. The “Diversity is our strength” mantra that they have been preaching, as most readers here at SDA realize, is a downright lie. It is being used against us, to divide and fracture the most successful society that mankind ever evolved. Unfortunately in our quest to be just left alone we will all be turned into The Saxon!

  5. When recently interviewed by Conrad Black in Whitby, ON, Jordan Peterson expressed similar sentiments. “Our greatest weakness is our disbelief.”

  6. Neil Oliver is the Thomas Paine of our times. Thomas Paine died very lonely and penniless. He refused to accept that a free country could own slaves and be a free country. He was right.

    Neil Oliver is telling us not to be slaves. There has never been a more timely or urgent message.

    Another famous author said something along the lines that if we don’t overcome, we will have a boot on our faces forever.

    We wiil have to stand on our hind legs and fight like hell.

  7. How to reach them?
    I won’t do harm to them, but I won’t try to save them from their own bad advice.
    When their children are starving in the cold they will know what to do.

  8. I truly think there is this sheen of cognitive dissonance or willful ignorance that has completely blanketed our populations
    Hear no evil, See no evil and act like everything is just hunky dory….while underneath they know goddamned well there are many things that are not all that “right”. It reminds me of a Sci-Fi Flick where everyone is wearing a digital skin – looking lovely and smart wearing the latest fashions and walking on pristine streets, where in reality, they are knee deep in dog shit.

    The fact we don’t talk about it or anything else for that matter is to me a hangover from the COVID SCAM. To converse with family or friends over any form of serious business is now seemingly taboo. I have to believe it is this lack of discourse that will at some point come to a boil & explode.

    It has to….??

  9. Robert, I just came across this now. I’m usually late to the comment party because I’m out on the west coast, and am a nighthawk, therefore not an early riser.

    I just wanted to say thank you for the accolade!

    It’s nice to know that amid my usual mumbles and grumbles, a rare pearl slips out. In truth, there are a lot of pearls that get posted on SDA, and it has become a must visit daily for me. So many wise and in depth postings make us all think with more clarity and sanity.

    SDA has provided us all with a place to have a say about relevant things among like minded perceptive individuals.
    Being able to vent, does wonders for my sanity and peace of mind, so thanks to you all.

  10. The only one who truly gets it here is Davis. His comment is 100% spot on. This is about end times and is predicted in the Bible. In fact, the Bible is coming to life in front of our eyes. The One World Govt. is what it is all about. This is end times in the Bible. I pray that more and more folks will wake up and come to Jesus before it is too late. The WEF movement and OWG movement cannot be stopped. We are so close to Jesus coming back to gather us up. Please wake up is my prayer.

    1. You know it’s getting bad when the atheists that I know are asking me “What is happening in the world? Why are things going the way that they are?”.
