It’s Boxing Day On Turtle Island

Today In Islam (Or stories you won’t find in the Canadian media):  Muslims celebrate Christmas with four Christian students.  It’s a good thing Canada only allows high quality Afghan migrants.  Don’t say anything negative about Islam in Europe.

Biden’s America:  Christmas in San Francisco.  Killing the trucking industry.  The obscene books in schools.  Victor Davis Hanson on what will the FBI not do.  Is freedom of speech now a crime?  The Biden Climate Czars.  Your morning meme.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Diverse Toronto is falling apart.  Rex Murphy writes about Trudeau’s war on oil.

Woke Britain:  Why are you hiring white people?

6 Replies to “It’s Boxing Day On Turtle Island”

  1. If it sounds stupid, it makes absolutely perfect sense to a bureaucrat. EPA bureaucrats will never take responsibility for the carnage they are about to cause.

  2. Europe is toast and the future will see it become a battle-ground between Judeo-Christians and the Moslem hordes.
    Those who don’t pick a side will die poorly.
    Toronto self-sodomizing itself is really a shame…
    As for Juthtin, we all know he hates Canada and if he can’t remake it into a neo-Marxist state, he’ll let the the Moslems reimagine it. Outside of K-bec that is. The proverbial Holy Land of the 1/4 French, born-in-Ottawa, faux frog shall remain sacrosanct.

    1. I think the muzzies will have a heck of a battle with the China man wanting a piece of the action.
      If I was a betting man , I’d go with the China man winning, 1.5 million Ughurs can’t be wrong.
