14 Replies to “Saint Fauci Flies the Coup”

  1. Scientists, doctors, authorities, nurses, and “experts”- all might as well be struck dumb, for no-one will believe a word from them ever again.

    1. We may have bigger problems than that.
      Seems these extra boosters may cause the vexed to be walking Typhoid Marys with the ability to shed unto the unvaxed parts of the spike protein mrna, basically making them contagious vaccine incubators.
      Mostly a problem with sharing body fluids , blood, saliva, sperm, vaginal fluids, much like HIV spreads.
      Also they can be incubators for much nastier Corona virii like influenza , even RSV, and is even more-likely to extend to the other two common beta coronaviruses OC43 and HKU1.
      If you need to go to a hospital for anything other than trauma or what you determine to be life threatening it may be best to stay away as ALL the staff have been multi injected with the Goo and are now shedding like crazy.
      It may be a one way ticket in there.
      It seems to be permanent with no signs showing that the Juice is being cleared by the body, the body just keeps on making the crap non stop.
      With infertility and the vexed dropping like flies, the Elites may get their population reduction in very short order.

      Karl Denninger has a better explanation and it ain’t good news.

  2. So, the “estimate” of 3,000,000 lives saved came from “publicly available estimates”
    Perfectly circular – vaccines saves lives – create a model that says 3,000,000 lives saved. Voila, 3 million saves. See.
    Could have been 25,000,000 lives. Just make it up.
    There was no DATA. None. Zero. Nada. Nothing.
    The paper disclosed there was no data.

    “We talked to Bob. Bob said there 45 space ships in Missouri yesterday. Therefore there were 45 spaceships.

    So, only question is who gave the “grant” and where did the money come from, because within 13 nanoseconds every Deep State ass clown and actor was quoting this “study.”

    1. “And all this science, I don’t understand It’s just my job, five days a week”

      Never has a song lyric been so prescient. The men we trust KNOW science … don’t know it at all. They’re just going through the motions. And let me add … the highly credentialed “scientists” are nothing more than politicized bureaucrats

  3. The guy who coined the phrase “Never ascribe to malicious intent that which can be ascribed to stupidity” did so with malicious intent, and I can very confidently ascribe stupidity to people who throw that phrase around as if it were some kind of truth.

  4. “And”
    Stupid and Liar.
    The “Banality of Evil” ties in here,for stupid becomes evil and evil is stupid,being self destructive in the longer run.
    Liars are stupid,the compulsive liar will lie,even when the truth will serve them better.
    Their lies compound til they no longer know reality from their narrative,nor what tale they told to whom.
    This is stupid on steroids.

    The Dread Covid Theatre of these last 3 years has a small group of greedy malicious fools making absurd profits and taking bank on the assumption that people today are so tame that there will be no reward for the harm they have inflicted.
    And that they can use our idiots politicians as cover.

    For the absolute shitshow of Dread Covid Lockdown and mandated Government Goo has certainly crystallized the citizens views..We are governed by fools and bandits.

    The wave of ignorance,arrogance and utter incompetence that washed over Western Society has no precedent..
    Our helpers are all exposed for the natural idiots and utter prats they be..
    Too stupid to consider their own limitations.
    Absolutely certain the abuses they inflicted upon us were “help”.
    What we had been sold as “leadership” proven to be frightened sheep stampeding with the mob.

    I wonder what the next part of their “Cunning Plan” was,when they discover no safe haven exists on earth.

    1. Cunning Plan.
      If no safe haven exists and we persist in hanging THEM, then they will try to take us with them all the way to Hell.
      Those nukes come in quite handy for that.
      Burn Baby Burn THEY will sing along with their Master.

  5. Politics has always played a part in science.. What’s changed is the impact this science has in our day to day life.. Changes that hit so close to home that politics is the only way to sell it.. A science based political movement that cant stop now because of all the progress we have made.. Multiverse double speak for were not scientists anymore..

    Beholding to a hypothesis over the methods used to test it.. No break throughs, just the breakdown of the scientific method into grant seeking camps of interests.. Does Fauci need to be a movie star?.. Did global warming need Al Gore?.. When did a indisputable fact acquire the need for a publicist and a manager?.. When politicians got involved..

    Science and all of its vaporware achievements gets peer reviewed every 4 years with a new election.. We are now regressing for the sole purpose of making room for measurable progress.. Nothing left to do for a industry that eats up countless billions..
