Cleaning House

I still think Elon paid $43 billion too much for Twitter, but on balance his efforts to de-woke the platform, among other measures, are something to be applauded.

Musk added to the controversy with his $44 billion purchase of Twitter, the money-bleeding social media platform. He said he did this to protect free speech and has exposed, with independent reporters’ investigations of the Twitter Files, a large government effort to control and suppress speech on significant issues through Twitter, such as Hunter Biden’s laptop and Covid information.

The cultural acceptance of the government’s violation of the First Amendment and cajoling Twitter to shadow ban or remove tweets that don’t align the government’s version of the truth, stems from universities that indoctrinate their students into believing that they are not capable of thinking for themselves, there is no absolute truth, and that they need the government to arbitrate the truth and tell them what to think.

30 Replies to “Cleaning House”

  1. There are 6 US firms collecting data (gmafia) and 3 Chinese chaebols. Musk just bought his way into the club. Musk probably thinks he knows how to organize his engineers better.

  2. Tis what NAZI’s & Communists do.

    FULL ON & in yer face Censorship of anything that they simply don’t like…which boils down to, they don’t like me/us.

    I and everyone here, has a target painted on their back…believe it people.

    Kudos to Elon for exposing the ongoing racketeering.

  3. The article states that universities are producing individuals incapable of thinking for themselves, looking only to gov’t to moderate truth.
    I would add that universities also produce individuals who believe they have a superior moral and intellectual status, and therefore are not just entitled, but required to use whatever means necessary to enforce their ideologies. They are the elites; the Great Unwashed and their concerns are to be dismissed.

    1. Oddly enough, I was just reading a piece about Leopold and Loeb, two “elite” college students who murdered a neighbor child to prove how above the law and the morality of normal people they were. I think we are governed by a whole host of Leopolds and Loebs.

      1. Notta,

        Coincidentally, the alleged suspect in the murders of the 4 Idaho State students is studying for his doctorate in Criminology.

        “Washington State University identifies Kohberger as a Ph.D. student in its department of criminal justice and criminology. He completed his first semester in its criminal justice program earlier this month, the university said.”

        1. I guess he didn’t attend class long enough to see the other side of the justice system. He will now get to fully study the punishment side from within.

    2. 80 years ago those individuals who believe they have a superior moral and intellectual status would have considered themselves the master race. It always starts with one group of people thinking they are superior over the rest of people kind. The irony than and now is the doomsday predictions based on their supposed superior intellect never materialize nevertheless those individuals are in principle correct and the next doomsday prediction will be the real catastrophic that needs to be prevented at any price anyone else but themselves should pay.

  4. … stems from universities that indoctrinate their students into believing that they are not capable of thinking for themselves, there is no absolute truth

    Moral Relativism in a nutshell. One man’s looter is another man’s designated shopper. We’re doomed if we don’t come to our senses.

  5. It’s called “putting your money where your mouth is”. You can never accuse Elon Musk of not taking the lead and doing exactly that!

  6. Musk paid zero for Twitter. Actually I would argue he was paid to buy Twitter – by Tesla. Of course he is the largest shareholder of Tesla so he paid himself to buy Twitter by selling a few of his Tesla shares (which he could not do otherwise). Imagine if Twitter succeeds. He will have successfully diversified away from his enormous Tesla shareholdings and created a new winner. The guy is brilliant.

  7. “the government’s violation of the First Amendment”

    Again not necessarily true. The government reporting Tweets that violate Twitters TOS is not a 1st amendment violation unless either:

    The government uses coercion


    thr government plays an active role in censorship. Reporting a tweet doesn’t qualify.


    1. What does PAYING Twitter > $3.5mm to do government’s bidding count toward violating the First Amendment ?

        1. Let me guess … you also believe that Hunter Biden has been paid $mm’s by foreign entities … for his business acumen and expertise? Does your self delusion rise to those heights?

          BTW my proof of the connection is Twitter’s compliance with their commands. Money paid … people deplatformed. Cause – effect

    2. “…not necessarily…”

      I jes’ luvs me a good qualifier…

      “The Davos Group, WEF, WHO, Club of Rome, Bill Gates, etc., etc., etc., were not necessarily trying to kill off millions of people with the Coof jabs & concomitant side effects. It was merely a fortunate happenstance.” — Allan S

    3. Once again condoning unethical behaviour by nitpicking technicalities.

      Allan is saying that he’s perfectly happy with government coercion, as long as it is not explicit or provable.

        1. All this & a constitutional law expert, to boot. I bow before you.

          Just for shits and giggles, let’s run with this. Let’s assume, for the sake of this discussion, that there were no laws broken.

          What about the moral issues?

        2. Allan S, you are pure slime.
          Gov’t: We want you to say this, silence people who say that, and also, here’s a big bag of money.
          Twitter: OK
          Allan S: Sounds legit.

      1. “The government reporting Tweets that violate Twitters TOS”

        Yeah that’s all they did, see!

        Even though the tweets weren’t against Twitter’s “terms of service.”
        Useful idiots can still find a reason to gas light.

  8. “…stems from universities that indoctrinate their students into believing that they are not capable of thinking for themselves,…”

    Their parents’ job was to teach them otherwise.

    1. I always thought that was the primary purpose of College and University.
      To teach one to THINK for themselves, guess I was wrong .

      1. LOL.
        The primary purpose of the entire Prussian educational system is to breed conformity, from K1 to PhD, its just that now, the chickens are coming home to roost.

    2. “…stems from universities that indoctrinate their students into believing that they are not capable of thinking for themselves,…”

      Their parents’ job was to teach them otherwise.”

      At one time, yes. Sadly, though, that is no longer allowed. The government will teach your children what *they* want them to believe, and any interference from you will result in persecution or prosecution.

  9. Jamie M.,

    It is also their parents’ duty to teach them how to blend in and not raise alarms by too openly fighting the established narrative. A free thinking individual in today’s University is like an allied agent behind Nazi lines. The Woke Gestapo of the University may not murder them, but it will cancel their careers and future if the Woke Mob catch a student thinking Ungood Wrong Think.

  10. It would be interesting to see how the courts would deal with this fact pattern:

    1. By illegally spying on Guiliani, the FBI learns of the upcoming New York Post article on the Hunter Biden laptop.
    2. FBI makes the rounds of the social media companies to alert them of upcoming Russian “disinformation” efforts.
    3. FBI colludes with CIA to prepare and publish a “Russian disinformation” letter signed by 51 ex and current spooks to give Biden cover for the presidential debates.

    How many laws were broken?
