71 Replies to “January 3, 2023: Reader Tips”

  1. I hate our Slime Minister, but this really is an awe-inspiring masterpiece of the art of disinformation:


    “Everyone had agreed on ‘Bozeau To The Backbenches’ but now the movement is all chaotic and confused. That goes not only for what was planned for Ottawa, Nunavut, and Charlottetown, but all the other rag-tag protests as well. It’s all been diluted to the point where it really doesn’t exist anymore. There’s no smell of fear on Parliament Hill. Why would there be? Just cancel your Disney Channel if you’re bothered by inflation.”

  2. J’y suis allée avec toute la famille, et après autant de temps depuis ce-temps-là, je ne peux pas effacer cette chanson stupide de ma tête.

  3. Interesting anecdote.

    Inflation watch, and reader feedback


    “One of my colleagues found a grocery receipt from March 2019 in a kitchen drawer. He told his wife to buy exactly that list in December 2022. She had to sub a few items due to availability. But the moral of the story is, $93 worth of groceries in 2019 costs $209 in 2022.”

    Yeah, about that “official” inflation rate…

    1. DB, I track all expenses and have for years. Our Dec 2019 grocery bill was $417, compared with Dec 2022– $657. $240 increase.

        1. John, due to a physical affliction brought about by a run-in with an entire bottle of Johnny Red back in the 70’s (a whole other tapestry woven from a Trooper concert, freezing rain, a hunting trip & 3 milk cows. Throw in a heaping measure of basic stupidity and…). Commonly known as a gag reflex, I am almost unable to get scotch of any sort past or even near my nose.

          At a wake in memory of a dear friend who drank Lagavulin, a number of years back I steeled myself & had a shot (and threw one over my shoulder for him). I held it down but it gives me shivers just thinking about it.

  4. Expo 67! That vid brought back many memories. I was a small child back in ’67, and didn’t really understand what was going on at the time, but I do remember my trip on Metro Line #4 to Longueil stopping at the Station “Terre des Hommes” (the turd would have called it “Terre des Gens”). The reason we were able to visit was because my father ran the projector at the Greek Pavilion, otherwise, my family wouldn’t have been able to afford the admission price.

    I don’t have the passport anymore, but I still have the Expo67 satchel bag.

    Those were indeed happy times. I still remember those days. Montreal was a very different city back then. It really was a fun place to live, until things went south in the ’70’s. Not even the ’76 Olympics was able to stop the trend downward. Recall also that 1976 was also the year Rene Levesque, and the PQ assumed government, and Canada would never be the same since.

    1. Same here. Our family of 5 kids made the drive from Saskabush in our Ford Mac-Tac station wagon. Expo was awesome for an eleven year old kid.

      All I remember of Montreal itself was the newly opened Metro and the hour and a half drive from the hovel we rented to the Expo site.

      I have been back a few times but the aura is long gone and the place seems grey to me.

    2. Loved Expo ’67 and grew up right near it. The noise from the underground blasting to build the Métro would’ve blown your mind– you didn’t need an alarm clock if you were napping. You were almost blasted out of bed from fright! I’ve so many stories, but one that stands out was when our Ontario relatives came to stay with us during Expo.

      Of course, as a group, we took the Métro to Berri-deMontigny (now aka the UQUAM stop–Université de Quebec à Montreal) and switched over to the # 4 Métro Line to Longueil, stopping at the Station “Terre des Hommes” or “Man and His World.” As most know, this subway line has only two stops. What blew everyone’s mind, at the time, was that the ‘line’ was buried under the Saint Lawrence River. I was only a youngster–and kept looking for signs of ‘leaking’ water, and as silly as it was, I was always glad to get out of there. Anyways, the story that distracted us from the water worries–by this time I had my younger cousin worried too, was that one crowded day, our relatives met someone that they knew from their home town in Ontario! The person was right in the same jam-packed Métro car as us! We were like sardines, in standing room only. What a surprise and what are the chances such an encounter? They acted like they were besties, relatives were so blown away. So were we. So were the bored people around us.

      1. Thanks for sharing, Nancy. I was hoping you’d post something, knowing you grew up in Montréal. It truly is a small world!

      2. Ah, yes! Line #4. The longest tunnel I’ve ever been through… It seemed like it would go on forever, especially to a young kid who’s never been in a subway before. I’m not sure, but I think I may have seen a water leak or two in my time there.

    3. As my wife said, it took us back to a time when the world was sane. I was 10 at the time. We got up at 3:00 am to drive from Oakville in order to be there when it opened at 9:00. Had a wonderful 3 days. Saw the IMAX, visited numerous pavilions (remember the US and Soviet ones best), rode the hovercraft. Thought it really sad when the best the govt. could do for the sesquicentennial in 2017 was that idiotic retro multi-culti flag. Showed how far the country had declined in 50 years. Probably won’t be around for the bicentennial, praise be.
      Really enjoyed the video, though!

    4. Got to go myself on a school trip as RCAF brat living in St. Bruno, my dad stationed at St. Hubert.

      Things were much different then. In fact, everything has changed as government tries to pick winners and losers, which they are terrible at except as political lucre and power, for taxpayers to have found losers are good at picking government.

  5. Blacklock reports that Hans Gruber’s electric mandates, will cost 99 billion dollars.

    1. From the article: ”

      “Both suspects were known to police, having been charged with crimes in the past, he said. The surviving supsect fled the house but turned himself in later and now faces various charges, including break and enter to commit an indictable offence, police say. That person had visited the targeted house in the past, said McLeod.

      Tasha Cooper, who described herself as a good friend of Herritt’s, said she was “devastated” by news of his death. It’s possible he was involved in a home invasion, but that doesn’t define him, she said.”

      Jesus, so we’re supposed flee our own domicile quickly, so we don’t upset the home invaders and lessen the chances of us getting injured and wait outside until they are done or the police show up? What a country..

    1. Who knew? I knew! I’ve been saying this for the past 18 months when no one else would.
      Even my own family dismissed me when I made that claim. They thought I was really gone off the deep end. Of course, they’ve all taken the jab.

      1. I don’t even bother with my family anymore; I haven’t seen most of them since 2020. As far as I know, I’m the only one not jabbed and I keep my thoughts, opinions, and claims to myself; I’d be wasting my breath.

        Yesterday, I asked my sister if we could meet to discuss finalizing my late mother’s estate. Not a chance. Her neighbours had Covid and others she knows as well, so it’s starting up again. In fact, she told me not to put myself at risk by going to the bank for estate business. They’re all “vaxxed” for pity’s sake and terrified of XBB. Three years in and the stupid is still strong with these people.

        1. Sorry for your loss, Kate. Settling an estate is tedious work.

          P.S. hypochondriacs are everywhere. In my city, some are wearing masks, others are keeping a broad social distance, but not much talk, really.

          1. Thanks, Nancy. She died January 1st 2020, just before the lockdowns. It’s taken three years, mostly because bureaucrats weren’t working. Thank goodness I filed probate in February, just in time to sit in someone’s inbox for a few months.

        2. That’s too bad Kate. It should be obvious to all by now that the vaccines do not prevent covid. I doubt they even prevent the severity of covid. Caution was warranted when the outbreak started but after 2 years and several variants later, we are now fighting a cold-flu. Even the Chinese are giving up.

  6. In a world where you just can’t make this stuff up anymore, China is threatening to retaliate against any country that prevents or limits the entry to any Chinese travelers. That’s right, the country that went full lockdown in its own country is now trying to prevent partial lockdown in other countries.

    1. The Chinese are finally waking up, so why the mad? It’s a good thing and about time, wouldn’t you agree?

  7. Yup. I asked my Old Man when he had retired, “What were your best years on the farm?”

    “65, 66,67” he answered. “Milk was $3.50 a hundred (lbs); I bought a new tractor and baler and paid cash; if you worked you had a dollar in your pocket and that dollar was worth something.”

    Then he paused for a second…

    “Then along came that *&^%$#g trudeau. “

  8. Got bored last night and decided to watch Atlas Shrugged “again”. Watching it this time sure made what was happening in this world look like a prediction of what’s to come. The similarities are uncanny , the acting is not the greatest but the message is still there. I remember in HS this was on our reading list. That and The Fountain Head. Both great books. Steve O

  9. Un-frickin’-believable. Who made this asshole God? “Geo-engineering.” The planet has survived atmospheric CO2 concentrations of >7000ppm. We barely made it out of the last glaciation because of low atmospheric CO2 concentrations, FFS.

    U.S. Start-Up Starts Making Clouds To Stop ‘Climate Change’


    From a related article on AmThinker:

    “…can I start a competing firm, Make Sunrises, and leverage its resources to shoot down the balloons Make Sunsets is using to launch reflective clouds into our stratosphere?”


  10. FTFY…

    “Poilievre didn’t go far enough in denouncing Trudeau: political scientist”

    Poilievre didn’t go far enough in denouncing anti-Trudeau flags: political scientist


    “Lori Williams, an associate professor of policy studies at Mount Royal University, says Poilievre’s comments may lead to more discord.”

    1. Associate professor? Well, saaaalute…
    2. Ah, yes, that sage university, Mount Royal…
    3. As opposed to, say, everything Blackie says or does creating discord?

    Hey, Lori, here’s two-bits worth of free advice for ya: If Trudeau wasn’t such a shitty leader & a complete & utter Western Canadian-hating asshole, we wouldn’t be calling him out for it. Now, go back to school. Learn something.
