12 Replies to “Shutting Down Alberta”

  1. Yes, I’m all in. First priority though is to finish the task of removing all the oil and coal.

    1. and how do you plan on heating your residence. or fuel for your vehicle. YES even if it is an EV, where do you think that power comes from? thin air? No, your power most likely comes from natural gas, hydro or coal and maybe even nuclear? Think about it before you reply…..It might surprise you what the answer is………….the wrong answer is GETTING RID OF GAS AND OIL……….

      1. I think Walter meant to finish the task of removing it by extraction and burning, no matter how long it takes……I will keep doing my part.

  2. The provincial election here in Alberta is going to be so important. The future of my province and modern society depends on a UCP win.

  3. Why you people are still a part of this confederation just goes to show you’ve got a shit-ton of stupid out there.
    Battered Wife Syndrome X100.

  4. “Just transition” … is this about going electric? Transitioning is all the rage now…..

    That would be about as smart as cutting off your d*ck to spite your face.

  5. What a good idea. CBC should be run on solar power only, entirely from solar panels on the roofs of their buildings. This might cause some interruptions in broadcasts, but that shouldn’t be a problem. It will give them incentive to improve their efficiency.

  6. I can’t open CBC links as I blackholed them in my DNS server a long time ago. They have nothing whatsoever that I am even remotely interested in.

  7. That reminds me of BC where every time the NDP (their socialist tag team partners, until recently flying the Liberal banner – almost as evil) are returned they decide that they have too much forest industry and offer the equivalent of “learn to code” training to buy off their in house union leader brain-trust. The current sociopath in charge is now a servile drone to the ENGOs that funnel San Francisco trust money to their corporate welfare addicted branch plant hysteria pimps. He is on record saying he wants to double the existing “preserves” which could put another 70,000 people out of work. All part of Agenda 2030.

  8. Why are we still listening to these fools and bandits?
    They hate us.
    They have told us so repeatedly.
    Every action they take demonstrates the same.
    Could be the very first time they have been honest with us for decades.
    I believe them.
    The New Nation of Buffalo will be created ,when enough taxpayers in the West accept the evidence of their eyes,ears and bank balance.
    Dear Leader,Justine the Petulant,will be remembered as the creature who finally put the old kleptocracy of Confederated Can Ahh Duh down.

    Assault Style Liberals will be driven back into their walled cities,where they can ply their perversions amongst themselves.
    Will any Albertan miss Edmonton or Calgary?
    If Buffalo bans the Welfare State,the outflow of parasites will be heartwarming.

    We must separate while Justine’s Eastern Fantasy Land still stands,so that the freeloaders have somewhere to flee to.

    1. “Will any Albertan miss Edmonton or Calgary?”

      Edmonton? An unequivocal, “NO!”
      Calgary? This much —> <—.
